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Everything posted by Duralminn

  1. Orochi Ash MA(player) vs Curse seal(cpu) The second Orochi Ash playing, enjoy :) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  2. Another your playing video, that was nice match :D (That Iori looks pretty nice to play with) Hey, I also had a match with Evil Ash, too. I have a video in Youtube by private now. I'll upload that later too :)
  3. That is one of DSS's main attack to defeat stronger character.. :) (Then later, I'll challenge a match without using that skill) That stage's link is here. Maybe but this link is downed now.. Can you check this link too? I want to check it, but I'm not at my home now.. http://network.mugenguild.com/vibrant/Vibrant%27s%20Mugen%20Stuff/HD%20Stages/ Stage name is XX'Valley'XX. (I'm not sure that this stage is collect with that you want.. becuase there's no screenshot) I got that stage at Korean's Mugen Community, but to enter that link, you must register it (The BGM is custom)
  4. Dark Super Sonic(player) vs Legendary Super Saiyan(cpu) Dark Super Sonic's playing in a long time :) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  5. Hi, Shin Magus. I really impressed with your video (especially Sol) so if you don't mind, I have a request match.. :) How about a battle between Sol and this Boss Ridley (I already had a match with that, it would be a quite tough battle.. ) I want see your impressive Sol playing again :)
  6. I'll not show spoiler again this time.. :D
  7. Orochi Ash MA(player) vs Boss Magaki(cpu) I started another char, Orochi Ash (MA version, I love this) I'm not so good as AI, but I'll practice this diligently to defeat more stronger opponenet :) If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  8. MC'Chris(player) vs Orochi Ash MA(cpu) Another Orochi series of MA! I love this creator's stuff :) p.s. And this time, I practiced this Orochi Ash :D I'll upload his playing from now on. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  9. Oops, sorry, I was careless.. I'll be careful next time
  10. Oh your first playing video :D That was nice match! (You beat 4 without any loses, woah) I'm not so good at handling Iori but I think your skills pretty nice :)
  11. Thanks for watching :D Actually It was not easy for me either
  12. MC'Chris(player) vs Fliz & Flamme My first 1 vs 2 battle.. (Double cpu..woah) It's not so easy than I thought, but quite interesting match :D If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  13. Your playing is always impressive :D So nice!!
  14. Thank you :D I'll make better playing continuously!! (And I always see your video thread update, that's really amazing)
  15. Really thanks :D Thanks to your request, I could do this interesting match!!
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