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Everything posted by Brucelee41126

  1. This. Seriously, we're passed this concept by now aren't we..?
  2. Basically like completing a trial one way and you found out there was another way to do it and going "why didn't I think of that?" They're pretty damn smart about things at Nintendo but making a cheaper system at the cost of functions and portability and giving it more endurance, that's not something you'd think a little while after making the next biggest portable system.
  3. To anyone complaining about the 2DS Seriously fellas, they're just making it easier to buy Pokemon X & Y as WELL as the new Super Smash Bros. when it comes out. You don't NEED to buy that, and it does raise a good point when you bring along with you everywhere. It's like the Gameboy Micro in this case, just a smaller and different model. Give it a damn chance. I hated Xbox One's announcement, but I'll still give it a damn chance, shit.
  4. Cheaper price more durability no chance of eye damage from 3D features longer battery good for kids or irresponsible twits
  5. Hmn, I get to fight someone I don't know? That'll be fun
  6. Adding a new template, that has more games and space available. I must say that this is an EDIT of the original template. Find it in the main post
  7. Just saying this now in case someone didn't notice by now, but there is a new poll. I suggest anyone who signed up look at this poll and vote
  8. His Fire Red/Leaf Green appearance to be exact. The original Red protagonist actually DID have black hair and darker eyes.
  9. We all could use a little brushing up. Let's not forget though that this is for the fun of it, not to prove something. I like your enthusiasm, but this isn't a help or support thread. It's a thread about the tournament. You want help with something instantly, then come to the chat.
  10. we don't have a personal server, we choose the best server that will work best for us. Not to mention everyone seems to have moved onto GGPO, though a few of us still keep the other emulators handy (like myself)
  11. There are multiple emulators with online functions PSX SNES NES Genesis Gameboy DS Dreamcast and Arcades Those are most of the systems that have been given multiplayer.
  12. You'll have to come to the chat and speak with us sometime. Kamau seems to especially good at helping others with their issues on GGPO. I wasn't expecting ports to be such an issue myself. If need be I'll find a decent server for Mame. That method may be slower and more laggy than GGPO, but it doesn't need open ports. Shall I revive the Mame Netplay thread?
  13. Go here Lagato, you may want to link the main post to this page as well EDIT: This just got my attention due to MugoUrth's questions in the chat. GGPO needs OPEN PORTS in order to play. If you do not have open ports or a static IP You CANNOT use GGPO. MugoUrth has a HughesNet router and cannot use GGPO because that would require him changing his account type with Hughes, which he cannot do.
  14. Leave it Yuyu to make things sexual without even meaning to
  15. I'm gonna go with a follow-up TO Stealth Rock. I know some hardcore Pokemon players who would probably flip over this Basically Mega Evolutions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FCYURvubxc
  16. The game was released to the public on PC quite some time ago, but never really got noticed. So I decided to pose this here, what with Xrd on the way and all. The game CAN be used with a controller, however it will be treated like a PS2 controller, so be sure to set it accordingly using config.exe and then setting the controls ingame. The game also comes with a netplay mode that can be used, as well as a program to make your own colors for your characters. Yes, you can also use EX, SP modes, Justice, Kliff, and Robo-Ky as well. You can get the game, the guide to netplay as well as soundtracks from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KMQIGh_FDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma3lBJme4Wc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWYLqfFyrlg I'll put up a guide to use netplay for those who need it soon
  17. Loving how it looks so far. I missed May's cute attitude
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