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Everything posted by Duralminn

  1. Whoa, this is cool!! :D Really impressive video
  2. Only my personal opinion, but I hope the main image (title image) would be changed into new one.

    1. Winmugen11


      You do know the banner (aka main image) changes depending on which forum theme you use, right?

    2. Duralminn


      Really?? I didn't know about that at all :0

  3. It is only my personal opinion, but how about make one topic, and collect all posts at there? It's much looks neat and more people can see your videos easily :) Once again, it is my personal opinion and anyway, what a nice video!
  4. Not the I expected, but quite interesting..
  5. Aozaki Aoko(player) vs Yoko(cpu) The 3rd Aoko playing. If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
  6. Thanks for requests!! Request accepted :)
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