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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. If you ever want something from Ryoucchi's screenshots, just hit him up with a PM bro. ;)
  2. Your work never fails to impress Alice. Another well done job to put on your resume. May I ask how you make those moving screenshots that show the entirety of the stage from left to right and vice versa?
  3. For the most part it is but asking for info about another character, other than the one the topic is about, is also considered going off-topic and therefore a violation of the forum rules. Also the thread I linked you too specifically serves to answer questions like "who made this character/lifebar/stage/screenpack/etc...", so post them there if you've got 'em.
  4. Please do not go off-topic and only comment in this thread if you've got something to say about Fritz Type G. If you want to know who made that Nina, ask here instead : http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/10524-does-this-exist-whos-the-author-of-this-creation/page-37
  5. If you want a tall character, how about any SF3 Hugo? And for groove bar using chars I recommend to use any CvS character (made by Warusaki3 or somebody else). That said, this doesn't really fit well in the request station so I'm moving this to MUGEN DISCUSSION. I hope your question will get more attention there and that you'll get the recommendations you're looking for at last. :)
  6. There are two versions of Eve by Hanma : Her normal version can be downloaded here : http://ux.getuploader.com/hanmahanma/download/50/Eve.zip There was also a AF version of her that, to some people, feels more complete than her "normal" version, but he removed it so you're gonna have to ask some other people for it. Also you may need a password to download her, in which case it's "nanako".
  7. What he said is pretty much true and I don't think I could have said it better myself. The request station only serves as a place to request stuff you personally need for M.U.G.E.N, not to request things like posting full games (if you want full games, just go to the full games collection here, on MFG or any other site) or collections. Locking and moving this now.
  8. Greetings everybody, I am currently looking for a Iori edit known as Iori Yasakani Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpGkIxbbodw as well as a Orochi edit by Blacksnow_ESQ. Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbbKkEk_q_o Any info is very welcome!
  9. It's pretty cool that Clayton managed to turn a character that has always been used as a striker (therefore having a limited number of attacks) into such a full-fledged and impressive character like this in which obviously a lot of work has been put.
  10. Winmugen11


    Alright so I analyzed the sprites of all Pokémon from Gen I to Gen IV and my final guess would be that the back is from Rhyhorn. Otherwise it can only be from a Pokémon from Gen V since 3 years ago Gen VI did not exist yet. Am I correct?
  11. Would you mind sharing your newfound knowledge with the rest of us so that anyone else having the same problem won't have to make a help topic about it anymore?
  12. Winmugen11


    Head : Unown (had to look this one up 'cuz didn't recognise immediately at first glance) Body : Golem Arms : Metang Legs : Heatran Shoulders : Regirock Back : Either from Klink, Klang or Klinklang (this is the only one I'm not sure about) Do I now win a sprite fusion request, Matt-Kun? :3
  13. I get that you forgot to remove something from that link, which can happen to anyone so that's okay with me. I also get that you like to make jokes, I do too. But there was no need to make a joke about how you were faster than me. Remember, this is still the internet so even if you point out you make a joke by putting in a smiley, people can still see it as an insult. I'm not gonna make a big deal out of this but please : next time think twice before calling people out on something in a joking fashion.
  14. I never thought I'd get to see this guy in M.U.G.E.N as he is my favourite HotD character and I always dreamt of seeing him in that engine. Shame he is both A.I. only and made by KaL but since you said you like him, I will actually give him a fair chance on this one.
  15. Even so, when one clicks your link, the first thing they see is how to download Winnie the Pooh, which is not what Yagoshi asked for. Also no need to be disrespectful to me by insulting me for "being slower" than you, okay? You shouldn't do that with anyone, be they staff or not.
  16. Mouser's Ryu, Ken and Akuma can be found in this pack alongside with all his other MvC characters : http://www.mediafire.com/download/dxacpbd0i6a1cc9/Mouser_Collection.zip
  17. That super you previewed in your video looks good and it has an impactful finisher, which I personally find very important for a super in general. Aside from that, it should come to no surprise for anyone that this is another solid release from you.
  18. http://www.geocities.jp/furiguri8823/index.html => click on the MUGEN tab, then under 'characters', click on the second name of the third row. That will take you to her character page which includes a download link.
  19. Winmugen11


    I curse thee Matthew. I was attempting to come up with a sprite fusion myself of Garchomp and Machamp but your superior British speed allowed you to outspeed me. >=[ Now I must ask thee, did you make it yourself or did you make use of a online Pokemon sprite fuser tool?
  20. Interesting, he seems to make use of a "SF-ism" and "VS-Ism" to change his gameplay style accordingly. I'll have to look into this further.
  21. First of all, thank you Duralminn for the BGM! Second of all, thank you once more for providing a direct Youtube link. It was not required but it did save me a bit of time thanks to you being so thoughtful. :) Lastly, coincidentally the link takes me to a playlist featuring "the most epic battle music of history" which I saw you checked out a lot over the past few days. I guess it's your go-to shop for stage BGM (regardless of whether it's for a recorded match or not) ?
  22. Duralminn, my friend, I'm glad to see you have made your return! :D You have no idea how much I have missed your ever so skilful videos and you even mastered a new character enough to record videos with it, which is great because in my personal and honest opinion, seeing the same 4 characters used over and over again (while always fun to watch) tends to get repetitive (I'm sure you know what I mean). Out of all the latest videos you've uploaded so far, your battle against Ridley impressed me the most. He really looked like a tough nut to crack but even though you lost once, you pulled it off in the end with a nice finisher in both rounds you won. ^^ May I ask, what's the name of the BGM you used in your Aoko vs Ryuko fight?
  23. Aw Gawd, those ladies look so hot. Especially Palutena who's my favourite one out of the bunch!
  24. If you already have a Rugal in the Tournament, I'd like to enter Orochi Iori by KILL as my second choice. http://www.4shared.com/rar/opXqn2VHce/OIori-Yagami.html
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