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Everything posted by Duralminn

  1. Orochi Ash MA(player) vs Final Goenitz(cpu) Battle against Final Goenitz. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  2. Impressive playing :D I want to have battle with you someday..
  3. Oh, one of my main char is here :) Is this video an AI battle or playthrough??
  4. Nanaya Shiki(player) vs Sephiroth(cpu) Battle against Sephiroth. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  5. Thanks for watching :) That's nice! Two Steps From Hell's albums are really nice. And thanks for introducing me another album that I didn't know. Suddenly, that two video's thumbnail pictures disappeared few weeks ago, but I recovered it just few hours ago :) (I don't know why they disappeared..)
  6. MC'Chris (player) vs Chadha(cpu) This is a request video for GreenZed! Thanks for request :) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  7. Red Arcueid(player) vs Parace(cpu) Battle against Parace. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  8. Interesting match :) Can I have a link for BlackHeart from first video?
  9. I really like EX'Shadows's works :D Thanks!!
  10. Orochi Ash MA(player) vs Igniz(cpu) Battle against Igniz. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  11. Kohaku(player) vs Wonder Woman(cpu) Battle against Wonder Woman. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
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