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Everything posted by Brucelee41126

  1. depends if you actually show up in the chat If you want... I'll say it again: I'm not that good
  2. Seriously just watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEo2ipzypTQ
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNnQ2dETRAo The game's coming to the USA next year it seems
  4. Not to be a stick in the mud, as much as I love the series and how the game's looking, but who the hell are you and shouldn't this be
  5. ZING! But yeah no one was really posting there. It had no purpose
  6. People are really focused on reviving the porn section of the site huh...?
  7. Basically. Who the hell cares? It's basically get a browser that works best on your computer.
  8. It's still not really an issue. ... As long as it's not one of those ads that has audio or uses flash. Those are extremely irritating.
  9. ....... Oh man, you don't wanna know what I mistook that for. And true enough. computers do have different brands and models afterall
  10. Chrome crashes and is very slow to me, so I heavily prefer firefox
  11. I'll just grab adblocker. It's no biggie
  12. He was a mod. I know that for certain. You made him a mod a while before you made me and woot temporary mods. Global mod? I...don't..think so...?
  13. Polnareff's theme music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2xtR1e4we8
  14. He did. You don't wanna know what happened then XD
  15. YOU PICKIN' A FIGHT!? YOU CALL ME THAT AGAIN AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS, RAPIST Nah I'm jokin'.it's actually quite funny XD
  16. What the hell!? I've seen hardcore masochists in person before but this....yeah no.
  17. Ah, like fanart in general. I thought it was MFFA got some fanart. Well that's sort of a disappointment And if I started posting fanart I fhave I'd have to be banned XD
  18. Who basically stole it from an episode from the show
  19. Agreed, but I'm not the one who made this thing and I doubt I could make a copy. .... I WILL however sure as hell try. If someone can make a better template please do
  20. It's been a long time this place has been around it seems. I remember I showed up in V2 so I've been around a good while. It's been fun to say the least. Though I among others know the real reason why we went through so many of those versions...
  21. What, you guys never heard of Hentai Kamen.Psh
  22. So... I'm going to buy this No, no, no. Fuck you. I am going to legitmately buy this fucking movie when it comes out on DVD.
  23. Warning: These images are very large to clearly indentify the characters in the image. Please spoiler any Main Characters image posted Example: (spoiler) blah blah(/spoiler) Please make sure you [ ] and not ( ) to activate the code Mine Template for those who want to make their own and show who they main with. You can place characters of each corresponding game as you wish, even if you no longer have the game with you and just show who you used most Do NOT put in characters that are not playable in a game in a box. It will confuse others Example: M. Bison in 3rd Strike Please put down your name exactly as it is if you plan on putting in your username for Xbox Live and so on. This way others can add and challenge you with no problems. Simply leave areas blank if you have not played the game or have no mains to speak of. You may challenge and request matches as you wish in this thread or head to our chatroom to request matches and talk here. If you have more games you wish to mention simply cut down to the option games section and add more games. We don't need to full images for just more optional games For information about GGPO, go here Have fun
  24. I'll inform her myself then. Just worry about following the rules for now. Let's just see how effective these rules are for about a week or so.
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