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Everything posted by Winmugen11

  1. If you thought that collecting 100 rings would grant you one extra life after death, you might have been playing too much videogames. If you thought having a fancy bracelet and shouting "Henshin A Go-Go!", would transform you into an asskicking superhero with movie effect powers, you might have been playing too much videogames. If you thought that putting a bunch of worms together and giving them weapons would result in an armageddon, you might have been playing too much videogames. You know you've been playing too much videogames if you expect to get a SS ranking at the end of each song you dance to in a dance competition. You know you've been playing too much videogames if you tackle somebody while playing football and shout : "Enemy Tango Down!" You know you've been playing too much videogames if your mom calls you to ask when you'll be home and you reply : "ETA 20 minutes!".
  2. Nice fight Haniki, I noticed a couple of things : 1) The amazingly beautiful new green colour of those lifebars, is that part of an update of the screenpack you're using? 2) The text that appears on the side whenever a character wins, it's different from what it usually is supposed to be. Is that also part of an update of aforementioned screenpack or did you change it? 3) Seeing Krizalid, Igniz and O. Zero next to each other, I noticed they all have white/greyish hair. K' and misty, who also are "part of" NESTS have the same hair colour as well. Given your KOF knowledge is sufficient, any idea how come? 4) Speaking of a number of NESTS members having the same hair colour, if Clone Zero is a clone from Original Zero, how come his hair colour is brown AND that he has a moustache, which no other NESTS member has? 5) Last but certainly not least, I like that Another Iori. Who is the author of the one you are using?
  3. I wasn't asking for characters. I was asking about those patches you and your friends have made because I've seen a lot of "KoF only" Youtubers use them in their M.U.G.E.N videos. Or let me guess, despite that they are "private" too? And you did not answer my question about whether you fight yourself in these videos or if they're all cpu vs cpu matches.
  4. Hey Manish, I'm wondering a couple of things : 1) Are all your matches cpu vs cpu? 2) Those UM effect patches you have made alongside your friends, are they publically available to download somewhere? 3) That Finest KO effect you have made alongside your friends as well, is that also publically available for download somewhere?
  5. If you've always hoped that whenever you throw a ball at an animal, it would go open and capture said animal in a nice pocket format prison, you might have been playing too much video games.
  6. Ryoucchi, that vertical cyan line on the left of your preview screenshot, is that a part of this Vergil's gameplay system, is it caused by the stage or is it something else?
  7. Seems like that Iori edit, at least in the hands of a CPU is all flash and no fight. :P Btw, it's really nice to see you're playing with more characters to develop extra skills though if I could complain, I'd say try to refrain from spamming projectiles for the majority of the fights you do with Orochi Ash.
  8. Looks pretty beautiful. Is the water animated? And what's your favourite Sonic game?
  9. Maybe you can add more to your collection if you pay a visit to the author's site here : http://saurer.web.fc2.com/
  10. First of all, the link leads to H-Goodman's. Secondly, he can still be downloaded from the author's site here : http://saurer.web.fc2.com/
  11. This was not made by V-Nix but by H-Loader. The former is just posting the latter's release in the NEWS section.
  12. That just goes to show you, you should always stay on guard until the moment you see your character roster again. But I have seen plenty of other people beat him and that OHKO laser is something he can not only pull of only once in an entire match (if he has used it before and get's knocked out in the next match, he won't pull it off and just stay down) but if he does it, it's easily avoided by jumping over it.
  13. As cool as ToSix-Styled Chuchoryu characters may sound, do these chars still have all the same beta issues? Because if they do, this will only make them a bit more fun to play as, but not better.
  14. Hmm, I wonder if you could ever win a match as DSS without using his super spindash attack at all... What's the name of the stage, if I may inform?
  15. Since the latest video of him you linked us to dates from June 19th 2013, and since it's now November 16th 2014, what's his current actual status?
  16. Mind sharing the name of the Font Cave you visited to make those logos? ^^
  17. I'm really digging the Logos man, did you make those fonts yourself?
  18. For the love of god, stop posting things that have already been posted : http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/17543-iori-may-crysuper-iori-by-zrc7xxx/ Is it that hard to use the site's search feature?
  19. Please Element, if you don't know how to respond, it's best not to do so at all instead of just posting a line of dots. Look we really like that you share nice edits but all we ask is that you change the way you post things. Generally, this is how your post must look like, lay-out wise, when you're sharing things : [Preview] Here you first post a preview of what you're sharing, be it in the form of one or more screenshots or a video. If possible, a video is preferred over images as it shows off whatever it is you're sharing much better than images could ever do. [Download link] Here you post a download link. If possible, post one that links to 4shared or Mediafire. [Comment] Here you post any comments you have about what you share. Try to keep your comments as objective as possible. Things like "cool FX" or "cool supers" are entirely subjective and don't help anyone at all. If possible, also include for which versions of M.U.G.E.N what you share works (DOS Mugen, Winmugen+, Mugen 1.0 or Mugen 1.1). If you have no comments at all, you may leave this part out.
  20. Wow, I really like those sprites of Yun, Yang and Yasuhiro and their Negatrix counterparts. If I'm correct, they are supposed to represent the sprite style of the MMBN overworld? And those logos also look awesome man! How long did it take you to make them? Did you make those logos and sprites all in GIMP?
  21. I've been checking out the user reviews on Steam for CoD : AW, since should I buy it, I'd buy it for PC. And overall the game seems to have gotten much more negative reviews than positive ones. This could very well be just because many people are jumping on the "CoD Hate Train" that's been running on the internet tracks for years now, just for the sake of doing it. From what I've gathered, the most complaints are that : - SP is a copy-paste from MW2's story - MP is laggy as hell, causing it to become unplayable - P2P servers instead of dedicated servers (which were promised to us but we still haven't gotten yet, and most people think we'll never will), make for an excellent opportunity for hackers to run rampant - The game blatantly ripps-off elements from various other games and tries to give it a "CoD-Sauce", which for most people doesn't make it that innovative at all Now I'd like the opinions of people I trust a bit more than random reviewers on Steam and who also got the game so : do you guys agree with all points mentioned above? Why (not) ? Do you have the same problems on console? Is it justified to call this game trash just because it's not innovative enough and "just the same old thing with a slightly different coat"? Actually, is it justified for gamers to expect that every game released should be innovative in one way or the other? And rip it apart if it doesn't manage to be that sufficiently or at all?
  22. Pro-Tip : If you take a screenshot from a video as your preview, it's better to just include the video as it shows the character off more than a simple image can do. So yeah, here's the video in question : http://youtu.be/6JzBaWAIu7U Personally I think this Element looks really...odd and twitchy compared to other Elements I've seen so far. But with a name like Ultimate Element, one could expect that.
  23. My friend, you look like a barrel full of explosive swag...one that's in a suit, that is. XD But seriously, great first pic man. Your style, like my homie Light said is indeed "impeccable". The second pic is alright too but I dunno man...a CROM Lando without sweet sexy sunglasses is like a LightFlare who doesn't walk the path of the warrior or an Alp with correct knowledge of spelling.
  24. I came to this thread, I saw a new video and I curse myself for having clicked the spoiler, effectively spoiling the match for me a bit already. :V Anyway, how come their super meters kept filling themselves up at such a fast pace, allowing them to spam super after super? Is that something you do by pressing a debug key or can you configure that in your Mugen.cfg somewhere?
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