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Status Replies posted by Flowrellik

  1. Please don't ignore! It only seems to affect IE users, but upon entering this site, a pop-up shows (those with adblock wont see this) and a virus starts trying to make changes to the computer. Please fix this, as it's preventing people from traversing onto this site!

    1. Flowrellik


      nope. Its coming from the site itself. there were times when even that antivirus ad pops up on occasion trying to install bullshit in your system.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. Please don't ignore! It only seems to affect IE users, but upon entering this site, a pop-up shows (those with adblock wont see this) and a virus starts trying to make changes to the computer. Please fix this, as it's preventing people from traversing onto this site!

    1. Flowrellik


      See this is why MFFA needs more repairwork. Bad enough I got a fucking dynamer trojan from here *And I backtraced the trojan* thanks to one of the fucking popup ads.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. Has anyone else been experiencing issues on the site lately (i.e. pop-ups, malware alerts, SQL errors), and so forth?

  4. So yea now I'm getting virus warnings for this site on Chrome and Firefox.

  5. SFxT 2013....aww capcom is trying to be cute again

  6. Why do people bother recording AI matches for Mugen? Dont they know that is stupid? if we wanted to watch an AI match. We would just go into watch mode in our own mugen.

  7. Suddenly i have this urge to fix something with DUCT TAPE!!!

  8. I might be flat-chested, but I can be just as good :

  9. i dont like to let things get the best of me, so after calming down, i went back a re did the entire df collection 1 by 1 to find the problem, found out what it was, so its updated now



  12. so yeah without notice mediafire froze my account, so as of right now our collections by me are pretty much worthless

    1. Flowrellik


      actually your stuff still works. idk why mediafire would do this but this is unfair if you ask me. everyone knows Copyright is just bullshit anyway.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  13. i'm back everyone. sad news everybody my desktop that held all my mugen stuff including my projects are gone cause i had a very bad virus on it and i'm rebooting it. :(

  14. What does it mean when you open up MUGEN (the exe) and AVG says a threat is detected from it? I scanned the file itself but, as I thought, there is nothing wrong with it. What the hell?

    1. Flowrellik


      Avast sucks. it constantly creates malware for my end. Live essentials is your friend.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  15. so i was jamming thru youtube & i found 4 Godzilla mugen characters i never knew existed ... F*ck Yeah! Mechagodzilla Showa Era,Mecha Godzilla Head Destroyed Version,Super Godzilla (Final Foen from Snes Game) & Kamacuras( Giant Praying mantis from the movies)

  16. I feel like crying

    1. Flowrellik


      I know the feeling very well. I hope you get well soon.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. u know i totally just realized we dont have a Capcom Vs SNK collection

  18. u know ive always belived there was somthing more powerful & knowing than me & lastnight before i went to bed i asked God to just let me get 1 job for my company so i can take care of my family & after about 3 hours of door hoping i came home disappointed because no one said yes....then after an hour of sitting on the couch stewing & being pissy with everyone except my daughter around me, my phone Rang....My Companys 1st Job is Thursday !

  19. so it turns out that in response to barack obamas same sex marrige thing DC comics is going to make one of their existing characters openly gay

  20. its my 3 year anniversary with rozalin today : )

  21. Adult Swim is gay now. They need to bring all of the good anime shows back like Blood+ & Trigun

  22. Sessh and I scared someone in the chat....I feel we acomplished something...Sorry though.

  23. i F'N love that Youtube has that new DL function , now i can get ALL of the JRock i love & Didnt want to pay n arm n a leg for ,for Free

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