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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. The girl closed her eyes and let out a sigh, thankful that she at least managed to get the attention of one person. Nemesis: There's obviously some reason for why we're all here. I'm assuming we all got thrown into here by a portal that appeared out of nowhere, and have no idea where we are, so here's a thought: how about, instead of trying to kill each other because someone looks like someone you might know, we work together and try to find out where the hell we are? She took a glance towards the sun in the sky. Judging from its position, it should be almost noon by now, the sun more angled towards the east. She worked out some things in her head, falling silent for a moment before speaking up again. Nemesis: If I'm correct with my guess, this place is just like any normal place, meaning the sun still rises from the east and sets in the west. So... She opened her eyes and pointed an arm forwards, beyond the rocky hill. Nemesis: ...if we head in that direction, we should be able to at least exit the forest and possibly find some sort of vantage point that'll let us get a good view of our surroundings.
  2. Taking note of the new people around, the girl thought it looked like it was about time for someone to catch their attention. It seemed as though they were all put in the same area under different circumstances, so it would probably be very easy to get them to stop and listen...if they didn't kill each other first. She sent a death glare at both of them. Nemesis: WOULD YOU DUMBASSES KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF?! WE SHOULDN'T BE TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER!
  3. Her eyes widened at his comment. Nemesis: Wait, wait, wait, WHAT?! How do you even know something like that?! I can see losing stuff on you, but actual knowledge?! Just...just what kind of thing were you fighting that caused that?! She was thoroughly terrified by the mere thought of losing her precious knowledge. What if she, too, had lost knowledge and didn't even realize it, unlike him? She shivered, and quietly began attempting remembering things as she waited for his response.
  4. The girl quickly wrapped the bandages around his body as tightly as possible, making sure to make them wrapped properly so that they wouldn't happen to unravel during a rather intense battle, or while he was running. Once she had wrapped a sufficient amount of bandages around his body, she proceeded to use the katar to cut them loose and proceeded to secure the end within the tight wrap. She examined her work once more, then nodded. Nemesis: There, you should be a lot better in no time! You can go ahead and put your jacket on now if you want to. She was also trying her hardest to not focus on staring at his body for too long since she felt that it may suggest something else to him, which she wanted to avoid; she already had her sights set on someone else. With that being done, she decided to quickly move to the more important topic. Nemesis: Now, can you tell me if you've lost anything on the way here? I know that all of us wound up here by portal, but I might be the only one that has lost something as a result of coming here.
  5. The girl removed a roll of bandages from her left sleeve and revealed a katar in her right sleeve. Nemesis: You might wanna take your jacket off before I put these on you. It helps a lot more when they're applied directly to the skin since these are supposed to make healing a lot faster and less painful. It was a good thing she had two more rolls to work with, but she wished she had gotten far more from her mother before going out again. She had a feeling she was going to run out of them at some point, and she wasn't going to be using them on herself. It was probably best to keep the others hidden, in fact.
  6. The girl sighed. Great, another person who had no idea what was going on. It looked like this was going to be a common element, so reuniting with her friends and her belongings was probably not going to be happening any time soon. It seemed that she was going to have to get settled into this new world and ride it out until a chance to go home revealed itself. She closed her eyes, apparently thinking. Nemesis: You aren't alone. After staying silent for a few minutes, she opened her eyes and slowly approached him. Nemesis: May as well make the best of a bad situation. Where are you hit at? If she was going to stay here for a while, she may as well begin making new friends, and it looked like this was going to possibly be the first one. (@Sinjik)
  7. Wordlessly, Nemesis ran in the direction Tommy pointed in, disregarding his statement on his magic. Upon spotting the injured male, she came to a halt a distance away, glancing around the area quickly to make sure nobody was around and in plain sight before giving him her full attention. She decided to try and use her poor and non-existent psychic skills and see if she could guess what happened before he could tell her. Nemesis: Let me guess...fell into a portal during a fight? (@Sinjik)
  8. And he lost her quick. Nemesis: Umm...okay? That's...good, I guess? She turned her attention to Tommy after hearing him speak, using this moment to drop the conversation with Edward and avoid having to get all of that explained to her. Nemesis: It's just one thing after another, isn't it? Where are they?
  9. The girl glanced at Frank, somewhat irritated by his persistence. ???: Not interested. She returned her attention to Edward. Seeing as how he gave her his name, it was definitely her turn. However, to her, giving them her real name would probably be a bad idea, so she fell back on the usual plan. ???: Edward, huh? Name's Nemesis, nice to meet you. I can see that Tommy's...not the smartest guy, but I'll leave him alone for now. Nemesis: Anyway, onto more pressing matters, would you happen to know where this is? I followed my friends into a portal they were pulled into, and it looks like something went wrong somewhere because they're nowhere in sight and I've lost pretty much everything I had. She had a feeling he probably wouldn't know either, but it was worth a shot.
  10. She swayed her sleeves, and, in the blink of an eye, her weapons disappeared within her sleeves. They didn't look to be very threatening anyway, so even if they did wind up doing something, she could probably handle all three of them at once. She shot a sudden angry glare at Frank. ???: How about I kick your ass instead, you pervert? I'm not about to kiss any of you weirdos any time soon! Although... She turned her attention to the polo-wearing fellow who seemed to be the most reasonable of the trio. ???: ...you said something about him being thrown out of a portal, right? I'm guessing the both of you followed him into it? Was this some kind of alternate dimension? The object the flashing man was holding wasn't familiar to her in the slightest, and though their apparel was at least moderately familiar to her, it still had a hint of strangeness to it. She stashed those thoughts in the back of her head until she was given an answer.
  11. She turned towards the bright light that flashed behind her, the katar in her right hand swapped out with a throwing dagger in an instant. ???: Jumping into the fray? I'll take you bo- Fortunately, the cameraman's comment caused her to stop herself in the act of throwing before the dagger was completely released. She stared at him in bewilderment. ???: ...err...I...guess you're not thieves at all, are you?
  12. She instinctively jumped back upon spotting the stranger, entering a combat stance. ???: Wh-who the hell are you?! Three people, she could spot out three people in this group. None of them were familiar to her, and that was bad. Very bad. ???: Are you the thieves that took my stuff?! Unless you give up my stuff now, I'll turn you all into mince meat right here, right now! She wasn't going to back down; she had fought through many battles for those items, and she wasn't going to let someone take them away from her without at least suffering severe consequences if getting them back wasn't an option.
  13. Standing at a measly 5 feet in height, the girl was clearly young. She immediately turned her head towards the voices, her face showing pure fury. ???: I HEARD YOU, YOU DIRTY BASTARDS! THESE KATARS ARE GOING RIGHT UP YOUR ASSES IF YOU DON'T HAND OVER EVERYTHING NOW! She started to angrily march towards their location, the bladed weapons sliding out from her sleeves as she approached. ???: YOU HAVE UNTIL THE COUNT OF THREE BEFORE I TURN YOUR ASSES INTO SWISS CHEESE! ONE! It was obvious that she was pretty mad at this point. What she was going to encounter, however, would most likely give her a good shock.
  14. BGM: Yggdrasil's Embrace The sun began to crest over the eastern horizon, its golden rays showering down upon the lands, each alerting those sleeping on the surface below that it was finally time to awaken; the darkness and mystery of night no longer plagued the lands. Creatures of various different shapes and sizes did as commanded, and rose from their slumber, beginning to go out and seek out the first meal of the day: breakfast. The golden rays bathed the plants with the energy they would need to create their own food, their coloration intensifying in the sunlight. The light reflecting off of the various oceans of the world gave the skies above a blue hue, and the lack of clouds around mixed with the cool temperatures and slow breeze made this new day almost perfect. In a forest covering a rocky hill with a cave entrance upon its southern facade, some of the land's creatures were going about their normal day until an anomaly occurred. BGM: Danger! A large portal opened up in the middle of the forest, a roar not of this world being heard as it quickly expanded, the creatures around fleeing the scene as fast as they could. The portal seemed like it would swallow everything around indiscriminately with the rate it was expanding at, several small rocks and some loose vegetation being pulled into it as well. As it was pulling in all of the small objects it could, however, it also threw something out of itself: a person. They tumbled upon the ground due to the momentum at which they were thrown with, their blue, over-sized coat throwing all kinds of dirt and decaying vegetation into the air, a sort of trail being formed by their path. Eventually, they came to a halt upon a rock, letting out a low groan as they hit it. After throwing out what could be considered its "previous meal", the portal closed as fast as it opened, the groaning of the person being the only thing able to be heard. BGM: Mother Earth of Dishonesty ~ PART 1 A few coughs escaped the person's throat through their mouth as they laid within the sediment upon the forest floor, seeming to be quite exhausted from something. After about ten minutes of laying down, they slowly moved their arms underneath their body to push themselves up somewhat, revealing a long, brown hair with a green ribbon tied to a hank of hair at the top, though it was ruined by various leaves, rocks, and twigs trapped within her locks. She pushed herself up enough so that her face could be seen, revealing her emerald eyes and dirt-spotted face. She winced as the pain from before still hadn't receded, but still took the time to look around the area, a pained growl escaping her mouth. ???: Urgh...dammit, Daniel! I told you that wouldn't go...so...well... Her voice trailed off as she saw that nobody was around, including the creature she was fighting, thankfully. ???: ...Guys? Are you all hiding? Come on, this isn't funny! Urgh! She gripped her right side as a sharp pain coursed through her body from it. She removed her right arm from the coat sleeve it was in and put her hand upon the spot for a moment, then removed it, checking the palm. No blood, thankfully, so she wasn't going to have to bandage anything. Hopefully. Maybe they were trying their best to hide from her. ???: Guys, come on! It got me really good and I might be bleeding! Elizabeth! Elizabeeeeeeth! She let her cry echo through the forest for a while, hoping that the kindhearted girl she knew would come to her aid after hearing that a fellow party member was badly injured, let alone the leader of the party. She let out a sigh and lowered her head to the forest floor. ???: I swear, if I get up and I find you all hiding somewhere, I'm going to make sure it's the last time you do anything in your miserabl- Agh! The pain shot through her body again. It felt like something was hitting it every so often, causing the pain to flare up once it did. She looked down at where the pain was coming from again, and, of course, her- ???: W-wh-what the hell?! Where are my things?! Except for what she first left home with, everything that she once had was now all gone. She dug through her coat frantically, hoping to find all of the treasure and weapons she had stashed up misplaced within the coat or in a sleeve, maybe even a pocket, but there was nothing. However, she did find what was causing the occasional pain in a pocket: a strange orb that shook occasionally. It was something she had never seen in her life. ???: ...where'd this come from? I don't remember getting anything like this on any hunt... She examined the object closely, but gazing at it started to hurt her eyes, so she threw it aside. After doing so, however, it felt like her energy started to come back to her. Finding it rather odd, but having no good reason to question why it was happening, she finally stood up and dusted herself off entirely, making sure to remove the sediment within her hair carefully, so as not to ruin it. As she did this, she took another glance around herself. Still no sign of the others. ???: You guys must be really determined. I saw you all get pulled into that portal, and I wouldn't have followed you in if you hadn't gone in, now come out here! And give me my things back, too! I promise I won't kill any of you if you do...I'll just make sure you regret ever doing it! She walked around the area as she spoke, looking for any signs of the presence of another person. (Chance make.) (Let this also mark the beginning!)
  15. (This is the end.) RUINS OF KALOS CITY Atop a lone, untouched building amidst the chaos ensuing within the city was a lone woman standing atop its oddly kempt and unsullied roof, her gaze(or lack thereof) settled upon those down below engaging in combat with the monsters flooding throughout the city, Iblis just within the upper corner of her gaze. Despite her eyes remaining closed, it was as if she was staring straight through each person's body on the field, seeming to be looking for something until her gaze settled upon a witch very familiar to her, the witch going about her usual day and throwing in far more monsters that the defenders were going to have to deal with. ???: Gertrudd...I knew I should have never given you a chance to go free. There is already enough chaos in this world as it is; and yet, here you are, sowing even more into the already corrupted land without any care for the consequences of your actions... She had obviously found what she was looking for. However, seeing as how a direct confrontation with the witch was considered a death sentence by many, even those who worked in the various planes of the afterlife, she decided to put her skills to use for once. She put her hands together, the chains rattling as she did so. This was the only way to reverse everything the witch had done and also prevent everything the witch was going to do afterwards. The benefits far outweighed the costs and what the world would eventually become had it stayed on this route. Before anything of the sort was to be initiated, however, there was one thing that needed to be done. BGM: REINCARNATION ???: My Lord, please, forgive me for this crime that I have committed and the one I am about to commit. And to those of you who reside among the various dimensions and planes created by my Lord...please, forgive me for what happened and what is to come. Know that my foolish mistake is what led to this, but that I only had the best intentions for everyone in mind...and I shall ensure that this will never happen again. After begging for forgiveness, the woman started to utter an incantation. O Kýrie, parakaló anairéste aftí tin katára pou thétei aftí i gi apó aftí ti mágissa, anatrépste ti zimiá pou proklíthike se aftés tis sfaíres apó to cháos kai tous parágontes tis katastrofís... A blinding light began to come from her body. ...epanekkiníste aftón ton kósmo apó tin archí, mia epochí stin opoía kanéna apó aftá den synévi poté, kaneís den gnórize o énas ton állon kai kaneís den gnórize poté tous parágontes tis katastrofís... The light grew brighter and began to engulf the entire area. ...epanekkiníste ta pánta apó tin archí, gia na borésoume pragmatiká na féroume aftón ton kósmo stin epochí tis eirínis pou anazitísate! The light proceeded to cover the entire area in a similar manner to a mother tucking her child into bed, its warm, comforting feeling engulfing all around...
  16. Something much different for me. EDIT: It was an adblocker plugin causing it.
  17. There are no files to download in the folder; it looks like they were all removed.
  18. She doesn't even have an AI at this point in time, so that explains the issue with the AI. As for everything else, hopefully it'll be ironed out as work on her progresses.
  19. From the author's original post: Throw :a+x / ←+a+xVSkill :P+P Vtrigger :K+KSpecial→LP ——Knee-Smash →MK ——upward leg swinging ↓ ↘→ + P —— Sonic Burst ↓ ↙← + P —— Sonic Shatter↓ ↙← + K —— Sonic Fall → ↓↘→ + P —— Shouryuukenn (Air)↓ ↙← + P —— Crescent Rose------------------------------------------------------EX:↓ ↘→ + PP ——EX Guitar Dash ↓ ↙← + PP ——EX Pound Dash ↓ ↙← + KK ——EX Sonic Fall → ↓↘→ + PP ——EX Shouryuukenn ------------------------------------------------------SUPER COMBO ↓ ↘→↓ ↘→ + P —— Superboom↓ ↙←↓ ↙← + P —— Momentary slash (Saving)Download : https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ar58PvS97S7u0QcZxaFWbCUji_dL Plays very well for a beta, though a few of her attacks either deal too little damage or too much damage, but rough edges are to be expected.
  20. No news for Nibanibaniniba's Natural Miku?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A person

      A person

      It's not that I don't want to do it, but it's the fact that it's on Mugen Archive, and that site is...rather disliked, to say the least.

    3. Mister Fael
    4. A person

      A person

      I guess I'll just have to put it on here myself.

  21. Double post bug is also happening right now.

  22. I hope someone eventually makes a more...balanced...version of her alternate modes. Oh well, still a decent character nonetheless.
  23. Oooh, I liked their other characters. Can't wait to see what this one's capable of. I also wonder what their future plans are with this style...it's starting to seem like they're trying to make a version of Arcana Heart with an all-male, all-child cast. Which is very interesting, to say the least.
  24. It had to be done.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Lovin the new icon and Astra Superstars as a whole.

      The My Devil, and Angel stages are my favorite from that game and the music, Painted Portrait is a glorious theme. It's so cool and otherworldly.

      And getting to the stages themselves:


      The Devil variant has a ominous look with simple rocky structures and a floating rock planet-sized sphere with a stormy dark blue sky. Every character except Fooly fights here in Story Mode.K9XFLgz.png

      And the Angel version is like the aftermath of the My Devil version stage with the large rock sphere now embedded into the water as a halo hovers over it, making the rocky overpass look complete and pure with a heavenly sky. 


      Only Fooly comes here in Story Mode as he's the only demon character, even though Sakamoto transforms into an Oni in one of his Star Specials, but both variants of the watery stage are selectable in VS Mode.  Both the My Devil and My Angel backgrounds are cool with a mysterious & realistic feel.


      I also made My Devil, and Angel stages for Mugen.  
      I'll release em later, I added an extra layer of rocks for characters to stand on in the Mugen conversions. 


    2. A person

      A person

      Oooh, I can't wait to see how they look! I'll make sure to put them in my Mugen when they come out!

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