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Everything posted by Staubhold

  1. Nice idea for a stage. I do have a little nitpick. The cashier behind the counter is GIGANTIC compared to the chars infront of the counter or the player chars.
  2. Dunno, but I can´t open some spoilers... Why?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      That spoiler opens for me.
      Are you still having the problem?

    3. Staubhold


      Yes... Have this problem for a while...

    4. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      I'm having this too. I can't open any spoilers.

  3. Hi Ryon... Hm, I know of two versions of her. IMO Xinos did the best version of her... With source game announcer voice.
  4. This needs a lot of work... CLSN on jumping punch attacks are huge. Blue CLSn on taunt is really strange... Left is his taunt... right is his normal stance CLSN Not much of sounds. Well, bad one...
  5. Whatcha gonna do brother when Bulk Bogan and his 24-inch pythons runs wild on you? XD Will test this one...
  6. Ha! Nice idea. Is it animated?
  7. [STEAM & PS4] Double Dragon IV Double Dragon IV is a beat 'em up video game in the Double Dragon series. This sequel is a follow-up to the three original Double Dragon games developed by Arc System Works, including the original director, character designer, composer, and programmer. The new sequel's gameplay and graphics are more akin to the ports made for the NES, with several character sprites & sounds taken directly from those titles. After the defeat of the Black Warriors in Double Dragon II, Billy and Jimmy Lee look to spread their Sōsetsuken martial art by establishing dojos around the country. However, they soon face a new threat in a gang called the Renegades, who have teamed up with the Black Warriors to put an end to Billy and Jimmy once and for all. You get a story mode with co-op option (no online!), a 2 player versus duel mode and a survival style tower mode. You can unlock chars in the story mode (for the duels) and in the Tower Mode (for all modes) with a final hidden boss at the end. Either choose normal or retro tracks in the muisc options for the game. Looks fun to me... Official website
  8. In the States folder is a config file... There you can turn off his AI
  9. No gui0007 ... He is not back. It´s just a necro bump...
  10. Happy New Year! The forum looks GREAT! Good job everybody!

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy New Year!! MFFA For The Win, Yo! ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”

  11. It´s an edit of Andrés Borghis Peketo... Edit author is LoquendoAnimal000.
  12. Nice and all, but... works not in normal MUGEN, only for MKP and... download has Lara & MK 2 Shang Tsung, not the MK1 version...
  13. Thank you 14th Doctor. Nice to see you here, would like you to post more from your stuff. Some quick feedback... Get rid of the spaces in your file names, otherwise the stage will not load when assigned to a character in arcade mode.
  14. Finally... MFFA is back on track!

  15. Looks really nice. Will you give him the projectile breathe & color pal from Turtles in Time?
  16. Nice. Would like to have more info...
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