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Everything posted by Brucelee41126

  1. Alp hasn't shown up while BJay did. Him and Sess played a few matches of King of Fighters 2002 to pass the time.
  2. People are saying confirmed. I'm calling bullshit until I see proof. Honestly I'd like something more...classy I guess?
  3. It's come to my attention that GGPO has gone down. Presumably for testing a new version. So we may have to wait if no one has say Kaillera or SC
  4. Here's the report. DJ has shown up less lately, so yeah Black advances Not a word from BJay, but to be fair, he's the most inflicted with timezones in this tourney Not a word from Kamau, though he shows up sometimes. About 3 times a week I guess at max Not a word from Alp, I think he's preoccupied with life right now, not sure Nope, not Gamer either, no reason whatsoever given, even though the last time he showed up he blamed Ky for their match not happening (who was actually the first to fight when given a chance and the main recorder) In other words: Ky, Black Chaos, Sess and myself have been the only ones who commonly show up to fight Probably should have been the final 4 instead of 9....
  5. TIME'S UP I'm sorry to say, but it's been a week already. It's time to move on. Brucelee and BlackChaos are moved onto the 2nd round by timeout. Here are the new match-ups NeoGeoKitsune vs.Alpyne D tohnoshiki vs. DjHero35 kyblackflame vs. Brucelee41126 Black Chaos vs. SesshoMaGoku24 Attend to your matches are soon as possible
  6. This will be the final warning If the following matches do not occur, someone will be advanced mostly due to attendance while the other will be pushed to losers. (Look for a * by the names. Those show who will be advanced due to attendence. No playing favorites) Black Chaos* vs. tohnoshiki Alpyne D vs. Brucelee41126*
  7. You have explosive diarrhea and you THINK you need to fart..... I wish I had a Klondike bar
  8. This is the second to last day to get your fights finished If the fighters are not finished by the end of tomorrow, matches WILL be proceeded with or without permission If anyone knows how to contact Tohno, Alp or Blackchaos, please tell them about this message as soon as you can
  9. Everything they attempt to make gets cancelled or sent to dev hell because of the executives meddling in I wish we had technology as shown in Back to the Future now
  10. The fuck is Chould? Wish denied from the GNG (Grammar Nazi Genie) I wish Ultra Street Fighter IV was cancelled
  11. You want me to render that? Because if you just wanted straight up panties, that's not too hard XD
  12. I couldn't find offical art that showed pantyshots or anything even close (Because they don't do that for anyone apparently) So I got some fanart and rendered it myself. Sorry if it's sloppy
  13. You suffer from genetic harem protagonist stupidity and animu guy nosebleeds that can prove fatal I wish the 3DS had GBA games on the eshop
  14. Look you two, at this point either way the tourney should be dropped and redone with people who will participate. Maybe even held off until a holiday of somekind. Lightflare, no offense but you're right about not fighting until your controller's back in order again. A lot of the waiting for your matches is your controller messing up as well as your work schedule. I like your determination, but if you aren't in the condition to play it makes no difference. Ky, chill out a bit. We get you're frustrated. We're all frustrated at how this turned out. But chewing each other out is not the answer to this
  15. You're arrested for owning counterfeit money. I wish games were cheap like they were back in the 90s
  16. skirt's not high enough. I demand a pantyshot
  17. I wish I knew how to use a grappler character in Street Fighter properly
  18. I'll let Light answer that himself. I suggest either moving the prizes to another tourney or hold a new one entirely, this time with a rule stating you have the time to participate with an agreement of disqualification if they do not turn up to fight within the allotted time
  19. It should also be mentioned that Light has a busted controller, and thus in no real condition to play. He should wait until his controller is either fixed properly or replaced before fighting once more. It's not really fair to the opponents if they are forced to wait more than needed in all honesty
  20. Ky, I am aware you were there and he up and left. If this was still even official at this point, this would be a fucked up call and we would have to redo. But at this point it isn't in all reality. The tourney was rigged to mess up from the start because we did not consider so many people would not show up. Personally, I suggest we wait until a new tourney starts with a rule stating that you must know that you have the time for the matches. If not, say you are not able to fight and face disqualification with grace. That's what I think
  21. He couldn't get his controller to work so that's a no-go for now. He suggests postponing this tourney
  22. This tourney has been more defaults than actual fights. In all honesty, for anyone who was playing to really fight in this thing or win a prize, that feels like being cheated of a real challenge. I say we cancel this tourney, but for anyone who wishes to finish their matches, they go ahead and fight and post their matches. Alp has been demanding a match. Light barely got to fight. And Ky and Kamau are both pretty much blood knights of sorts. The prize should be moved. I don't care where. I can be my tourney where only more active members can fight, or a different occasion. I makes no difference.
  23. I hate to be tripleposting but two matches are done DjHero35 vs. SesshoMaGoku24 kyblackflame vs. NeoGeoKitsune http://youtu.be/fzrJAH1sAUU
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