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Posts posted by Winmugen11

  1. I believe that posting a palette request in the Request Section still falls under the "do not request stuff to be made" rule. If you want a palette for a certain character, you can either :


    1. Learn how to make it yourself




    2. Check out which people here have a palette topic in the palettes subforum and ask them, be it via PM or in the palette topic itself if they are willing to accept a palette request, if it's not said already they do or do not in said palette topic.

  2. Like KOtik said, do not rep yourself up as it's an unwritten rule here you shouldn't do that. If you do, it's highly frowned upon which trust me, you don't want as you don't want to be known for repping yourself up constantly.


    Also I have to ask, you say you're a novice creator. What exactly do you mean with that? What can you do well and what is more difficult for you to accomplish? Have you made any content for M.U.G.E.N in the past?


    And finally, why do you offer to make something somebody else wants instead of making something YOU want? It sounds weird to me as it has been proven more than once if you make something you want to see made, it's much easier to stay motivated to keep working on it and eventually release a product with much better quality than if you take requests from other people.

  3. If MFFA's a heaven, does that mean i'm an angel *shot


    No, that means you're still the same ol' Airhead Goddess. :V


    Anyway welcome JMan! It's always nice to see a Sonic fan for me and I hope you'll share what you made already in terms of characters with us. For the rest, read and follow the rules and we'll stay friends lol.


    Enjoy your stay! ;P

  4. Can't say I can imagine Xenoverse for PC to be a good port, mainly due to what the controls could be for such a complicated DBZ game that is clearly made for consoles primarily.


    Heck I believe that DBZ only has a few other games for PC, the rest being for consoles, and those PC games we did get weren't all that amazing.

  5. Another great instalment that sadly marks the end of your Spec Ops Mayhem series. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it all the way through and will take your advice to "wait for more moojin videos". :P


    Though on a side note, JayJay, why do you upload every single video in a separate topic? What's wrong with making your videos more organised and accessible here by uploading them in your own "moojin videos" thread like Shirokino-Kaijinn, Dumanios, Duralminn, Haniki and many others?

  6. Whether it's going to be bad or not, at the very least it's sprites look 100% better than those of that other Greninja that is currently available for M.U.G.E.N.

  7. Hasn't this guy already created about 6 subar creations already? Does he even have a website?


    If by "subar" creations you mean half-assed rushed characters, then he has made way more than 6 crappy characters seeing as his current total character amount is 19.


    Heck he even made 14 out of those 19 characters in the timespan of one month. That should tell you enough about how this guy works and thinks.

  8. What a great match Haniki!


    I dare even say it is your best battle to date because of how well both God Rugals performed, combined with the fitting BGM and stage you used.


    Oh and I personally loved the finishers in round 2 and 3. ^^


    Btw thanks for the enhanced video quality! :awesome

  9. please send me the captain america thanks


    Come on man, I just explained earlier to peterpunkass why he may not request for anything else in a NEWS or RELEASES topic outside of what this topic is about. Did you not read that? It's literally only four posts above yours. :V


    Anyway, if you want that Captain America, post a request for him in the Request Station or PM Dissidia.

  10. Can't wait for the release :) 

    Stage from first pic dl?


    It's already released man, just click the Youtube video link and you can find the download link in the video description.


    Also if you really want that stage, PM Dissidia or post a request for it in the Request Station.


    Why? Because it's a rule not to go off-topic in a NEWS or RELEASES topic by asking info about or requesting for something else outside of what the topic is about.  

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