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Status Replies posted by Cook4251

  1. Well well Dio. Looks like i just violated your manhole.... -FANFIC DUEL- cover.

  2. @Daniel9999999the link for Yamori's Lilith on mediafire isn't loading for me.

  3. Well well Dio. Looks like i just violated your manhole.... -FANFIC DUEL- cover.

  4. This beyond wrestling, now explain this. LOL!


  5. I miss the LightFlare Saga. Hopefully, a part 2 will happen.

  6. http://mugen-infantry.net is gone, and the domain name is expired, what a shame.

  7. They were really hard punches.

    Not as hard as my dick.

    Wait what?

    When i fucked your girlfriend.

  8. Well at least Elsa and Anna arent in Mugen yet.

  9. You're way out of your league little duck!

  10. Computer is back!!!! Now Free Hugs!!!



  11. Someone quick give me a Christmas hug!

  12. Sony has been winning this year.  They gotten the exclusive rights to the FF7 remake. Gotten Capcom out of near bankruptcy to make SF5 while making them change their business practices. Aided in Shenmue 3's kickstarter. Teamed up with Platinum Games to work on a sequel to Nier. And formed a partnership with Kojima!!! Sony is fucking Santa Claus.

  13. I hate having an itchy throat... any home remedies that anybody can recommend?

  14. I hate having an itchy throat... any home remedies that anybody can recommend?

  15. So Bayonetta was revealed in Smash 4. Now let the butthurt commence...

  16. So Bayonetta was revealed in Smash 4. Now let the butthurt commence...

  17. So Bayonetta was revealed in Smash 4. Now let the butthurt commence...

  18. Happy bday Cook. I know I'm late.

  19. Kinda late, but Happy B-day Cook! o/

  20. happy bday cook

  21. Happy Birthday to you Cook, I see that the banner got updated with more chars, too bad there isn't anyone unique on there...

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