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Everything posted by Duralminn

  1. MC'Chris(player) vs Element Final(cpu) Battle against Element Final. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  2. Red Arcueid(player) vs Saber Alter(cpu) Battle against Saber Alter. (I know that name of Saber in that banner was wrong, but it's late to change it..) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  3. Quite interesting char :) (but my mugen is 1.0..)
  4. Really thanks for saying like that :D And thanks for request too!!
  5. Aozaki Aoko(player) vs Black Battler(cpu) Battle against Black Battler. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  6. Orochi Ash MA(player) vs Dark Rain(cpu) This is a request for Mav3r1ck!! Really thanks for request :) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  7. Nanaya Shiki(player) vs Grappler Shiki(cpu) This is a request for Remzy!! Really thanks for request :) * I reuploaded video for editing lifebars If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  8. Hey. You'll see more awesome custom portraits again from now on :) I had some works at that lifebars.
  9. I wanted to give some changes in my lifebar.. at that moment that lifebar took my mind.. (I'm also sorry for that point.. that lifebar doens't have portrait space.. If i can, I'll change it a little)
  10. Ok request accepted!! Thanks for request :D
  11. Thanks for watching :D btw, Isn't that one is more cheaper than this??
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