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Everything posted by Duralminn

  1. Nanaya Shiki(player) vs Accelerator(cpu) Battle against Accelerator. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  2. Nice video :) Especially Alba Meira is impressive. Since I watched this..
  3. MC'Chris(player) vs Or-Orochi(cpu) Battle against Or-Orochi. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  4. Red Arcueid(player) vs Zeroko(cpu) Battle against Zeroko. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  5. Haha.. maybe I can't stop this guy even if I use Darksonic..
  6. I'm a fighting dog.

    1. llyyr


      I have no idea why I read it as "I am fighting a dog" the first time.

    2. JokerintheButt


      sarcasm is bad kid

  7. Kohaku(player) vs Dlanor A Knox(cpu) Battle against Dlanor A Knox. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  8. Thanks for watching :) Next, I'll do some works on lifebar maybe.. Not yet.. :D
  9. Nanaya Shiki(player) vs Oswald MA(cpu) Battle against Oswald MA. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
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