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Status Updates posted by DuckAzz

  1. I'm was thinking,should I start to update my older screenpack what I had released on MFG last 4 months,I really need to create lifebars and more objects

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DuckAzz
    3. Noside


      Yeah i know about that side project duck, it's just that i'm more interested in gameboy fighters.

    4. DuckAzz


      well as big fan of retrogaming you're in first place

  2. I have watched nicledeon's TMNT....and you know what? it sucks....I think that older and the oldest TMNT is way better that Nicledeon cr@p...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cayne


      I miss b-bop and rocksteady.

    3. MugoUrth


      Wow, worse than 4Kids version?

    4. Gaulbetti
  3. can you belive this? saikoro is here!

    1. Wargame-kun


      well i expected he will go here since this place is peaceful

  4. asian ladybugs in europe,when they come you can't beat them all,I have to clean my house with vacuum cleaner,because there's a lot of dead ladybugs on floor :-\

    1. Noside
    2. Erroratu


      yea,same problem here.there is a bunch of them in this time of the year,and they leave a weird smell

    3. Zephyr


      Evil ladybugs that eat the european ladybugs. They are very harmful.

  5. damn yes! I got into the MFFA finaly! ugh one day waiting...

    1. WattaWright


      Congrats.I'm sure you'll be a great addition to their family ;)

    2. Demitri


      im pretty sure duck meant getting on the site >_>

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      @Genesis & Watta Yes he did, many people is having trouble getting on this site lately.

  6. you know what happened? on my old computer old graphic agp slot card have died last few minutes,I have to change my old 64mb graphic card to 32mb agp slot card,damn I'm back to lower memeory usage...but I still have excelent laptop,but my old computer is important in my life,I have all mugen stuff on it...

  7. I have updated bootleg wars,go to my new topic in mugen releases

  8. yo pick up the phone!

    1. MugoUrth


      Hells bells! I aint answering the phone!

    2. DuckAzz



  9. dude I got last night the bad atacking from my brother when I was on mugenfreeforall (he wanted to facebook to be allnight) idiot...I kicked his ass...



      lol...btw. great bootleg full game...

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