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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Despite finding this character rather unusual, she figured that any help would be great to have at this point in time. Nemesis: Okay, Hisui! I think you might be right; I did see something to the northeast, so it'd be nice to find out just what it is! It seemed like their luck was turning out to be excellent; first finding all of these people, then finding people who knew the land, and now this person willing to escort them to a city! She hoped this streak would keep going and only get better as time progressed, but, as is the usual with someone in her line of work, it most definitely was going to take a turn for the worst at some point soon. She just knew it.
  2. Nemesis glanced down at the new "person" that revealed "herself", unsure if she should be concerned or appreciative. She started to descend the tree branch by branch, being careful, yet also trying to speed things up to catch "her" before something went awry. Nemesis: Who are you and where did you come from?
  3. Nemesis called down to Mirfah from her perch in the tree. Nemesis: I would wait for these other people to come around, but I think our primary goal should be to find a town first so that we can gather our bearings. Otherwise, we might wind up becoming lost again! She proceeded to get comfortable in the branches of the tree and took a look around at the land below. There were still several trees in the way, unfortunately, so, with a grumble, she grabbed onto a higher branch and continued climbing up, stopping at the upper part of the tree, but on a branch she hoped would be secure. Nemesis: (All of these people together in one place...just what could it mean? My friends and parents must be really worried about me, too...I hope they find out what happened somehow...ugh, all of these thoughts at once! Come on, girl, get it together. You'll be fine, you've got all of these people gathered together, they'll make sure nothing will happen to you, so long as you do the same for them. Just stay calm, and try to find this town.) She took a deep breath, then looked out towards the horizon, looking for the silhouette of a distant town or maybe even nearby buildings that hinted towards civilization. Her attention as soon brought to several strange structures towards the northeast. They didn't look destroyed, but they were hardly what she would consider familiar. Nevertheless, it was the only thing she saw that wasn't either empty land, trees, or some kind of creature. Nemesis: I see something towards the northeast! I think it might be what we're looking for!
  4. Nemesis was overjoyed to hear this. Even if they were only temporary members, it was still good to have someone experienced with the lands among their ranks. Nemesis: Great! Now, let me see if I can find a vantage point of some kind for us to work with. She then spotted a pine tree to her right among the trees haphazardly scattered throughout the forest's edge. Nemesis: Oh, there's one. Give me a moment, will you? She proceeded to approach the tree and wrapped her hands around it, beginning to scale the tree slowly until she could grab onto a branch and pull herself up, soon beginning to use the higher branches to pull herself up even higher into the tree, causing several birds to fly off in fear in the process.
  5. Nemesis: Ghosts? There aren't any ghosts around here... She then recalled the stories those three told. Heroic Spirits...could she be talking about them? But they looked like normal people...one of them even got into a fight with the shovel-wielding knight! Nemesis: I think I might know who your friend was sensing, but they definitely living beings! I even saw one of them get into a fight with someone else! There's no way they can be g-ghosts! It looked as though her inner being was beginning to show itself, and she quickly realized it. She decided to put a can on it quickly, and came up with an idea. Nemesis: Well, anyway, Yui, since we're both lost, how does joining us in our search for this town sound? We can figure what the hell this place even is, and you three can find out what you need to know, making it a win-win situation!
  6. Upon realizing that they were currently of no threat to her or the party, she slowly returned to an idle stance, her katars sliding back into her coat sleeves and out of view, and shook her head. Nemesis: I'm afraid to say that we don't. We...actually just got here not too long ago, and we have no idea where we are currently, but I'm assuming that you three happen to know if you're looking for a town in the middle of this mysterious forest! Was this the lucky break that they needed? If they could find a town, they could finally safely regain their bearings and find out the information they needed before settling into this "new" land. Then again, there was always the chance that it was a town of monsters...
  7. Nemesis remained in her stance, although she did go through the effort of glancing back at Mirfah, remaining ready to strike at a moment's notice. Nemesis: Name's Nemesis, and sure, you can stick with us. The more, the merrier, especially in a place like this. After all, there's probably a reason for why we're all here, so it'd be best for us to stick together.
  8. Alerted to the presence of an approaching group, Nemesis quickly turned around, revealing her katars from within the sleeves of her coat and slid into an offensive combat stance, faced in the direction Percival was facing. Nemesis: State your names and business! She had a funny feeling in the back of her head that it was yet another group of lost travelers.
  9. Somewhat freaked out by the sight and his response, she silently turned away and returned her attention to the young male. Nemesis: Umm...that never happened.
  10. She proceeded to throw the dagger at his head without hesitation, aiming for the bridge between his eyes with no clumsiness in her throw; she had a target and she was going to hit it. She glanced at Edward. Nemesis: Let me tell you one thing: never challenge me.
  11. Nemesis turned her head quickly, sending a glare in their general direction. Nemesis: THEN SHUT THE DUMBASS UP BEFORE I TURN HIM INTO A PIN CUSHION.
  12. The edge of a dagger could be seen coming from her right sleeve. Nemesis: And I have a feeling that he'll be learning a lot more about things beyond this world if he doesn't stop...
  13. Nemesis twisted her head to shoot a death glare at Tommy. Nemesis: SHUT THE HELL UP. She returned her attention to the young male. Nemesis: Please excuse him, he isn't used to everything yet.
  14. Updated on 8/9/17. http://www.mediafire.com/file/v5vt9qj54sjqjnb/MIKU_Natural.zip
  15. Nemesis listened to their stories intently, nodding as she did so. A world with a recurring war sounded interesting, but the chaos that would ensue was something unappealing to her, and the winner of the war getting something that only caused destruction? It sounded entirely pointless. Nemesis: Putting all of that effort into a fight just to find out it's a waste of time...I can't even imagine how mad that would make me. Nemesis: Still, though, it's nice to be in the presence of heroes! I have a feeling I might be able to learn some things from you three. She seemed to disregard the fact that Cu and Shirou had both been executed at the end of their stories. Nemesis: Anyway, it looks like it's my turn, finally. My name is- Nemesis came to a halt and looked back at the young male that approached the group. Another person lost in the forest. Could this mean that there are even more...? Nemesis: I think we know about as much about it as you do. I'm guessing you got pulled into a portal and found yourself here, too?
  16. Nemesis nodded as she listened to Frank's story and Joseph's story, enjoying the simplicity of the former's story and feeling for the latter's situation. His adventures sounded very exciting to her, though also a bit strange...whatever the case may be, one thing was certain: he was a very interesting individual. Nemesis: Sounds like you lead a very exciting life! I have a feeling our adventures are going to be very wild, especially with someone like you around to make sure it's so! After looking around at her newly-formed party to see if anyone else was willing to speak up as she continued through the forest, her gaze settled upon the three, mainly the white-haired man. Nemesis: What about you three? What are your stories?
  17. Nemesis: Hmm...then you and I have similar goals. The trees were becoming sparse as they continued on through the forest. Nemesis: I'm sure we'll be able to find a way for you to get back to your world, maybe even a way for all of us to get back, but I know for a fact that we'll have to stick together for that to remain a possibility. So...are you willing to work with me to achieve that? Now was as good a time as any to ensure that everyone was willing to work together to get back home. She took note of the currently changing environment as well; this was a good sign. If she could find a tall tree that she could climb, she could use it as a vantage point to find the nearest city.
  18. Nemesis nodded in acknowledgement, listening to the knight's entire story with awe. She wasn't used to the exploits of knights, so this was news to her, though she couldn't help but smirk at the thought of a shovel-wielding knight and a shield-wielding knight traveling through the world together. Nemesis: I only have one...how come you're still searching for the tower despite being sucked up into a portal and thrown out here? Isn't it...well...moot now?
  19. Nemesis: Last one of your race, huh? Sorry to hear that... She bowed her head, remaining silent for a moment before speaking again. Nemesis: ...well, you look human enough, so I think you'd fit in a lot better around us, anyway! Even if you are...kinda lacking upstairs.
  20. Nemesis glanced back at the bickering duo with worry. Nemesis: ...i-it's not like I'm going to try to go there or something...
  21. Nemesis let out a sigh of disappointment. This trip was going to be a lot longer than she thought previously. Nemesis: Can we just talk about something normal? For example...what were your places like before you all got dragged into this one? You all look very different from each other, me included, so it'd be interesting to learn about them.
  22. The girl, now moving at a decent pace beyond the rocky hill and seemingly deeper into the forest, proceeded to speak up once more. Nemesis: Since it looks like we're not going to get into any trouble any time soon...how about we make some small talk to pass the time? Despite seeming to be unconcerned, her defenses were still up, just out of sight thanks to her coat. She was ready to strike if something was to pop out, and ready to flee should they encounter something they were clearly incapable of handling. Hearing no sounds within the forest other than the calls of animals and insects, she was certain that such a thing wouldn't happen any time soon.
  23. The girl stared at the knight's shovel for a moment, rather confused by his weapon of choice before shrugging and nodding silently. She started to move towards the rocky hill's left side, gesturing for the others to follow her lead. This was finally something she was used to: leading a party into the unknown. Nemesis: I'll gladly take the lead! Remember, we've got to all stick together, so don't let anything distract you while we're moving unless you think it's a possible threat, in which case, make sure to alert the others about it somehow! Oh, and before I forget, you can all call me Nemesis! She had a strange nagging in the back of her head, however; she knew that something like this had to be intentional, but that orb that she had when she came, and her missing belongings and friends...what kind of magic was at play that could possibly cause this? The nagging seemed to grow more impatient as she dwelled upon it, almost as if it was something trying to tell her that she was in a much worse situation than she first thought, but she decided to push it aside for now and take over the reins of leadership. She would just deal with the problem the moment it arose.
  24. The girl cleared her throat loudly in an attempt to get everyone's attention once more. Nemesis: Hey, you guys, listen up. I'm not going to repeat myself. We need to work together to find out what's going on, and I think we should get moving. Now.
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