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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. I love MvC2's music but I also kinda feel it's a bit of an odd choice for such a game, especially compared to MvC1.

  2. All the Youtube to MP3 converters are not working. I am very sad.

    I needed to convert Cold Pipe and Rooftop Reality, but now this is very impossible...

  3. Thanks to my ignorant brother and his friends, thanksgiving was ruined and my mood was killed.

  4. Idk why everyone's complaining about Sheamus cashing the MITB at the right moment. It's called "The Perfect Opportunity".

  5. My first time trying a calzone(Steak and cheese) and it's pretty darn good to say.

  6. @Daniel9999999 Daniel san, Daniel san *Hong Miing voice* I like that concept you did on Bart's Nightmare Lifebars. Hoooooh MILINNNNG!!!

  7. M2AF: The battery on my laptop is close to giving out and my pen pal is currently going to provide with another soon. If i'm not on, it's due to the battery going dead.

  8. Is Jmorphman's site down?

  9. i fucking hate Goenitz TORNADOES EVERYWHERE and final goenitz is even worse....

  10. Lesson for today: threatening a mod is never a good idea, especially when you've had prior warnings from months ago.

  11. So that leaked roster for KOF 14 is true. 

  12. So that leaked roster for KOF 14 is true. 

  13. I always liked the big portraits people contributed to screenpacks and out of curiosity, is it harder than it looks or is it easy once you get the hang of things?

  14. I always liked the big portraits people contributed to screenpacks and out of curiosity, is it harder than it looks or is it easy once you get the hang of things?

  15. I always liked the big portraits people contributed to screenpacks and out of curiosity, is it harder than it looks or is it easy once you get the hang of things?

  16. I hope this week goes by fast.

  17.  Dizzy's Characters and Yamori's Lilith update are nice! All i need now is Kamekaze's Belmont and Edward to be released.

  18. Bout time Ronda Rousey got knocked out. And the memes are starting on Twitter.

  19. Bout time Ronda Rousey got knocked out. And the memes are starting on Twitter.

  20. TFW you typo "Master Hand" as "Mister Hand" in a google image search and get pictures of horse porn...

  21. vs Geese Howard..DOUBLE REPUKEN!!!!

    vs M bison...PSYCHO CRUSHER!!!!!

    vs omega rugal...GENOCIDE CUTTER!!!!


  22. A taste of what's to come from me in the GFX department..........


  23. Is it me or am i the only one who doesn't take keyboard warriors on social media seriously? Why do people have the needs to judge people on here like they've known you all your life? Facebook at its finest.

  24. Adblocker vanished from Chrome, what the hell?

  25. Gosh it's been a while, my net only works in the morning now, not sure why, glad to be back! I missed this site, how was everyone's Halloween? Me, I'm still struggling with school and just trying to get everything done, For now I need to catch back up on what I've missed over the last few weeks...

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