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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. Shadow quit and so goes many stages. Or so we thought. Take this: https://mega.nz/#F!309ySC5L!r7eVXVIK7KanbVw5DQnYYw A magority of his stages are in that MEGA link. Click on a file name and then download it.
  2. Me: What's a good way to use my Thursday?

    Also me: Me_and_Mugen_creations.jpg

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL!

    2. Doomguy


      Goddammit, not again

    3. bluengineer43


      Remember, Blamers kill the memes. Not BTM.

  3. He has also been bothering other people on DeviantArt and also did the same thing with The 14th Doctor. EDIT: Also just check out his YouTube channel. It's a disaster. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCBzjUr6J_K5q4RK_Cfkd9Wg
  4. Have you seen what else he has been trying to and has pulled? He's been running amok for some time now. He has been recolouring other people's art, stealing characters and claiming them as his and saying Oliver helped him out. Plus he wants Oliver to help with a LitttleBig planet stage on GameBanana without asking first. I should get around to exposing him sometime.
  5. 8 down votes. He deserved that. He really did. You can't keep this shit up forever Ayrton. Get good or go home.
  6. I originally woke up at 9AM today but because I was so fucking sick I had to sleep for 4 hours. Now I'm properly getting up at 2PM. Yeah that's not a great way to start the day is it?

    1. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      I just can't even get out of bed when the clock hits 7:00 in the morning, because I'm just so tired to wake up.

    2. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- I Hope You Get Better Soon Flare-Gamer-64!! ^_^ Daylight Savings...I Want My Sleep Hour Back! LOL! T_T

  7. Then hasn't the page been updated with new characters and such?
  8. Welcome aboard Oliver. This is a nice forum. Enjoy your stay.
  9. I feel bad that I don't post status updates much.

  10. People who try to make """joke""" characters but fail miserably. Like Dave the Minion.
  11. I tried that now, they work but they are stuck in the corner of the screen Example: https://ibb.co/gut3Sc I'm using 640X480 so I can't use them anyways.
  12. I can't add them, I used it on my 1280X780 (I think that's the number) roster and they don't work. It keeps using the default ones.
  13. I understand good sir. It is your own choice. I have a few stage ideas that I would make, but I'm not ready for those. If I were to get around to them I will send you the tracks I need looped.
  14. And here's another palette set by Kater15, for Mega Mewtwo Y:
  15. "Space Raccoon versus demon squid. Yeah, this isn't weird or anything" - UMvC3 Rocket 

    And he thinks that's strange.

    Boi do Mugenites do strange battles.

  16. The Spaghet meme is dead, but whatever. Here's a video of B.B Hood beating up the bear. 


  17. I'm done with the MSH tracks, now for some XMEN: COTA tracks. Iceman's theme: Omega Red's theme:
  18. Got two more MSH themes Shuma-Gorath's theme: Wolverine's theme:
  19. This might be the best SSBB Boss mod I've ever seen. 


    1. Lillie's 音MADs
    2. StrongestPotato


      alternate palettes would include Yandere-chan and Junko Enoshima?

    3. Superkingkong65


      And this might be the best normal character mod. No... it IS the best normal character mod.

      Hell... it was the reason why I got into Smash modding in the first place. XD


  20. @GarfieldfanMUGEN Here's something you'll like.
  21. Hope you like still Pokemon stages. Ridley did another one. http://www.mediafire.com/file/1naknq4jra5vtig/solgaleo+stage.rar
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