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Palette Guru
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Everything posted by Anastasia

  1. That vampire scene played in that one episode of Spongebob Squarepants called Graveyard Shift I believe, cannot remember, that was one funny episode.
  2. Hey RMH. Did you get my message from before? I hope you had some time to think about it. I'm really sorry, because if I will become part of the News Team let's say, I don't have time to be active, because usually I'm busy with other stuff.

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      No worries about the news team thing, I only suggested it in case it interested you.  Let's talk via pm.

  3. These stages look awesome as always. I totally love 8-bit stages and 8-bit games. Every video game is totally amazing, unless, the gameplay and everything else about the certain has to be good. :)
  4. I tested out the palette, however, I have the same problem too. I believe it only worked when the author of those palettes first released them, and now, I don't know how to fix that problem. Or if Gou-San can fix the problem himself, then, he can figure out the palette problem. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  5. Maybe, it's just this character Kaze No Ken. I made another Cody palettes, however, this Cody is made by a different author and he is only made for Mugen 1.0. I believe it's just this character in general because his colors were all over the place and they were not in a good order. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  6. It's alright Kaze No Ken. I try at least one palette, then after that, if the colors are do-able then I can do it. I'll give you the palette and the link to it, if you want to download it as well. Thank you again Kaze No Ken. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~ Link: https://www.mediafire.com/?kmgft400k1324ax (Test palette for you Kaze No Ken, hope you like it)
  7. I'm sorry if I made only one. In my previous post, what I said is true and his colors were all over the place. Please forgive me Kaze No Ken. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  8. Okay, well, the truth was I couldn't do your request, but I only made one palette for Cody by Gou-San. The reason being is that first off, his colors were all over the place and I can still give you the palette if you want it Kaze No Ken. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  9. I can try my best, but before you request a palette thread here, I made some rules just to clarify my new palette thread I made. Should be in the first post. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  10. No, what I meant was that, that black color in your screenshots, the white color in that wind hyper, it's included in one of his jail outfit so I cannot separate it. It's actually like that and like I said Kaze No Ken, I am not good at separating the colors together. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  11. First off, his colors were all over the place. Then, second, I'm not good fixing his files because I am not good with coding or any other stuff besides making palettes. I'm sorry about that Kaze No Ken. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  12. The mugen fight in this battle was super intense. I totally love fights like that.
  13. Give me some requests you guys. I miss doing palette requests and make sure they are compatible and easy. I tried using Fighter Factory 3 for Palettes, but it's still confusing for me. Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  14. Welcome to Mugen Free For All. I totally welcome you to the wonderful website and look around for creations that interest you in many ways. :)
  15. This Freeza edit looks awesome. I'll totally download it :)
  16. Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about the new FF game coming out and it's been such a long time since FF12 came out. I'm so hyped about it and everything.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Noside


      Ok, thanks for the info guys.

    3. Anastasia


      You're welcome @Noside. If you want, maybe one day we can play a game together if that's alright with you. :)

    4. Noside


      Yeah, let me get one of those hack and slash games and I'll let you know.

  17. I don't know if people are still showing their desktop showcases, but here is my desktop. Hope you guys like it.
  18. Have fun here. Just let anyone of us know and we're here for you. Message me also, if you need any help Creek. ~Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia
  19. Hey guys. It's Anastasia. Since my old palette thread stopped being requested palettes, I am going to make a new one and just start fresh. However, if you guys give me a request, I have some new rules before making a request. Rule Thread: 1. Make sure the character's colors are do-able and not all over the place. 2. Send up to three characters (MAX), for request. 3. Have fun and enjoy the creation of my palettes! :) Gladiolus Amicitia x Anastasia~
  20. Why is every page setting me back to the main page? I guess MFFA is having little issues at this time. It's 2:28, eastern coast time right now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Should be fixed.  How's everything on your end?

    3. Anastasia


      Yes, everything is good on my end. Thank you so much RMH. I'll let you know if anything goes wrong.

    4. RobotMonkeyHead
  21. It actually worked when I used 7-zip. When I used Winrar, I guess her files got corrupted and thank you so much White Ranger. That actually helped out a lot.
  22. For some reason, MFFA is having little problems again for me. I cannot load my profile and things are not loading fast on me. Anyone else has the same problem or is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Galvatron


      No problems on my end.. but it does lag once in awhile..

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      I've got nothing yet, I'll ask Aπekcen. 

    4. Galvatron



      .that would be a good idea..

  23. Finale Sula doesn't work for some reason when you try to extract her. All her files are corrupted. Can someone re-upload a better version of it?
  24. I am so happy MFFA is back to normal. I've been thick and thin on MFG and MFFA. I wish you the best luck RMH and to you to Ryon. :)

  25. You can do this RMH. I'm always here for MFFA and I would love to make sure, this website would be up and running as always. We believe in you and we'll always be there for you. Just let us know if you need help and we have your back.
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