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Status Updates posted by Zemilia

  1. No hurry there Mugen creators. You just go ahead and do some bug fixes along with adding shiny effects to make your char, I'll just sit here eating a ham sandwich.

  2. Random documents and audio logs. We find them stuck to notice boards, we find them under dogs. We're gonna put them in a file and give it a review, and we're bored of all the gameplay but we've got nothing else to do.

  3. Someday, I just want to spread my wings and fly away from all of this.

    1. Zemilia


      ALso, I apologize in advance fir the emo sounding post. Not feeling well due to recent events (personal ones too).

    2. DartzPie


      Only if was a penguin... :'(

  4. Spacing, zoning, controlling your space? Is that really your best strategy? I just keep punching till I hit something.

    1. Reigizuo_78


      He actually said less but still funny xD

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      You know the basics!

  5. So... about to get my first win via insta-kill in GG Xrd on ranked. Unfortunately, my opponent rage-quitted in the middle of an insta-kill.... I'm at a loss for words for what I just saw.

    1. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      dang thats sucks didnt know you could do that

  6. Merry Christmas, ya lovely people.

  7. Real life? Never heard of that server.

  8. I may not be confident with my answers, but I hope I do really well on Finals week.

  9. I game, therefore I am.

  10. So many fresh meat for me to dine on~

    1. Doomguy


      Correction Rize, you mean 'So much fresh meat for me to dine on'.

    2. The Unexpected Visitor
    3. Magus Tohno

      Magus Tohno

      I dine nothing. :v

  11. Remember when Bowser's grab is too good to yourself off and still win? Well now you can't do that crap anymore, otherwise you get yourself killed.

    1. Zemilia


      *throw yourself off

  12. For anyone that has Smash for the 3DS (and soon the Wii U), I want ya'll to do this to see if you're good: Go to Smash, set the CPU to lvl. 9, set it to team battle, and have the CPUs team up against you.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Darkflare


      Instead of buying video games, Diffbok should be getting anger manage,ent classes instead, because obvioously he can't control his anger.

    3. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      Skill is not determined by beaating overleveled cpus. its determined by beating other player until they cry and give you thei lunch money.

    4. BrawlTheMan


      kung fu spongebob, my friend, remember what Pokemon Red and Blue told us. "don't throw the game, throw poke balls instead!"

  13. A certain mask just came by my door this afternoon... Just what I needed.

    1. Winmugen11


      A Hollow Mask it was, by any chance?

  14. Hmph. You're not worthy prey.

  15. Thought the "Fake" Ecole thing is done, but it seems like 4 more got the boot (Kohaku, KisaragiRyuto, and Micheal Armano's MB edits, along with Ryun).. I'm starting to doubt here.

    1. DartzPie


      we should have back ups :L

      until this ecole issue blows over

    2. Ryon


      ecole? what is this ecole issue?

    3. Darkflare


      It's the fake Ecole being assholes.

  16. Been hearing all the hate on how Little Mac is just too strong in Smash Bros or something.. I don't see it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrawlTheMan


      I didn't see how metaknight was OP in brawl either

    3. Laharl



    4. Galvatron


      Mac is just a combo happy character so all you need some one to counter against him. Why do you think their are a good bunch of characters that has counter measure moves.

  17. Going to spend a week without my Laptop for now. Reason why: Charger dying, and getting a new one by next week. I'll still be around, however (Just either on my brother's computer, or on my Xbone for the time being)

  18. A Hype-ass dog? In my SSB? ...This will be fun.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Wait, that dog is actually in Smash 4? Oh my god...

    2. MugoUrth


      Who will get the last laugh?

  19. So, I now have SSB in my hands.. 2 words: Bring it.

    1. Galvatron


      Oh I will once i get the game downloaded to my 3DS. >:-)

    2. PlasmoidThunder


      It is also mine >:D

  20. *Picks Megaman* *Does nothing but Shoryukens on poor dudes*

    1. Galvatron


      LOL! pretty much

    2. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      i ended up mastering the metal blade.

  21. "Where I go, I just don't know. I might end up somewhere in Mexico. When I find my, peace of mind. I'm gonna keep ya for the end of time."

  22. Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under the Crimson Air

  23. I think I need a new laptop later on. The one I'm using right now is scaring me (BSOD reasons).

    1. Алексей


      Download WhoCrashed. It analyzes BSOD reports and will help you get to the bottom of them. Sometimes it's as simple as uninstalling bad drivers.


  25. So.. someone feels insulted, and in response locks a topic he started. ...Seriously?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Laharl


      secondly darkflare was not that bad considering wood just over reacted once again. I alredy talked to him though and he stopped his rants.

    3. NotAGoodName


      Don't act like you don't know.

    4. Laharl


      hey I told you to stop so you stop k? You have no reason to talk about me when I had nothing to do with this. I know what you are referring to and I was entirely in the right. I even talked to wood in pm's and got it straightened notice he doesn't rant anymore? so yeah keep my name out of this unless I am actually involved.

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