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Status Updates posted by DuckAzz

  1. Well my topic in wip section is back. Also I updated it with a new post today, check it out!

    1. thebestmlTBM


      Congrats. I'll check it out,

  2. What the fuck happened to my topic in wip section!? I wanted to update it today but somebody locked it. I demand you to unlock my thread right now!

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      All threads have been archived. Did you perhaps not pay attention to all the other users voicing their opinions on the matter?

    2. DuckAzz


      The opinions were good. Anyway I posted a private message to gmod, so I'll see what will happen.

    3. Galvatron


      Yeah its an issue going on right now but it will be fixed soon....

  3. Well since I need some suggestions for my upcoming mugen game, I'll probably make a thread in Wips section since I started working on it everyday. 

    1. Galvatron


      Thats cool! :-)

  4. Check out my alternative metal album which I released today. Link is in this status update. https://duckssfarm.bandcamp.com/album/untitled-volume-1

    1. Galvatron


      Awesome! :-D

  5. Youtube is fucking retarded. First it said me that I have 100 subs but now it shows me that I have 96. Also nobody unsubscribed me so this could be a really fucked up glitch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galvatron


      Possible plus YT been shutting down some people's accounts which can also cut your subs down too..

    3. DuckAzz


      This is just a bullshit.

    4. gui0007


      Youtube will be pain in the ass for me too Duckss.
      I receive TWO strikes recently and this bug of the subscribers numbers happend with me too.

      Also a lot of strange things happend around Youtube nowadays.

  6. Gotta play first RaC game on my ps2 again just because of nostalgia.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TMC55


      Rachet and Clank

    3. DarkWolf13


      I've lost count on how many times I've beaten it. The Gemlik Base theme had to be my most favorite music of the game.

    4. sonikun


      Ohhh yeah. How could I forget that. Lol

  7. Today I started working on a demo mugen game, it'll be released in july of this year.

  8. Happy birthday gui0007!

    1. gui0007


      Thanks fella! :D

  9. Happy birthday Doomguy!

  10. So I have released a character today, check it out in "Releases" section! Oh by the way, this avatar and nickname are just joke, they will not last long :)

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      You mustve switched genders too

  11. Prepare yourself for my newest mugen creation today! It'll be released for at least 5 hours.

    1. thebestmlTBM


      Well it's good to see your MUGEN Spirit again. :)

    2. RoySquadRocks


      Can't wait to see this!

  12. For might 2 days I'll release something new, but still I have to make some real decision about it.

    Anyway stay tuned for some new mugen stuff from me for this month. 

    1. Galvatron


      Cool! just take your time man! :-)

  13. Well my top secret character is almost finished, but I need your suggestions about voice which I will put in the character. So I'm looking for some japanese voice from any japanese female character to be precise. Any suggestions?

    1. Galvatron


      Maybe you can try some from the 'Melty Blood' series they have some good female Japanese voices. :-)

    2. DuckAzz


      Nah, melty blood female voices are not really that interesting to me. Anything else? 

    3. Galvatron


      Hmm.. how about the girls from 'Nitro royal' series?

  14. It looks like I'm back to play Half life 1 again because I didn't finish that game long time ago.

  15. Today's 06.06.2016  >:P

  16. Today I released a new musical single on my bandcamp. Check it out! https://duckssfarm.bandcamp.com/track/sorrow-and-dark-single

  17. Happy birthday dude!

  18. Have anyone of you played the newest Ratchet and Clank game for ps4? I wanna know how's the feeling when you play it :)

    1. Solarflared


      I haven't played it but from what I've heard it's basically the first game but "re-imagined".

  19. If you see that I'm offline on mffa these days, that means that I work on new wip and I'll present it when I finish with it.

    1. Galvatron


      Thats Cool! just take your time Man! :-)

    2. DuckAzz


      It's going to be pretty new NSFW character btw ;) That's all I can say :)

    3. Solarflared


      I am both curious and worried.

  20. After listening to many obscure music genres I found out that Vaporwave is kind of interesting genre which it appeals to me so much, just because of its jazz rock tone. 

    1. ShiroTori


      Looove me some Vaporwave. If you're looking for some good artists, MACROSS 82-99 and Saint Pepsi are two popular ones.

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