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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman...

  2. Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman Jumpman...

  3. Is it hard to bear Prodigal TrailBlazer? My overwhelming power? It's weight? it's.... girth?

  4. Howdy there folks. I'm Cook4251. Look at my MFFA hat. 

  5. Now that I remember, I had Superman 64 in my early gaming days, and played it a lot and somehow passed the first level. My older brother bought it for me.

    Well, childhood ruined...

  6. He punched me in the dick. Why? Why do they keep punching me in the dick?!

  7. Trying some stuff with 1,1...Does these looks nice enoght stage for a boss fight?





  8. Howdy there! I'm Android 13! Look at my Trucker Hat!

  9. @Mister Fael Did you happen to watch Super Android 13  abridged by chance?

  10. @Mister Fael Did you happen to watch Super Android 13  abridged by chance?

  11. TFW someone argues that Bubsy 3D is a better game than Super Mario Bros due to not having any glitches. SMH.

  12. Hellsing Abridged has been delayed :| But at least we'll be getting the Super Android 13 movie this weekend.

  13. No surprise to knowing that Dhalsim was going to be the next reveal in SF5.

  14. Got a purple star in MFG for my palettes, XCOTA voice rips, and solved requests! YAY ME!

  15. No surprise to knowing that Dhalsim was going to be the next reveal in SF5.

  16. Nothing quiet like watching Batman and eating my awesome homemade spaghetti.

  17. Lol Nintendo got salty about Pokken's poor sales, so they DMCA'ed Pikaman and Route 203 in retaliation. FFS Ninty....

  18. Wow there are a lot of racists people on the Star Wars Episode 7 trailer just because the main character is a black jedi.... I guess people did not like Mace Windu then because he was black lol.

  19. TotalDramaXtremist is dead? MMM! Mister Fael. Get him. MMM.

  20. So the New Orleans Saints cut the Falcons streak. Who Dat say dey gonna beat dem saints? 

  21. As you can see, Utsuho Reiuji is my favorite Touhou waifu.

  22. As you can see, Utsuho Reiuji is my favorite Touhou waifu.

  23. After fighting with laziness, NGBC Collection is updated.

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