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Everything posted by Staubhold

  1. Just by watching the vid... Shouldn´t the guy ontop of the car be behind p1 & p2... Does look strange. Why not use more sounds from the source game, like the sound for the spinning Nunchucks? Or the "Stage Clear" theme after winning the final round with Vigilante? And... MUGEN Characters 500 Series Vigilante Will you create the Junkyard stage to fit in with your char?
  2. How about adding something from the upcoming game "Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Bros."? Luigi falls asleep, a colorful cloud apears and "Dreamy Luigi" attacks p2, maybe a crowd of Luigis (one ontop of the other) stampedes over the screen... You can see it at the 1:14...
  3. Even worse... Try Double QCB a+b (Level 2 Super Move)
  4. MUGEN Characters 500 Series Vigilante Will you create the Junkyard stage to fit in with your char? MUGEN Characters 1000 Series MK2 Freddy Krueger Oh, I´m interested to see your progress on him. MUGEN Characters Experiments TVC Doronjo Nice, you made me watch some vids, was interested to see Doronjos gameplay in TvC. Relying on her helpers alot and she has many. Very cool gameplay, hope you can recreate it in MUGEN. Good luck on your wips, borewood!
  5. Very nice, thank you! Like it, good work... would like to see some new small & big portrait for him. Just a suggestion...
  6. Please, don´t get me wrong... I think it´s a good start to errr "edit" a char by giving him a new pallet... even if it is just ONE... but... changing one pallet and edit the name doesn´t change PotS Pocket Shin Gouki/Akuma into Oni. Just saying...
  7. I would like to see Skullgirls Peacock...
  8. They are both edits of "XsLaught" versions... Does anybody know what has been edited?
  9. Looks very nice! Would love to test Rash!
  10. Nice to hear that, can´t wait for the vid.
  11. Very nice! I think it´s much better now, still kinda unbeatable for me, but better... Can you beat him Borewood? ...btw, this boss char is NOT boring!!
  12. Thank you, but it´s the same, AB King just follows the stage...
  13. Tried it with KFMs stage. Ain´t working, cause your AB King just moves along with the stage scrolling.
  14. Not true! I like your Omni and the stage interactivity with your char! It´s alway nice to have something like that for a boss!
  15. Just a very quick feedback... Like the sprites and I do like the YTP Luigi more then the regular one. Love the grab/throw system! Very nice! I really don´t like the SSB gameplay style, would rather see him as a "regular" light/middle/hard punch/kick char, but that´s just my preference. I think I had never a char with SSB gameplay... Hmm, would be nice to have a Luigi with both modes YTP & regular Luigi... p.e. he could do his normal taunt and the Weegee one with forward + taunt, could shot the regular green fireball, but with a small chance he will shot his "spaghetti". Dunno, maybe a "Master Luigi" with both version moves, just like PotS did back in the days with his Ryu. I don´t like the "Negative Zone" bubble, the shape and look of it, maybe you can find a better looking one. Would be cool if you could sprite his actual dance. That would be awesome! Hmm, your version of the "Negative Zone" just does damage to p2... I think you could do more with it. ...and... ROFL!! YTP "Negative Zone" could look like that... http-~~-//youtu.be/fh3C5T1V3I0 When you´re going for a "Luigi´s Mansion" like intro, how about a variation of it for YTP Luigi? XD The ghosts flying away scared from Weegee.
  16. Download him and you´ll see that it is the pocket version... Zangief A is the POCKET version.
  17. The right one, the Pocket Fighter/Gem Fighter version...
  18. Dunno if it´s just me, but I have really a hard time beating your "King"... Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the stage is very narrow. Even the source game stage is wider. Yeah, I know...
  19. Sure, when I have the time I´ll beta test your Rash!
  20. That was not the plan... Just take some ideas from the vid, besides ... vid is from april 2012, till now there is no update or anything from the creator Buckus - abandon wip IMO. ...and the "pig" is just a normal enemy from the game... http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qXeqzkzRB4 http://spriters-resource.com/arcade/battletoads/sheet/52429 ^ Was not so hard to find. Use your imagination, try to "recreate" some special things from the source game, to give them Toads a nostalgia/retro feeling... Just sayin´.
  21. Maybe you can get some ideas from here...
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