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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. She figured that would be his answer. She nodded solemnly. Nemesis: Well, that still helps...thanks, though. She decided to wait upon a response from the others before making a conclusion on what to do.
  2. Nemesis let out an audible growl. Nemesis: Could you do me a favor and shut up? If you keep talking about it, something is most definitely going to happen at this rate. It's just going to provoke them, not calm them down. She glanced at Darkflare. Nemesis: Anyway...I'm wondering if you, too, know anything about what's going on.
  3. Finally, seeing that nobody else was going to be coming any time soon, Nemesis cleared her throat. Nemesis: Okay, everyone, gather around; I'm not going to be yelling this stuff out so that everyone and their dog can hear me. Anyway, while you guys were apparently busy fighting each other and...well, wasting time, I was going out and gathering information about this place. What I found out might interest you, but it's a lot, so I'm just going to keep it simple and tell you all everything I've learned. BGM: Revealing Nemesis took a deep breath, relieved that she finally got all of that off of her chest. Nemesis: So, you're all caught up now, I guess, but I wanted to ask the people who were here before us something in return for all of that: do you know anything about people being dropped off near the city with portals? A cause or something? It's been bothering me ever since I came here, and I think it's something that all of us need to know.
  4. Nemesis: Fine...just fine..where's everyone else? I have something important to tell everyone concerning these..."events"...
  5. The elven barista nodded. Elven Barista: That will cost you a total of 5 Pompadillions.
  6. Nemesis: I can assure that it'll answer most of them, but not all of them. I figured that the people here might be able to fill those gaps if I tell what I know to them as well.
  7. Nemesis nodded her head slightly. It was obvious that she was down in the dumps. Nemesis: Hi again, Yui...I was looking for that info the whole time. I'm...going to wait until I know everyone's ready to hear it. If I talk about it now, I doubt it's going to be taken as seriously as it needs to be...
  8. Nemesis decided against making a long-winded statement and kept it simple. Nemesis: Very...interesting stuff. I'll wait until everyone's done to talk about it.
  9. Finally, both Hinamori and Nemesis would arrive at the Warrior's Hangout, the latter of the two walking in, her attention immediately caught by the fighting going on around them. She managed to pull herself away from the fight-loving part of herself and return her attention to the more serious matter at hand: the information. Nemesis: Sorry for taking so long, by the way, Hina; I had to find out everything I could before I returned, and, simply put, it was a wild goose chase the entire time! She sighed again, and started to think aloud to herself. Nemesis: Anyway, should I wait until they're all finished, or should I tell just you...hmm...
  10. All too familiar with the enraged voice, Riva nodded solemnly and let out a depressed sigh. She shrugged. Riva: I suppose I should have expected as much...maybe next time, Mister Tommy! She chuckled again, looking back at the onlookers that had gathered, though her gaze fell upon Ky, causing her to stare at him for a few seconds too long before walking off, her sword dissolving in the air. She placed her hands upon her hips as she walked off, her usual smug look reappearing upon her face.
  11. Riva proceeded to step to the right of his trajectory and held out her sword horizontally, putting him at severe risk of literally cutting himself in half. Riva: Too much gambling as well...maybe this is a lesson that has to be set in order? She was anticipating another attempted surprise attack from this duo; to her, they were something very familiar.
  12. Riva laughed as she dashed to the right of the attempted crushing, retaliating quickly with a roundhouse kick sent at Edward's torso to knock him away. Riva: Oh, ho ho ho! How about I show you a true distraction next?!
  13. As he tried to flip over her, she simply thrust her sword up at him, sighing as she did so. Riva: You are wide open. Why have you left yourself wide open?
  14. Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she swung her sword once again, sending the fireballs veering off in a random direction. Riva: Oh, hoho, brilliant! However, the wind will get you nowhere...if your friend is in danger! She proceeded to charge right at Tommy, keeping Edward in her peripheral. It was better to be able to see the both of them instead of relying on her other senses.
  15. Seeing the fireballs coming, but paying attention to the both of them, she proceeded to swing her sword at the fireballs, a blast of wind from the sword sending them at Edward. Riva: I wonder just what it is you have under your sleeves...
  16. Displaying her awareness, Riva proceeded to dash further to the left, allowing the fridge to fly harmlessly by(and possibly hit Tommy?). Once the coast was clear, she would finally turn around towards the two, both of them now within her vision. Riva: Those are...very interesting skills, to say the least, Mister Edward. In all of my years in battle, I have never expected my opponent to throw something like that at me.
  17. Instead of completing her charge, she proceeded to suddenly veer to her left, swinging her sword at his right kneecap in an attempt to clip his leg and cripple him temporarily. Riva: Perhaps a lesson in self-defense is to be set in order, as well as a lesson in an awareness of one's surroundings...
  18. BGM: Strania -The Stella Machina- Vower Side - BOSS 5 Riva smirked as the fiery projectile came at her. She swung her sword around herself, seeming to catch the projectile upon the sword before stopping and sending it directly at Edward. Riva: Sharing is caring, as they say! And as for you... She proceeded to dash towards Tommy suddenly, her sword at her side. Riva: ...I shall make you my primary target!
  19. Riva couldn't help but chuckle again as she fully stepped into the arena, her sword forming in her right hand. Riva: Good, good! Do be certain to ensure that you are sufficiently prepared to combat me; I am no mere fodder, and I refuse to battle you otherwise! She proceeded to plant the sword in front of herself and gaze at the two, a warm and confident smile upon her face.
  20. Riva's usual warm aura suddenly turned cold. Riva: For reasons beside wishing to fight him. After all, I imagine you may know how I feel about someone else being referred to as a king. The cold aura slowly warmed back up. Riva: But beyond that, he most certainly will fight back! In fact... She snapped her fingers. Riva: ...why don't you and Mister Edward fight me together, Mister Tommy? That way, you are not able to be easily overwhelmed, and you have someone you are used to fighting with by your side!
  21. This statement caused her to let out an even heartier, louder chuckle. Riva: Oh, hohoho! Believe me; I can handle far more abuse than you may be able to throw my way! Besides that, I have yet to come out of a battle with a single injury! Riva proceeded to smile at the woman. Riva: Ah, training the novices is a necessity! After all, they will not advance if nobody attempts to set them upon the correct path!
  22. As Tommy sat in wait for a fighter, the familiar clicking of a certain someone could be heard approaching behind the woman that already entered. Riva: Mmm? All alone, are we? Do you require a partner to spar with, Mister Tommy? If so, I would be more than happy to be that special one! She chuckled heartily.
  23. Nemesis was currently headed in the direction of the hangout, but stopped upon noticing Hinamori. She seemed oddly distraught. Nemesis: Oh...really? Well...thanks...I guess. I found what I wanted, and...it's... She let out a heavy sigh. She tried her best to smile, but it was obviously forced and quickly turned into a frown. Nemesis: Let's just get back to the Hangout. I'll tell you what I found out when we get there.
  24. The elven woman nodded her head slightly at his comment, a slight smile matching her nod. Elven Barista: Why, yes it is. And certainly; what shall the lady have? She waited quietly for a response.
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