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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. I'd have to go with 3 too because the hair, skin and eye colour totally do not match with that one in my opinion.
  2. I wonder, after seeing the video if the "F" from "Type-F" stands for "Fuck you"? Also I take it you mean that characters difficulty level is.... ?
  3. Is this the same thing posted here : ?
  4. That's exactly what I have suggested to him already in a PM I sent to him earlier today but it's nice to see great minds think alike! ^^
  5. At the top of the page above your topic, I believe in the right hand corner, there should be a "topic moderation" button. Click it and then select delete. Then confirm and you're done.
  6. No worries, just delete this thread and all will be forgotten. ;D
  7. I've been very sceptical about this game, expecting it to not be any different than any previous CoD games since CoD4 even with the addition of the exo-suit. However after having seen some reviews, half of the people say this entry has alienated the franchise making it look too much like Titanfall (some comparisons are fair but others are not) while others say this is THE game that injects the CoD franchise with the life it so desperately needed. I might pick this up myself because I heard the single player is pretty good, certainly better than those of the past 4 games and multiplayer seems more fun than ever. But I'm still on the fence about this. Can anyone who has this game please be so kind to post his own pro's and cons about the game based on his own experience? I can then compare that with the reviews I've seen and my own thoughts in order to make a better informed purchase or not.
  8. Question : when Ironman or Ultron is flying across the screen at increasingly greater speed until they crash land down on the opponent, can they be hit out of it while still accelerating?
  9. A quich heads-up for everyone here : Dark God Rugal has been officially released today by the Glasses, featuring fixed and slightly improved sprites as well as updated A.I., CNS and AIR. Here are two video previews of how much more vicious he has become compared to his previous version : http://youtu.be/FQboHEezgJg http://youtu.be/MDhzK12kCJo And of course, the most important thing, here's the download link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/vcglgc5tw6lyzbs/DG.Rugal-KOFM.zip Enjoy folks! ;D
  10. Thank you Element for having done like I said. It's appreciated. And sharing is caring so you've got a good MFFA attitude too. :P
  11. He's already posted here you know : And even if you have posted a single file download link, it's better to not have two topics about the same thing on the forum, so why not delete this thread and post the link you've provided here as an alternative in the topic linked above?
  12. Yo Element, don't double post, especially if you're saying the same thing twice (in this case Enjoy). Please remove your post as it's not necessary. Now on-topic : Looks like a pretty sweet Iori edit. I've heard about Curse Seal but don't know if I actually have him in my archive or not. Regardless thank you for the share! :)
  13. I'm not sure if his story is the same in every TMNT animated series but here's his background from the 2012 TMNT TV-show :
  14. Flashy and having high combo-potential is just the way I like my SNK characters. However from the video I don't see anything I haven't seen done before with other countless Kyo and Iori incarnations for M.U.G.E.N but it's still nice for collection purposes so thank you. Mind elaborating to us about the bugs you found? I'm sure it will help many to decide whether to invest time in installing these chars or not.
  15. If there's anyone here to become the victim of a fatality, it will probably be the guy proofreading all those chapters depending on how long they are and how fast they are released. :V
  16. I can only confirm what the previous two people have commented so I'm just gonna go ahead and DL this stage already. Very likely it will earn a permanent spot in my stage collection!
  17. Very nice you decided to make one single thread for all your videos. Combine that with the fact you have linked us to all your other vids we might have missed out on and this topic will be great for people to keep up with your work!
  18. Uhm...no homo right? XD Also "WINGmugen11"? Am I some kind of angel to you?
  19. Alucard Hellsing made by Akimoto and edited by Dopefiend. Get him here : https://www.sendspace.com/file/q7io5b Happy Halloween Duralminn and gui!
  20. kazeatama has recently released a Len edit named "SeyaRen". Link : http://www.4shared.com/folder/suq6rfJ9/_online.html It also appears he made two other Len edits, named BigHakoLen and DonaiyaRen respectively. I'm not sure if they are part of the collection yet either. In case they are not, they can be added as well.
  21. Honestly it is unusual that Baldiel's stance has him facing his opponent with his back. Aside from that he looks like pretty much every other Orochi edit out there because I can't really see if, aside from his FX, anything makes him stand out from the Orochi Edits crowd. But nevertheless it is a nice small Halloween gift of you, Haniki so thank you! :)
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