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Palette Guru
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Everything posted by Anastasia

  1. Can anyone provide a screenshot of this stage?
  2. Does anyone have this stage? It came from Mugenarok.com.br again and the wayback machine could not find figure out that link. Here is a picture just in case: http://web.archive.org/web/20110709140731im_/http://www.mugenarok.com.br/cutenews/data/upimages/pista.jpg
  3. hey guys, does anyone have all the characters by Fervicante from Mugenarok.com.br because whenever I try to go to Fervicante's webpage in that website, it loads an error and it never loads up for me and I have problems for that for some reason
  4. Does anyone have Reika? If you guys do not know how the character looks like, it is in this video. I searched on here earlier with a mediafire link, but the link is broken and I was wondering if anyone has her and thank you. Here is a pic of Reika of how she looks like:
  5. Looks like an edit of Orchid's stage. Looks awesome to, hope someone can find a link to it
  6. Does anyone have Igniz-ICT? It used to be on 4shared, but the link does not work anymore and it is not available. Please does someone have it and thank you
  7. The stage is called Vahala from the Halo series. I had it once but I now I cannot find it anymore either.
  8. Thanks Ryoucchi. I didn't notice that part of the page and thank you. So you don't have them anymore do you, the other voicepacks you missed?
  9. Did Kurogane create a character called Myon? I am just wondering
  10. Does anyone have the Touhou voicepack by Choiyer? It used to be on Choiyer's mugen page, but then he/she took it down and I cannot find it. And thank you
  11. Thank you Ryoucchi. Thank you for uploading all of Kurogane's characters and as well, if you have all of Aotsuki's characters, do the same thing as well. Aotsuki and Kurogane both share Kurogane's page and yeah
  12. Also, for the mediafire link for Iku Nagae, you got the author mixed up. When I downloaded it and checked the .def file, it's not by Kurogane, it's actually by NNS and yeah.
  13. I followed the footsteps but nothing is working. I was wondering Ryoucchi, all of his characters, can you re-upload them if you have them to mediafire just in case and thank you.
  14. Can you show me where to change it? I am currently using Firefox at the moment
  15. For some reason, it's not working for me though :(
  16. Ryoucchi, I am just curious, is Kurogane's mugen page working because when I had my old, small black laptop it used to be working, but now, I am a little confused, it is not working correct?
  17. I am trying to find Remilia Modoki by 梢氏, however, I cannot find it in he/she's blog. I am looking everywhere but I cannot understand it something about DL and I do not know where it is. Can someone show me where it is or provide a link to her and thank you.
  18. Here are some more palettes this time... Ingrid by Shiroto. I colored her actual sprite and her lollipop version as well. Row 1: Cruelty Blood Rose, Ghost, Last two are custom Row 2: All of them are custom Row 3: Ireland, Lili, Penelo, Shadow Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/tkl3m5tx5lhpv9v/Ingrid+Shiroto+Palettes.rar
  19. Here are some palettes for Cody by Lost_Avenger. Row 1: Bronze, Penelo Looking, Last two are custom Row 2: First two are custom, Cruelty Blood Rose, Default (Edited) Row 3: Feminine Power, Princess Bubble Gum (Adventure Time), Shadow, Statue Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/g7behcgzix49zqb/CodyCFJ+Palettes.rar
  20. What kind of computer do you have and I have Parace L'Sia by Incurable as well, but she runs smoothly for me.
  21. Who has heard of Pentatonix? Their music is awesome and they are all very good. Mitch Grassi, Scott Hoying & Avi Kaplan are very cute

  22. Thank you Mr. Kotik. This stage was called CF3-16gjm by 119way. It's on his webpage, however, the link is called rayfile but I tried downloading it, it just wouldn't download and thank you so much again. :)
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