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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. happy birthday

  2. Happy Birthday, dude.

  3. Looks like someones about to have a meltdown. Hope they don't go absolutely nuclear...

  4. Happy Birthday, dude.

  5. Happy Birthday, dude.

  6. god damn it why the my YT link wont turn into a vid WTFh is this...

  7. I feel a bit better now, thanks everyone for the condolences and positive vibes. I'm still grieving but trust me, i won't abandon no one here or anything. But we're redoing the house for her and a few days family's gonna be over and i'll give you guys updates and such. Thanks again everybody.

  8. I feel a bit better now, thanks everyone for the condolences and positive vibes. I'm still grieving but trust me, i won't abandon no one here or anything. But we're redoing the house for her and a few days family's gonna be over and i'll give you guys updates and such. Thanks again everybody.

  9. I feel a bit better now, thanks everyone for the condolences and positive vibes. I'm still grieving but trust me, i won't abandon no one here or anything. But we're redoing the house for her and a few days family's gonna be over and i'll give you guys updates and such. Thanks again everybody.

  10. Ok, explain this.......


  12. Reminder to people complaining about KOF XIV's visuals. KOF 98 came out a year after SF3. KOF XIV looks bad which isn't a question, does it play bad though, from what i see so far, not at all. It's gonna get better despite the visuals.

  13. Claptrap Dubstep


  14. Guess i should quit reuploading files to Mediafire for a while, it keeps deleting files for no reason. Not even single "copyright infringement" messages were given

  15. So the viewings on Monday Night raw went from 5.36 million to 2.96 million. Predictable storylines now.

  16. So the viewings on Monday Night raw went from 5.36 million to 2.96 million. Predictable storylines now.

  17. Personally, i'm not at all upset about the Kombat Pack 2 trailer. But i've yet to see the extent of LeatherFace's game play.

  18. Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes. :goodmood:

    After I get off work im going to Hang with my Mom and Dad  for awhile  . Im not going out Drinking this time which I usually do on my birthday but this time Im not going to get Drunk.

    Spend more time with my family and or course Hang around MFFA if I be available that is LOL! XD

  19. When your 4 year old niece sees you on MFFA and she starts pointing at touhou characters. Today she called Marisa Kisame witchy, then called Remilia Batgirl, and Hong Meiling Fight Fight.

  20. Personally, i'm not at all upset about the Kombat Pack 2 trailer. But i've yet to see the extent of LeatherFace's game play.

  21. And so i strike, like an unseen dodgeball in an echoing gymnasium.

  22. "The fuck is a UVARD?!"

  23. Mister Fael, are you ready to do some euro training?


  25. I Wonder if Yamori X will give his older characters precise AI like he did with his waifu Lilith.

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