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Status Updates posted by Zemilia

  1. So, quick question: Who's saving who?

  2. Won't be on the net or anything Mugen related for possibly 3 days. Going to Las Vegas for a B-day thing (since I heard you have to pay in order to use the internet).

  3. Just found out an author I used to look up to back then (ESFAndy011) has a buttload of problems in his Ryu.. Everything is a Lie.

    1. Shinzaki




    2. Darkflare


      I could have told you he wasn't good if you asked.

  4. Dropping a combo is like dropping the soap. You know it's good once it's held, but if dropped; get ready for punishment.

    1. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      I now can see why some people LOOOVE to drop combos

    2. Darkflare


      Exception: Dropping a combo on purpose to go for a reset.

    3. Gaulbetti


      Not my fault. Gripple Grapple needs a buff, and so does Grabinator Grab.

  5. *Insert morbid-ass status to wait for long needless debate to come in with namecalling and shit*

    1. Kazagami


      I'll kill you with my Final Attack D*ckride

    2. Erroratu


      No Zem u gonn get bannd son

  6. So I just looked at the "new" Captain America. Is it me, or did it look like Steve Rogers (90 years old as of now from what I've heard) passed on the title of Cap America to Sam Wilson/The Falcon? Cause honestly... I kind of like the idea of passing the torch to a longtime friend.

    1. Roman55


      It's a lot better than just randomly making up a new character for this kind of thing in my opinion.

  7. Recently going back to watching Action movies that mostly revolve around Martial Arts.. Feels like I want to go back and learn it.

    1. Doomguy


      Lone Wolf McQuade, much?

    2. Winmugen11


      KFZ = Kung Fu Zemilia?

  8. Combo loops. Freaking loops everywhere.

    1. Алексей


      Better than infinite loops. XD

    2. Mister Fael
  9. "Everybody wants to rule the world"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Алексей


      Tears for Fears?

    3. Zemilia


      That, and the cover Lorde did.

    4. Алексей


      Psh, fuck Lorde lol. XD. (I'm a classic rock'er :P)

  10. Not one sec into actually playing Another World, and already I'm in love with this game.

    1. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      too bad once you're done with it the puzzles wear off, still a charming game to traver-wait a second are we even talking about the Another World I'm thinking of

    2. Zemilia


      Another World/Out of this World. An old PC Dos game. :P (Playing the 20th Anniversary edition)

  11. Well raise the fireworks at night, and watch the light show coming cause Happy 4th of July Everybody!

  12. Sometimes I just wonder what's the worse thing that can happen when it comes to feedbacking characters... Boy, did I just answered my own question last night.

  13. So... What's all the little thing about "Ask me" threads? This place slowly turning into a Q&A sessions?

    1. Shinzaki


      Blame Laharl.

  14. "The world will look up and shout 'save us'.. and I'll whisper, 'no' "

  15. Might be a stupid question, but is being a selfish prick that doesn't care about anyone's feeling other than yourself automatically makes you a bad person?

    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      that sounds kinda normal to me specialy on "Internet"

  16. I do stuff cause I know what's best for myself. ;P

    1. Winmugen11


      Yourself : because you're worth it. ;p

  17. *Activates Shadow Tiger Fury* Not today! Shoryuken!

  18. "The only time a man can cry is when he loses his wallet.

  19. When almost dead, DP for your life.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gaulbetti


      Down Punch? I think you mean Light Low Kick.

    3. Werewood


      SFII Ken's way

    4. djhero35


      @*Boom* He means Dragon Punch

  20. "The beat is rare!"

  21. Decided to not keep my word and come back anyway. Still recovering, but feeling a bit better.. Thanks guys.

    1. Dissidia


      Good to hear that.

    2. Xasor


      Take it easy man

    3. Alex S.

      Alex S.

      They were joking Zemilia. They weren't really believing you were Navana.

  22. Taking a leave of absense for a day or so as of now. Just not feeling too well thanks to what happened at MFG.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Erroratu


      not now,rimu,mommy and daddy are talking

    3. Dissidia


      Don't expect MFG to take things very maturely when it comes to ridiculous situations like this. Of course you're going to have idiots lurking around.

    4. DarkWolf13


      *Sighs* Is it me or am I really not paying attention to these situations at Guild every time I go there?

  23. *Just saw a familiar "name" on my skype* Oh shit..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shinzaki


      It means that [REDACTED]

    3. Zemilia


      @Dissidia There's an infamous "Daiyousei" right here, actually. I'll give you a hint on what his name actually is: Nav

    4. Dissidia


      Tenryuu I already know the history behind Navana as much as you do. I personally don't care anymore bro lol.

  24. On another news, I feel like jumping around like an idiot right now. Reason why: I Passed the DMV Writing test! Next up, some driving lessons, then the driving test.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Egnaro
    3. Darkflare


      Now comes the hard part.

    4. Winmugen11


      My sincere congratulations with achieving this milestone, Zem! ^^

  25. The fuck just happened? I just woke up and heard sonething about Regina actually being Navana.. I may feel gullible here, but something just doesn't feel right about this.

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