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Status Replies posted by Flowrellik

  1. Anybody heard about that 136 year ban on Smash 3DS?

  2. http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/sample/sample-a703b49e9d127e5cb2ed7e0529600b57.jpg For guy like me this is so tempting even doe I know the consequences.. LOL! :-)
  3. http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/sample/sample-a703b49e9d127e5cb2ed7e0529600b57.jpg For guy like me this is so tempting even doe I know the consequences.. LOL! :-)
  4. So anyway, there's a trailer for a sequel to that Five nights game and there's apparently theories that the old and new animatronics are at war with each other. Can't wait for the inevitable Multiplayer add-on that lets you play as the animatronics against the other versions.

  5. Heads up, cop Felicity's creations while you still can.

  6. Who do these DDoS assholes think they are?

  7. I think we should all agree on Dictator being called Vega.

  8. That fake ecole trolling group better just stop.

  9. They skipped Windows ⑨ because freezing would be a constant problem.

  10. Breaking News! The first case of Ebola virus has been confirmed in the U.S. http://news.yahoo.com/texas-patient-confirmed-as-first-ebola-case-diagnosed-in-us-205031312.html plus to make matters worst we are right in the middle of flu season so everyone make sure we drink alot of fluids,eat healthy, and take lots of vitamins. (On the side note incase their is some type of mutation of this virus and makes people become zombies i'll have my gun and weapons ready)

  11. Breaking News! The first case of Ebola virus has been confirmed in the U.S. http://news.yahoo.com/texas-patient-confirmed-as-first-ebola-case-diagnosed-in-us-205031312.html plus to make matters worst we are right in the middle of flu season so everyone make sure we drink alot of fluids,eat healthy, and take lots of vitamins. (On the side note incase their is some type of mutation of this virus and makes people become zombies i'll have my gun and weapons ready)

  12. Windows 9 is already in developement.!!? Damn! I just brought a PC that has windows 8.1 and Microsoft is shifting to 9.

  13. Sighs. You know Im happy that some anime and manga sites online are still going strong but I'm believing more and more now that M.A.G (the branch of anime defense for Japan and yes its Government run) is actually hurting more people than helping.

  14. bbeware of the red named guy

  15. I wish i could find all of P-tan's ai patches... But nooo its all offline #DemFeels

  16. I'm at Disney World :3

  17. Long ago, Replods and humans lived together in harmony. But then everything changed when the Mavericks attacked. Only Mega Man could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. 9001 years passed and I discovered a reploid named X. Although his powers are great, he has a lot to learn before he can save anyone. But I believe X can save the world.

    1. Flowrellik


      hold on, Didn't Zero actually defeat megaman?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. totally falling inlove with making pals, and its helping me keep mym ind off of the stuff going on with me

  19. R.I.P YuyuStars . She Was A Great Member Here On MFFA , A Very Nice Person Who Was Hillarious In The Chatroom , The Memories... :(

  20. "Thats right God you are my bitch now"

  21. still worried , but kind of thinking whats the point, if im still feeling the same wa i did when i left the ER and all of my test were normal , i cant really do more than go to the ER to have it seen about and the doc told me he was 99% sure it wasnt my heart because of how my test looked

  22. Noob question of the night: "I've saw a video of a guy with red bandana who keep shouting 'Hadoken' or something like that while throwing fireballs. Is that a original character?"

  23. Just Checked Skype, today is Yuyustars Birthday!

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