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Palette Guru
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Everything posted by Anastasia

  1. What happened to MFFA? For some reason, my web page for this website looks like this.

  2. @OldGamer Hey there, could you provide a link to this screenpack for both latest mugen version and winmugen. Just in case if some people want to use this screenpack
  3. Every time I try to visit a profile, something saying...

    "Something went wrong. Please try again later." Error Code: EX144.

    I am thinking RMH is trying to configure the profiles and fixing MFFA once again.

  4. Every time I try to visit a profile, something saying...

    "Something went wrong. Please try again later." Error Code: EX144.

    I am thinking RMH is trying to configure the profiles and fixing MFFA once again.

  5. Awesome release as always @gui0007. It looks amazing and the sounds and animations are on point. I love it :)
  6. Just wondering, do you have the original character before you improved or edited this character to your personal liking?
  7. For some reason, I cannot access my profile. Has error code EX144, RMH, please fix this.

  8. I truly do miss you White Ranger. :(

  9. Thank goodness this site is back. This mugen website is my favorite one of them all and all of you guys are like family to me. I love every one of you and I'll always love this as my home.

  10. These pictures look really accurate to Street Fighter characters.
  11. That's awesome Mr. Steal, I think I know what you mean by your idea. Make them like regular people and look like actual people belonging to the reality world. :)
  12. Do you mean like creating palettes for characters from other games? I'm just wondering what you said here Mr. Steal.
  13. This layout of this week's news is amazing. I knew @gui0007 could do it. :) Definitely or even there are some win mugen users out there as well.
  14. What's your character's name? I am interested on knowing what kind of character you are creating next. :)
  15. ... You need to send me the character and the author of whoever created that character and the link. Plus, I'll do the color magic myself.. :(
  16. Alright, Ryon. I'll stop doing that then. I am really sorry for doing that in every post. :(
  17. Do you have the link to DDR's mugen page? I want to try to see all his characters. :)
  18. That Popeye gameplay looks amazing. I might give him a try and the effects on those animations are on point. I'll give it to you. :)
  19. RMH, did you get my inbox message? I really want to be part of the staff, and also some sort of creator rank like Palette Creator if that's alright

    1. Ryon


      have you ever moderated before? are you currently in school? if so what are your best subjects? if not, what are your best subjects?
      Also your signature is to big Anastasia, Please remove 1 of the images.

      Also Creator ranks are more aimed towards people who make complete characters (not just palettes but all parts of them) this is to show people of the community that this person who has a creator title knows the basics about mugen coding all around.


      of course its up for bossman to decide.

  20. Final Fantasy XV & Dynasty Warriors Gladiolus Amicitia (Final Fantasy XV) x Anastasia~ (My original character and I created her in Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires)
  21. You're welcome Remzy, and thank you for the lovely compliment as well. Just in case, try to balance out the dark and brightness at the same time so the characters outfit and sometimes skin color can be easily seen. However, you are doing fine as always Remzy. Keep it up :) Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  22. Nice palettes as always Remzy. Do you want to see my palette thread? I just posted some palettes on my page and my old page called Miki's Palettes. Your colors are good, just like reduce the shading and contrast of your character colors so the outfit can be seen easily just to be sure. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  23. Here is another post of me guys. This time, here are some palettes made for this awesome King of Fighters character. Whip by LunaTuna and she is amazing at gameplay. First Row: Cruelty Blood Rose, Default (Edited), Fran (Final Fantasy XII), Kula Diamond, Lili (Tekken), Custom Second Row: All of them are custom. Let me know if you guys want the link for it. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  24. Was there a read me file included in the downloaded file?
  25. That's awesome. I used to play that kung fu game in another website. I forgot the name of that kung fu fighting game displayed with those characters shown in this video. Love the fighting style and the music as well. :) Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
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