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Status Updates posted by Zemilia

  1. The Star Wars Hype is real. Literally.

  2. Why are people so impatient every time a Sm4sh update comes around the corner (by tomorrow, in fact)?

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Something about Smash makes people lose their damn mind. It's not all that for me personally, but each their own. But still, I dont understand the going apeshit about it everytime, period.

    2. TotalDramaXtremist


      I bide my time like those who can actually bother to avoid getting spoiled.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      They're all so excited over seeing their favorite character in the game, being that today's the last direct, there's a lot for the fans to be hyped about.

  3. Ryon, you better fix asap. I can't see shit in the status update.

    1. Zemilia


      Also, this only happens in deviant theme. But still need in fix plz.

    2. Ryon


      Alexei has to fix it, not me. I don't know how to edit the CSS for the deviant theme.

  4. For anyone that only plays on PC: http://arcsystemworksu.com/arc-system-works-releasing-5-titles-on-steam-by-summer-2016/

    They're finally coming out of their caves.

    1. Niitris


      All Xrd DLC is free for the first month. And it comes out today at $30.

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I already knew about CP Extend since i'm saving money for it, but HOLY SHIT XRD! Too bad it's Sign and not revelator.

      And i lost interest in In-Birth and Melty Blood is boring for me.


  5. It's back,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      What about Foster's that was my show back in the day, I'm not surprised this is gonna be on AS though.

    3. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Finally this show will get the proper ending it deserves.

      Man, if only Mako was still here to do Aku's voice. I hope the new guy will sound just as badass.

    4. Galvatron
  6. There's so many good stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day. And because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everyone lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. They'll never know if the day's really saved. In the end.. they just had to have faith.

    Ain't that a bitch.

  7. For you:

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Thanks Zemilia, that's real nice of you.

  8. In case the two status updates below me didn't convince you, here's proof:

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      She looks a bit like Ingrid...


      That's pretty great that she's back, none the less.

  9. So... King of Fighters XIV is actually coming out.. bad news: It's looking like Maximum Impact 3.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Doomguy


      So then. This game is going to have PS2-era graphics, eh? Oh well, considering how the only reason to play KOF:MI3 was for the extremely suggestive costume choices for the females.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      I hope this gets announced for PS3 or Wii U so I don't have to shell out big dough for another next gen console.

    4. Galvatron


      @Big Green: Less chance that would happen at this point in time since Sony and Nintendo are already starting to developing next Gen consoles in the next few years or so. :-P

  10. Summer has come and pass, the innocent can never last.

    Wake me up, when September ends.

    1. BrawlTheMan


      Aw damn it, I was gonna post that song >.<

  11. When you see yourself in a crowded room,

    Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped?

    Will you step in line or release the glitch?

    Can you fall asleep with a panic switch?

    1. Galvatron


      wow! thats catchy. {snaps fingers}

  12. Soo.. My laptop had a "delayed" moment where sound does not start up until around minutes later after it booted up to the desktop (and after a windows update too). Anyone know what's going on with my laptop?

    1. Galvatron


      Um.. what OS you have on your laptop?

    2. Zemilia


      Win 7. Starter ver.

    3. Galvatron


      Hmm.I don't know if I can help you much,  doe I did heard some windows-update problems on that version of windows.

      Then it could be your ram getting low sometimes it can effect performance and also your system drivers.

      Also make sure you have enough space on your hardrive when you update your OS cause sometimes a lack of space will cause a bad effect if the system files cant be updated all the way.

  13. One of the new bosses design from Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom has the "One Wing" motif.. Incoming "One-Winged Angel" playing.


    1. Galvatron


      Yep we should be expecting some memes of her being "one-winged"

      Doe alot of people could relate her to Nue considering she is from space as well.

  14. Yamori, this is for you:

  15. Tucker did it...

  16. Well, this year's USFIV Grand Finals in Evo was... fucking heartbreaking. Including the match before that too.

    1. sonikun


      I agree. That match was surprising and heartbreaking. I definitely wouldn't want to win a match like that.

  17. "Stand in my way... and you will die."

    1. Sir Ghostler

      Sir Ghostler

      "I don't like your attitude." *pulls out swords* "Let's do this."

  18. Just testiing out this "attachment" thing.


    1. Shinzaki


      Best Nisekoi girl right there.


    2. Galvatron
  19. This new site doesn't look too bad. Just needs a bit more fixing (like the mobile site and viewing the status update comments like the previous sitefor example), and it's good to go. Can't help but notice the "attach files", as a status update, though.

    1. Ryon


      im trying to see how I can make it display. still working on things.

  20. Lego makes everything now. Including Angry Birds (and no, I'm not making that up. They're making a lego set based on Angry Birds)

    1. Trinitronity


      I wont be even surprised anymore, if Angry Birds ends up getting a fighting game at some point.

    2. TheNoahGuy1


      Because they want MONEY

  21. Ever get that feeling that you thought you've seen enough until something else happened right in front of you? Umm.. About that...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      Yeah, Mugen...

    3. The Unexpected Visitor
    4. Trinitronity


      I guess Diffbok visited the dark side of MUGEN again...

  22. Concentration is all that I need.

  23. Whelp, siteadvisor went as far as blocking me from getting in MFFA now (as in no matter how many times I tried to get in, siteadvisor pops up with a "page not found" page instead of a "do you want to continue access" page). Idk how to get around it now.

    1. Zemilia


      Also, if you're wondering how I'm typing this, I'm accessing from my phone now.

    2. DuckAzz


      you must access through by typing a link of mffa on top of your browser.

    3. Demitri


      disable site advisor?

  24. Someone play the Final Fantasy victory fanfare, cause I just passed my driving test!

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