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Posts posted by Winmugen11

  1. Found the problem. I set the timer in mugen.cfg to 0. I set it to none/infinite in the game option. Looks like my cousin wasn't kidding when he said configuring a mugen is not easy. Anyways thanks for the replies.


    Seeing your problem is solved, could you mark your "request" as answered?

  2. Hi zezegabe,


    Welcome to MFFA. Glad to see you have finally decided to register in order to start contributing to our humble little community. Could you tell us more about yourself?


    Aside from that, just make sure you've read and follow the rules and we'll be all good.



    hola i new in the forum


    Even if you're new, do not hijack somebody else's introduction thread. If you wish to make a proper introduction for us, make one of your own in which you tell us about yourself.

  3. Good match Haniki, and it's impressive you managed to pull of what Duralminn mentioned above me. Did you practice a while with Iori beforehand? How does it feel to play vs the cpu?


    Think you're ready yet to take on Gustam M - Type F and God Orochi - Type NF in a one on two battle for supreme superiority? 




    That was nice match! (You beat 4 without any loses, woah)



    Come on man, I hadn't watched the video yet before I read you said that, spoiling the outcome already for me. :(


    Think you could keep your comments as spoiler-free as possible?

  4. Another nice gameplay ^^ It's already hard for me to handle 1 CPU, but u can handle 2...hah! xD


    Haniki, I've noticed that everytime you comment on Duralminn's videos, you quote his entire video post, making one giant quote which is a big waste of space.


    Could you please be so kind as to, from now on, whenever you quote him again, to at least remove the video and the title from your quotes?

  5. Overall a good EXTREME video but seeing all the shenanigans the both of them pulled of, I wonder if it's somehow randomly decided when they'll take damage and when they do not. confused-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


    In either case I guess the God Orochi you used was actually God Orochi - Type NF, with "NF" standing for "No Fuck You".  :=D:


    Oh and :




    Gustab M type - F*** *** appears once again



  6. Instead of turning this into a debate about the concept of private characters, I take it your request has been answered Samurai. That Gogan you're after is a private character that was only released for a short amount of time (if I understand well) and it can't just be handed out to anyone because of that. 


    The only thing I can suggest is you offer a trade to those who have it (e.g. Kaiser & Dissidia) to see if they are interested. If they are not, leave it be. If they are, work it out.


    So Samurai, will you mark your request as solved?

  7. May I suggest that instead of naming your topic title based on your own opinion of what you're sharing (in this case Pretty Cool Iori Clone), to name it after what you are actually sharing so people have a better idea of what to expect?


    In this case renaming your topic title to "[iori Edit] Clone Iori" would be much more preferred by all of us, I am positive.


    If you want to edit your topic title, just edit your first post and you should be able to change it.

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