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Status Updates posted by Zemilia

  1. There's always a moment where every moment I spent alone, the feelings I had from Middle/High school are creeping back to me.. And those are not good feelings by any chance.

    1. Zemilia


      Doesn't help that at times; I feel like I'm an idiot in front of everyone... I'm not an idiot.. am I?

    2. Winmugen11


      In my eyes you're not an idiot and even though I don't know you all that well, I believe you are one of the few people on here with whom I can have a serious conversation if need be.

  2. *Activates Instinct Mode* Just try and break my armor.

    1. Gaulbetti


      *Gets smacked by combo breaker.*

    2. Shinzaki
    3. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      well guess what im a pirate

  3. So... there's actually a band called "BABYMETAL".. and despite the name, you'll be surprised on what they actually are.

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      lemme guess: country

    2. Zemilia


      Nope. J-pop mixed with metal... Yep.

    3. DuckAzz


      so somthing like nu metal huh? are they emos?

  4. It's that time of the year again.. You know what ya'll need to do. ;)

    1. Gaulbetti


      *Smacks brother awake*

    2. Winmugen11


      I know what to do but I'm still wrapping my head around the mystery of who you are since I don't remember seeing you around here before >-<

  5. Not to "reveal" myself, but I wonder how many people around here are going to know who I actually am. :P

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      starts with a z ends in an A ...all im saying =)

    2. Darkflare


      Or we could just look at your name history.

    3. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      darkflare is right. you failed

  6. So, you play fighting games, eh? Please tell me which one you play other than your only one being MUGEN while I just sit here and just nod my head.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sweetfire13


      Yuru-Yuri Pajama Fighters

    3. Wargame-kun
    4. Zemilia


      ..Did not expected this much responses from a status update. Thanks, I guess. (So much for "replicating" that little meme my friend usually uses on FB).

      @Ume I noticed how poor my sentence structure is as well. I was tired and sleepy anyway. (I want to also edit my post so that I can give it a proper structure, but there's seemingly no way to. So, I just left it there).

  7. Someone refresh my memory on why I'm in this forum for?

    1. Sweetfire13


      Because we love you.

    2. Laharl


      how can anyone remind you of something only you yourself know?

    3. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      DOWNLOAD CHARS. and..because you friended to some people here except me.

  8. Idk what got me to do it, but I just beat Angel Star Road.. I was surprised by the fact of how they handled the final boss.. Holy sweet mother of god she's surprisingly hard to beat.

    1. Gaulbetti


      What's that? Is it a Game Maker game?

  9. *eating a sandwich* ...What?

    1. Vality


      If you don't want then give it to me.

    2. Kanbei


      Don't you know that radioactive material your eating in your sandwhich?

    3. Darkflare


      *taps with baseball bat*

      yo, what's up?

  10. So.. The 5th char for USF4 is revealed. Expected it to be a doll, Half expected it to be a semi-Cammy clone. (SFA3 did it anyway, so why am I surprised?) ...Still doesn't stop me from thinking about using her, though.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Really should've been Mike Haggar.

    3. Zemilia


      And.. I heard that it's a charge char.. Still wanna learn her though. :P (But I'm more comfortable with Quarter motions)

    4. Aster


      Wait, isn't she the already made for MUGEN?

  11. Almost got a chance to fight DSP in a fighting game.. I wonder how bad it would be if I decide to apply a little thing I like to call "Lights only"?

    1. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      u should had kicked his ass then watch him throw insults at u

    2. Zemilia


      I just want to do this just to see how bad he is at Fighting games. (As in, how BAD he is)

    3. The Unexpected Visitor
  12. Whelp, that escalated quickly. Now how am I gonna test out my "Phoenix Wright" mode now? ...*Intensively stares at all of you*

  13. Why is it that a thousand, or millions of people can set of one and gain little noriety.. yet one single person can set off a thousand/million, and gain so much?

    1. RicePigeon


      Because none of those thousand are any good at sucking dicks...

    2. The Unexpected Visitor
  14. Why does everyone seemingly in a bad mood like.. right now?

  15. Whelp, today's Valentines day. Might as well spend a day on either playing as Valentine in Skullgirls, or go to a store and just watch how everyone spends their valentine. Either way, I'm good.

  16. Happy New Year everybody! I have a feeling 2014 will be fun. ;3

    1. Galvatron


      Happy New Year! =)

  17. Quick question: Anybody remember the name Smithy Werbenjaegermanjensen?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Remzy


      I'll give you a million dollars for that hat!

    3. Cook4251


      He was number 1.

    4. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      i know that markiplier does.

  18. Merry christmas everyone, and have a happy holiday. :)

    1. Jho


      Merry Christmas

    2. Galvatron


      Marry x-mas =)

  19. I feel like Street Fighter is now a game.. That I pretty much owe everything to.

  20. Don't even know what to put in here.

    1. Celest


      Sup Zemil your here too? Lol should come in chat once in awhile

    2. Laharl


      if you have nothing to say don't say anything.

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