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Palette Guru
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Everything posted by Anastasia

  1. Here is a video you guys, that I did with this character Mysterious Green. The song that I really want to find is in the last 16 seconds starting at the time 4:46. Please tell me the song if you guys know it and thank you guys so much.
  2. The effects of this Orochi are just simply breath-taking and especially the part with the 14 sec song. That is my favorite move, just curious, if anyone knows the song to that song, please let me know.
  3. Here you go Cruz: The request to Naomi's Palette that you wanted. http://www.sendspace.com/file/ng1msd Here is a new link just in case the sendspace link of this palette gets deleted. https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=BEC7FA377DC6B014&id=BEC7FA377DC6B014!150
  4. hey guys, I was wondering if anyone can search for the lifebar template for Kurisu's MBAA portraits because I searched everywhere for them and I found no luck and thank you for helping me you guys
  5. This is a thread all about Dissidia's new screenpack for mugen 1.0 called Hatsune Miku: Project Mugen S.P. There are two motifs, one with a custom made and a default one. If you definitely use this screenpack try posting some of your examples of portraits from her screenpack :) 9000, 1: 9000, 0: 9000, 35:
  6. Hey everyone, sorry I have not even been posting since I first started posting here in Mugen Free For All. I have been super, super, super-duper busy with school and graduation is just around the corner for me. I am so sorry for not posting here you guys and I can make it up to you. Here you go, I made palettes for Naomi Kokoro by Zelgadis, and she is available to play as for WinMugen or Mugen 1.0. Link: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=BEC7FA377DC6B014&id=BEC7FA377DC6B014!108 (Click the folder Add-Ons and you will find it there) First Row: All custom Second Row: Cruelty Blood Rose, Dark, Default (Edited), Green, Penelo and Shades of Brown.
  7. Yes I do hold on. Link: http://www.4shared.c...iliPalette.html There you go, the link for the Lili palette for Petra Johanna Lagerkvist by Bey
  8. Well, I have some palettes of Petra Johanna Lagerkvist by Bey and she is an HR character. Give me feedback on what you think of them okay. First Row - Noel Vermillion, Rose(SF), Lili Second Row - Cruelty Blood Rose, Custom Third Row - Bonne Jenet, Ashlotte Maedel (Soul Calibur IV), Custom Fourth Row - Custom, Princess Bubble Gum (Adventure Time) Fifth Row; 1st Row - Custom, Super Mario Fifth Row; 2nd Row - Miku Hatsune (Old Version, I have a new version updated and I will add it soon), Fran (Updated) Sixth Row; 1st Row - Balthier (Sort of), Three are custom, Fran, Lara Croft Sixth Row; 2nd Row - Leona, Memory (Twinkle Star Sprites: La Petite Princesse), Miku Hatsune (Old Version), Penelo, Shadow (Old Version)
  9. I love Shermie!! She is my favorite character of all time from King of Fighters. Even her Orochi form as well. I made so many palettes for Shermie
  10. More palettes made for Shermie by Juke Kisaragi. Link: http://www.4shared.com/rar/p79V8WR2/Shermie_Palettes_Set_2.html First Row: Fran, Halloween, Joker, Mystique, Custom Second Row: All of them are custom.
  11. Here is another palettes I made for a character. This time I made palettes for Shermie by Ahuron. Ahuron's Shermie is combined into Orochi Shermie & Shermie herself and yeah. Link: http://www.4shared.com/rar/TH0rSmMX/ShermieAhuronPals.html
  12. I am back everyone. Sorry if I haven't been posting here lately or before I have been super-super busy with school and such. And here is more of my palettes. Here is one of my palettes made for Yurika Kirishima by Fervicante. Palettes in Order: First two are custom, Black & White, Default (Darker), Custom, Ling Xiaoyu, Custom
  13. Correct. I didn't had stuff to show so yeah, this is my only topic. Here are palettes now for Morrigan Aensland by POTS! They are separated into three parts. First part: Second part: Third part: First part of palettes (First Row): Balthier, Black, Custom, Chun-Li(Sort of), Custom Second row of first part: Cruelty Blood Rose, Last four are custom. Second part of palettes (First row): D-Morrigan (12P), Fran, Kula Diamond, Two are custom Second row of 2nd part: First three are custom, Nevan, Orochi Shermie Palettes (Left to right): Penelo, Purple & Black, Shadow, Shermie(Sort-of), Snow Queen, Statue, Custom
  14. Everyone. This is my first post here in MFFA and I would like to post my palettes in this page. Here is one of my first palettes that I made with Shermie by Juke Kisaragi. Left to right: Penelo, Cruelty Blood Rose, She-Hulk, last four are custom.
  15. Wow!!! Finally you released these lifebars http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png! Can you try to convert them for winmugen+ if anyones knows how
  16. Thank you so much http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png
  17. Can you reupload the link for this stage please? It looks so awesome, but I can't download it http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.png
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