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Status Updates posted by DuckAzz

  1. I have made another Vaporwave remix! You can check it on my youtube if you want to.



  2. Crash N Sane trilogy looks promising, but it's going to be for ps4 :-\ I would play hell out of it, if Activision release this game for PC. 

    1. gui0007


      I want a PC version too. * . *

  3. Happy birthday :)

  4. Well me and Doomguy (MFFA member) have produced a co-op song, so if you want to listen to it check it out my youtube channel. Here's the link:


    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      Sick.  When the beat kicks in...
      ...and then when those really fast high hat rolls start, tight fellas.

    2. DuckAzz
    3. gui0007


      Nice one guys!

  5. Happy birthday Jessy :)

  6. MFFA keeps un-logging  me once I get out from chat or close the mffa page. What the hell!? 

  7. MFFA keeps un-logging  me once I get out from chat or close the mffa page. What the hell!? 

    1. DuckMannnn


      You can say... the server deSYNCKhronized your account



      ...Yeah I'm fun at parties.

  8. MFFA keeps un-logging  me once I get out from chat or close the mffa page. What the hell!? 

  9. MFFA keeps un-logging  me once I get out from chat or close the mffa page. What the hell!? 

  10. Finally, everything has been back to normal :) I can't believe what one, but just one, spambot can do to the whole forum.

    1. Galvatron


      Yep you be surprise what one little bug can do.. :-P

  11. Two nights ago, I watched an anime movie "Ghost in the shell". The movie is a Mindfuck :D And I really liked it, and it made me to still think about its plot.

  12. I have made a vaporwave track. Check it out!



    1. Doomguy


      A E S T H E T I C

    2. Doomguy


      I also wonder how one Saxophone.

  13. Today I'll try to revive my old computer by replacing the HDD and then install Windows XP again. I guess that RAM is not problem at all, but I know that old HDD has some bad sectors so far.

  14. Well guys we have a winner of Music Genre Mash Up game, and that's NijikakuFan63 and his EuroDeath track!

    I will turn that track into a full song for couple of hours.

    Thanks to everybody who gave a lot of great suggestions for music genre mash up game. 

    1. DuckMannnn


      ...I just realized that the voting was based on the voting poll at the top right corner of the vid and not from the comments section... 

      ~ Merged

      BTW, could you send me the sample of SadBeat? I might use it one day kek

  15. I decided to see what would happen if I type a name of any character on Google images and then to find some NSFW pictures. 


    I did the first season for today and here's the result: 



    Next Season will air tomorrow. Stick with me in MFFA chat next time if you want to hear my progress :P

  16. It's voting time people!



    Vote for you favorite track and that track will be turned into a full song! The voting poll is in the end of the video.

  17. Since my old computer cannot longer work, I'm going to visit my friend today who has other old computer to try to rip some files from my old computer's hdd with mini windows xp which I have on disc. I still have lap top, and I will probably get a new lap top really soon. My current lap top is my brother's lap top which I have been using since 2009 and it's not obsolete yet (and it also has awesome spec.), but this one , which I'll get really soon, will be mine and more powerful than the current one I have.  

    1. DuckAzz


      Edit: I ripped the files, now everything's okay.

  18. You might recognize who I am (the user which left this forum about a month ago).


    First of all I would like to apologize for making a stupid farewell thread, and also my life became meaningless after leaving the whole mugen community. All 30-40 days I spent myself on some jobs and playing games, but my hard working experience has gone away and a interest to talk to someone. I wished to get back into condition and continue my hobby life. I will not do mugen stuff since I have wasted all my free time this year and my higher school days start in October. To conclude this, I will stay here as much as I wish. All my mugen stuff is now open source and you can do whatever you want with them.


    Yours trully, Synck (a.k.a. ex DuckSS). You can call me Synck now, since my old username is pile of bullshit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demitri


      Just make things when you want to. Don't feel obligated to do anything. Taking a break from the engine and sometimes community is a good thing. Either way, welcome back. Always give your real life priority, just balance your time better.
      P.S. Mugen and Open Source is stupid. The engine is free, and the resources are accessible. i.e. open and closed source don't really exist.

    3. gui0007
    4. Galvatron


      Hey welcome back Man!!. :-)

  19. Well this is the last of me here on MFFA. I'm leaving MFFA since I can't access it correctly anymore. Take care guys, and if you need me, you can find me on MFG or on Youtube.

  20. Well this is the last of me here on MFFA. I'm leaving MFFA since I can't access it correctly anymore. Take care guys, and if you need me, you can find me on MFG or on Youtube.

  21. Well this is the last of me here on MFFA. I'm leaving MFFA since I can't access it correctly anymore. Take care guys, and if you need me, you can find me on MFG or on Youtube.

  22. well I have released a joke track today, so check it out! :)




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