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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Man of Few Words: No problem. He proceeded to continue walking in the same direction he was walking previously. Nemesis walked over to them. Nemesis: So, that makes two with the same response. Let's hurry up and see if we can't find him right now. Despite her pleased exterior, she was quietly thinking about what she would do to him when they found him. Maybe pluck his eyebrows slowly, maybe brand him somehow. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she started to follow the northeastern main road.
  2. Man of Few Words: Saw him going down that road there. He pointed at the main road going northeast. Man of Few Words: Looked out of it. Probably not that far along.
  3. Nemesis chuckled quietly, then nodded. Nemesis: Yeah, let's go. We could probably find some answers about what this place is and what's going on in the process; maybe even try to figure out what these "mutated creatures" are. Spotting another male in the distance, she began to approach him, making herself seem as welcoming as possible. Nemesis: Good evening, sir. I'm wondering if you happen to have seen this man... She proceeded to describe Mirfah to the finest detail to the male, making sure to note his striking red hair. The male nodded. Observant Man: He stood out like a sore thumb. I saw him travel down the main stretch, headed in that direction. He pointed towards the main road going in a northeastern direction. Observant Man: Don't go too far down the road, though; you might wind up in the slums, and that's a really dangerous area to be at, especially for a girl like you! Nemesis held back a biting remark at his comment, and nodded. Nemesis: Thank you, I'll keep that in mind! Also, if you don't mind, may I ask you if you know anything about these "heavily mutated creatures"? He shook his head. Observant Man: Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to go outside of the city and research them myself, but I do know that the dark substance responsible for it supposedly came from a failed experiment. I would suggest asking an alchemist for more information about it. Luckily, there's a shop not too far from here where one is. He pointed to a castle towards the northwest. Nemesis looked at it, then nodded. Nemesis: I'll be sure to check it out when I get the chance. Thanks for all of your help! Observant Man: Always a pleasure to help a young lady in need! And with that, Nemesis proceeded to walk back to Lizzy and Tommy. Nemesis: Okay, we have at least a hint as to where he could be. I'll see if I can ask some others about it, but we should probably follow the road for a while and see if we can find him, or do either of you two have another plan in mind?
  4. Nemesis watched silently to see if he was capable of doing what he was assigned. The male turned towards Tommy, a confused expression upon his face. Man: Mirfah? I'm sorry, but that name doesn't ring a bell. Are you able to describe what he looks like? I might have seen him recently.
  5. For once, Nemesis actually smiled at Tommy. Nemesis: Glad to see you've changed your mind. Now come on; we might've taken up too much time! Nemesis, noticing another road splitting off from the main road, proceeded to follow it, trying to keep her distance from the place where she shoved the person that had gotten in her way, knowing that those that witnessed it probably wouldn't be so willing to answer any questions she might ask.
  6. Nemesis pinched the skin between her eyebrows and lowered her head as she shook it. Nemesis: You're hopeless... She shot her head back up to glare at Tommy. Nemesis: Are you here to help find Mirfah, or are you here to goof off and let him stay lost? I don't know about you, but I'd rather make sure our party stays together just in case we're all needed for something because we all came here under very similar circumstances. If you're not going to help, you might as well go to the..."Warrior's Hangout", since you're not going to be very useful otherwise.
  7. Nemesis: Good! Nemesis: Now see to it that it doesn't happen again. And with that, she proceeded to shove him back towards Elizabeth. Once they had forcibly regrouped, she started to talk again, her anger now gone. Nemesis: Okay, to find this guy, I think we're going to need the help of the locals, so I think we should start by asking them if they've seen him around. Considering how big this place is, I don't think he's gotten very far, so at least one person should have seen him.
  8. She proceeded to drag Tommy away from the quiet waiter, snarling at him. Nemesis: If you pull some shit like that again, it'll be the LAST time you do ANYTHING here, you got that?!
  9. Nemesis stormed after him, muttering loudly as she shoved someone out of her way, causing them to fall onto their rear end.They quickly got up and ran off, and a couple of guards were now paying close attention to her. Once at the restaurant, she proceeded to reach up and try to snatch him up by his collar, smiling at the waiter as she did so. Nemesis: I'm so sorry, he isn't used to life in the city. I deeply apologize for his rudeness.
  10. Nemesis shrugged. More company wouldn't hurt, especially in an unknown city. Nemesis: As long as you don't get- Nemesis growled. Loudly. Nemesis: TOMMY! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE BEFORE I DRAG IT BACK HERE! Said nearby restaurant was, as with all of the buildings, a large castle with wide gates at the front, both open and allowing all to access it. Inside, various customers and patrons could be seen eating within a grand hall lined with luxurious red carpets between the various tables covered with silken tablecloths and large, beautiful bouquets and chairs padded with some of the finest pillows money could purchase. Above hung large, breathtaking chandeliers lit with what seemed to be actual candles. There were many waiters and waitresses within aiding in serving food to those who waited, and the food didn't look to be cheap, either. At the entrance stood a waiter in a flawless tuxedo, a cloth draped upon his arm, giving him the image of a true butler. He seemed to be waiting for Tommy to come in, his face expressionless.
  11. Nemesis let out an annoyed sigh. She knew something like this would happen eventually, but, fortunately for her, they were in a large city, and the buildings were mostly different from each other, so she would be able to navigate it with ease via the use of landmarks in the form of the buildings around. Nemesis: I'll go find him...I'll make sure he DOESN'T wander off again...and I'll meet up with everyone later. She took a quick glance at the Warrior's Hangout, doing her best to remember its exact appearance, and nodded to herself before splitting off from the ground and going on her search. This would also give her a chance to ask the locals some questions, so it worked out in her favor.
  12. Nemesis nodded her head. Nemesis: It's better if we make sure as many people as possible know where to find the meet up place if we're going to stick together, so sure! The mention of purchasing clothes reminded Nemesis of something important; they probably had an entirely different currency here! Internally, she started to panic. Hopefully, she could find a way to get money in this unknown city easily, otherwise, she was going to be doing the same thing she did back in her normal world...which reminded her of something else important; her background! It was too late to talk about it now, though. She let out a sigh, and waited for LightFlare to move. She would get a chance to talk about it eventually.
  13. Nemesis thought to herself for a moment. It would probably be a good idea to go with him just to see part of the city since she knew she wasn't going to see all of it, as well as seeing this possible designated meeting area to confirm if it would work. She nodded. Nemesis: Okay, lead the way, Light guy!
  14. Quietly, Nemesis followed behind Mecha Hisui, curious of what the guards were speaking about. However, now that she was in the city, she had a goal in mind. Nemesis: Looks like we're finally in here! I'm going to go and ask some of the locals some questions about this place. She glanced at Hisui, then at LightFlare. Nemesis: Say, do you two happen to know of any places we could possibly all meet up at?
  15. Wordlessly, the guards pushed the gates into the city open, allowing entry into them. The left guard spoke up. ???: Try to be as careful as possible the next time you travel outside of the city. There have been reports of mysterious creatures whose bodies have been heavily mutated by some form of dark substance wandering in the general area. Engaging them is not suggested.
  16. Nemesis: Hmm...you might be right about that. Nemesis: Hisui, Flare was your master's name, right? Will they let us in if we mention it? She was still focused on those weapons of theirs. She really didn't want to see what they were capable of.
  17. Nemesis finally fell out of her trance and glanced at Hisui. Those guards looked rather flashy...and menacing, and their..."weapons"...looked like they weren't anything to shrug off. Nemesis: Wait...how are we going to get in? Those guards look really scary, and I don't think they'll welcome us in...
  18. The sparse trees around were soon replaced by tall grass, plants, and rocks all around the area, the silhouette in the distance becoming significantly larger than before as the party grew closer to it. The sounds of crickets, grasshoppers, and other insects could be heard, as well as movement within the tall grass by presumably large creatures. Nemesis chuckled at Elizabeth's moment of fluster. Nemesis: Elizabeth Bathory...I think I'll call you Lizzy! It seems like you two are in love, too! Nemesis: Although...the "Master" thing is pretty concerning...
  19. Nemesis nodded at the others as they gave their names, but she found herself caught up with "Lancer's" response. She turned her head to glare at her. Nemesis: Not for my ears, huh? I don't know about you, but going around constantly saying "Lancer, Lancer!" when there's two of you here and probably more down the line is going to be really irritating for me. It's not like you're in any kind of danger here, so why don't you just keep things simple and tell everyone your actual name?
  20. Nemesis shook her head. Nemesis: I don't know about the latest people in the party, but the rest of us have no idea what's going on or why we're here. The only common theme is that a portal opened and then we found ourselves here. We should head to the city before we talk more, though; I have no idea about what else is around. And with that, Nemesis continued to walk down the path towards the city, her katars visibly out of her sleeves.
  21. Nemesis stared blankly at the new...recruits. Nemesis: Row-boughts...? It was clearly going to be a while before she got used to something like this any time soon. Nemesis: Not too far off now. We should get going right now so that something else doesn't get the jump on us.
  22. Nemesis: Nice to meet you, Lucina. You can call me Nemesis, and thanks for the help in carrying him! I already know that I can't, what, with all of that armor on- Since he awoke, it was a good idea to let him know that it was a bad idea to do what he did. Nemesis: Hey, Percival, I TOLD YOU NOT TO BE RECKLESS! DON'T DO THAT SHIT AGAIN, DO YOU HEAR ME?! Satisfied with the mouthing off, she looked back at the others, now realizing the sheer size of the party. Nemesis: ...umm...whoa, where did all of these people come from? Did we get some new people during the fight or something?
  23. The creatures that had jumped into the battle during the chaos found themselves dispatched rather quickly by those within the party and the new arrivals, others who were planning on jumping in now deciding to stay out, their eyes being visible within the shadows of the trees as they glared down at those below. The scene was left a mess: the path, one consisting of only dirt and rocks, was now a mess of soot, corpses, and puddles of red fire all along it in the current area. Fortunately, none of the trees had been set ablaze by the chaos, but that may have been due to the creatures knowing what would happen. BGM: Brassy Road Seeing that Hinamori was doing alright, Nemesis nodded and stepped away from the girl, allowing the others to help her out if they were able to. She took a glance at the road ahead. There weren't going to be anymore trees up ahead, but, rather, tall grass and large rocks. A change of environment, it seemed, as they got to the city. Nemesis: I think it's a good idea for us to get going right now, before they get the courage to try again. She was now confident in her party's skills, despite some mistakes here and there. If they were going to get attacked, then it was a good chance that the attackers were toast at this point. She started on her way, glancing back at the party, and then noticed the unconscious Percival. Nemesis: Dammit...can somebody carry him? We shouldn't leave him behind just in case he found himself on the sharp end of a knife. Well, at least the creatures were gone! There was still the problem of the red fire on the ground, however...
  24. The creature, occupied with the selfless warrior in front of it, was unaware of the incoming attack and was subsequently skewered by the spear.
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