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Everything posted by DuckAzz

  1. I leave the community for few months and MFFA gets attacked.

  2. New kfm-ultra update will be available soon. This can't go without a sacrifice unfortunately. Fatal Chungus hyper will not be included in new version due to fear of WB doing something funny. The latest version of kfm-ultra has that hyper and you can get it on my website right now if you want to. The total number of hypers will be 35 in the next update. The character will also have more extra content.

    1. GTFoxN6Y


      WHERE IS V1.5!? I NEED IT

  3. Hey guys check out my new character reveal trailer!


    1. GTAguy


      Oh gee, I wonder what tomorrow day it will be...

    2. Vocalnoid


      0:30 More like April Poops


  4. Version 1.5 is now available. The new update comes with new low health hyper and minor fixes.
  5. Yo check out my newest video:


    1. thebestmlTBM


      "That'll hold em alright heh heh heh heh heh!"


  6. So how are you guys going to celebrate new year?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Red Chariot

      Red Chariot

      Not sure, probably I'll get drunk

    3. DXfactory


      Same way I always celebrate literally anything in my life... stay home, play video games.

    4. DuckAzz


      Me too. I'll be playing some video games since I got nothing else to do.

  7. Brand new KFM-Ultra update:


  8. Video: Changelog: Download: https://synckmugencentral667.000webhostapp.com/ Note: As you probably know, this character is not optimized for mugen 1.0. Mugen 1.1b is recommended. Also the character is not compatible with zoom stages.
  9. Man, been a while since I posted a last status update. Anyways I'm planning on releasing new version of kfm-ultra this month once I'm done with more polishing. The character will have new updated sprites and 30 hyper attacks in total. After that I might start working on something fresh and new next year if my creativity and budget allow me.

    1. thebestmlTBM


      Wow really? That's a lot of hypers.

    2. Dissidia
  10. DuckAzz


    New version of KFM-Ultra is now available. Changelog: Correct Filename is KFM-Ultra 1.3.7z
  11. DuckAzz


    KFM-Ultra has been updated again. This time with 2 new hypers (27 hypers in total). I had to change the website name because I had some problems with the host. https://synckmugencentral667.000webhostapp.com/ First post has been updated as well. Correct filename: KFM-Ultra V1.2.7z
  12. DuckAzz


    Thanks. Version 1.1 is now available. Changelog:
  13. DuckAzz


    Character has been updated again. Had to fix some minor issues on few explods. Filename is kfm-ultra v1.0 (REV 0.0.5).7z.
  14. DuckAzz


    Character has been updated again. Filename is kfm-ultra v1.0 (REV 0.0.4).7z. Had to fix Green heart icon duration.
  15. DuckAzz


    Character has been updated again. Filename is kfm-ultra v1.0 (REV 0.0.3).7z. Had to fix 2 hyper attacks.
  16. DuckAzz


    I might need to change the BG of my webpage in the future xP Some people complained about static bg.
  17. DuckAzz


    Yet another update. Had to fix turns mode shenanigans. Check the first post
  18. DuckAzz


    KFM-ultra has been updated. Had to fix some minor issues. The filename is kfm-ultra (REV 0.0.1). Read the changelog in read me.
  19. I released a new character. Check it out.


  20. DuckAzz


    Hello everyone. I finally released yet another mugen character, but this time with blackjack and hookers lots of attacks. The character is mostly inspired by Postal 2. I present you KFM-Ultra. Video Showcase: Note: Mugen 1.1b is recommended, the character lags in mugen 1.0. Read the textual file inside char's folder for more information. Also the character is not compatible with zoom stages. Download: https://synckmugencentral667.000webhostapp.com/ I regret nothing. The correct filename is kfm-ultra v1.3.7z
  21. I recently made a new youtube channel and also revealed a new character project of mine as well. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfhDqCYUYUs

  22. Happy new year mothaduckaz! 🦆

    1. DXfactory


      Happy New Years bro. I hope this year brings some good with it.

  23. Well guys I have some important news regarding my recent mugen creation. Freedom Planet 2 - Fighting edition will no longer be developed because I lost the interest in franchise. The demo will still be available on my website but it won't receive any updates. I'd say it was a fun experiment of mine cuz I was mostly converting a platformer game into a fighting game. I gotta move on to the other projects which I have in plan.

    1. DXfactory


      Question, when you move onto these other projects, you're not going to just abandon them too, right? Or is it just like "I just want to dip my toes in everything before trying something new"?

    2. DuckAzz


      It really depends. I mostly drop projects when I'm not interested in source material anymore. So far I abandoned 2 big projects of mine.

  24. The game has been updated to v1.0.2 Rev. 0.0.1. As usual just go to my website and get it. Changelog: - All attacks now have adjusted highs and lows (inform me if I need to change something in them). - Sash Lilac's Dive kick is now an air overhead. - Stars have been adjusted on game's screenpack. - Sash Lilac now has a different alpha counter. - Sash Lilac's lvl 1 super cyclone has been slightly changed (there was a small problem with executing that attack on corners).
  25. Well guys I'll be deleting my youtube channel on 1st of December just because youtube will become a dangerous place for all of us (you know, coppa shit). All my future videos will be uploaded on my dailymotion channel. here's the link to my channel: https://www.dailymotion.com/synck667

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵
    3. DuckAzz


      Actually I have moved to bitchute cuz dailymotion deletes my videos for some reason.
      here's the link https://www.bitchute.com/channel/synck_667/

    4. Noside


      My brother Synck, hold on and see what happens, don´t delete your YT channel yet.

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