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Posts posted by Winmugen11

  1. Sorry for that. dunno how that happened . anyway its fixed now


    Took you long enough. For me it doesn't matter now though because  I already used my connections to get an early copy of DGR as soon as I saw my first screenshot of it. sigh-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519

  2. This part was as enjoyable for me to watch as your first one, mainly because you are skilled with a number of characters. Though please pardon me for asking but could you share the name of the first stage you used in your video and it's author's with me?

  3. I do recall he has one more special aerial move known as the "Moonsault Slash" in MvC2 in which Charlie performs something of a reverse Flash Kick, but instead of traveling up, he aims down. If this connects it will knock the other fighter down briefly.


    You might want to look into implementing that or not because imo it's his coolest special move.

  4. i fell once on the name of zero. when i found out its a megaman zero. i laughed at myself and i did not like myself laughing at me 


    If this is actually Capcom's Megaman Zero and not SNK's Original Zero, then this should be moved to the Capcom section.

  5. Not only is Kula Diamond one of my favourite KoF characters, but now a version of her has been made by one of my favourite authors as well? Indeed, this is quite a pleasantly surprising release DivineWolf!


    I've noticed that all your characters have a very "trademark-ish" small portrait, do you make them yourself by any chance?

  6. Oh how much you seem to love proving me wrong. I guess that's a sign you're a real friend, is it not?  :awesome


    Also please delete your giant spoiler, LOL and Meme face or put it in an actual spoiler. There's no need to capitalize everything so much or use such a large image sans spoiler.

  7. Carefull Mr Mod you are asking for thing about which you have rule "not to ask on other topic" u may :redcard:



    As much as you think you have busted me on not following a rule we moderators made, I'll let you know that rule only applies for things posted in the NEWS or RELEASES sections. smoking2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

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