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Posts posted by Winmugen11

  1. He's fun to play)). About cheap... he have inflated stats(atk, def), so...


    so if you're really bothered by that, Black , you can always adjust his damage ouput by either editing his attack and defense parameters in his .cns file or adjust the hitdef of each state (if the former does not work) as explained here :

  2. I hope we can have a Role-Play Section. Imagine how many stories will begin to appear.


    Well I asked our awesome Admin Alexei if he could create a sub forum for the roleplaying and he already did. So I'd like to thank you all not only for bringing your needs under my attention, but also for sharing your input with each other and me.


    And of course special thanks goes to Alexei for making this sub forum possible.


    If any of you still have questions or certain needs, be it now or in the future, please contact me via PM so we can work things out.


    That said, happy role-playing everyone! :)

  3. Awesome first match Haniki! That fight did not disappoint me. I honestly thought even DG Rugal would not be able to top Rugal Hunar's hyper armour and insanely overpowered attacks but since I was rooting for him anyway, I'm glad he did. :)


    I noticed this shaky effect going on in your videos, is it something you added to your M.U.G.E.N or is it an effect you added while editing the video?

  4. I must say Duralminn, you're quite something you know?


    First you registered here and started a video thread in which you posted a lot of M.U.G.E.N videos.


    Then you actually happened to be very good with the characters you play as, which is a main reason why people really liked your vids.


    After that, your videos and your skill got so well known, you got tons of requests.


    And now here you are, having made a thread in which you share with us the name, origin of and songs themselves you use in every single one of your videos, which is not something every "Mugen Video Thread" owner does, in fact you're the first one I know of who did that.


    So thank you Duralminn for that great initiative of yours. I and undoubtedly many others here approve! good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


    P.S. You've done some amazing work with the banners you use for each video, that also directly link you to the battle itself. That's very user-friendly and as such, very thoughtful of you. ;)

  5. Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


    1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


    2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


    3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


    Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?

  6. I've been told recently by Darkflare that he thinks this thread is becoming too crowded and that having a separate section for it might be the solution.


    Anyone else here thinks the same? If so, would you agree on a separate section?


    Preferrably I would like a response from everyone here (Magio, Kaiser, Dumanios, Rice, Lightflare, TimeWeaver, etc...) so I have everybody's thoughts on the matter.

  7. Since you take requests, I'd like to see two matches :


    1) a match between Dark God Rugal and Rugal Hunar, both of which can be found here on this forum.


    2) a second match between Magician Type 0 by KaL and Mictlan EXE from Tales of Destiny, both of which can also be found here on this forum.

  8. I quite enjoy your Spec Ops Mayhem series so far, mainly because of the skill you present with not so overused characters.


    I have an estimation of how much Spec Ops characters there are but how many parts will follow after this one? I guess only one, maximum two?

  9. Hi Tizius,


    Just a quick heads-up, I saw you posted screenshots of what you're after in a new post while you could also just have edited your first post and added them to that one.


    That's why I already did it for you by having "merged" your two posts, okay? :)

  10. There is indeed a rule for not bumping a thread but it currently only counts for the NEWS and RELEASES sections of the site.


    However just bumping a thread, be it your own or not, by posting a single word like "bump" just to put it back on the top of the WIP overview page is considered spamming which is against the forum rules.


    So NFS, as Trini said : don't bump something if you don't have anything to add.

  11. That's indeed not the version I am looking for. As you can see, the one you linked uses Iori's classic sprites while the one in question uses those of Another Iori.


    Personally I don't have any more info about him. I just saw him in a couple o' vids, figured I'd like to have him, searched the internet far and wide and didn't come up with anything.


    Even so, your help is appreciated still, Haniki!

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