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Everything posted by Brucelee41126

  1. .hack/sign = game turned anime done RIGHT .hack Twilight bracelet = more silly and lighthearted Sword Art Online = MUCH darker .hack inspired anime
  2. "I came back SOLE for the reason to tell that you suck and you will never amount to shit compared to me OR my friends" "I admire you like a Jock admires a nerd" "I just want you to know that before I die, you will never live up to the amount of awesome I have in my dying moments than you will in your entire shitty life" And the list goes on. Also: Hi.
  3. On the game itself. The graphics are fantastic, don't misunderstand me, the game gets old pretty fast. It's basically run from point A to point B, or kill or collect so many number of this item and bring it back. It got pretty boring pretty fast, and you only have four characters to play as with little differences, so there's not much to keep you around.
  4. ...Okay, Capcom. Is that how it is? Okay... ...Assholes.
  5. BETTER idea. You buy the blasted thing yourself, and bathe in rightfully earned gaming bliss
  6. Totally inappropriate and mentally scarring...
  7. I use quite a few people, but my more deadly characters are my Tohno and Kohaku on Crescent. Though there are also... Len Ryougi Aoko Ciel (Both versions) Akiha (School and normal) and Miyako All on Crescent. I COULD use Full for some, but eh...
  8. Shouldn't this be on Mult-platform? It's not only on Gamecube, but also PS2 (which is stated in the first sentence of the first post) and PC
  9. Tohno's teacher on the value of life and the one who gave him the glasses in the first place. Shouldn't you know this? You're NAME is tohnoshiki!
  10. Still waiting on a Fate/Stay Night character to pop in
  11. Fuck that shit then. I liked Ben. He was a cool guy
  12. Played the Original CoM - Very good game in my opinion. Was one of the games I played the most on my gameboy As well as half of 358/2 days - The story was interesting, but the whole mission idea kind of pissed me off.
  13. In other words, all the OTHER games that starred Sora that weren't part of the main story. (358/2 days counts. Roxa = Sora's Nobody after all)
  14. You said that in Fatal/Fake. OH, I'm sorry~! :GHEYFACE:
  15. You'll probably need to put in a code to prove that you bought it.
  16. It's probably gonna end up being some weird ass dream. Who the hell knows. One of us will have to play and beat the game to find out
  17. It's only a movie, mate. Doesn't mean it's indefinitely 3. We can't say for certain until Square Enix or Disney flat-out states it is so. Until thing, this is 2.5 to most of us.
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