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Status Replies posted by Flowrellik

  1. "Unattended Children will be Sold as Slaves" GFJ Nintendo.



  2. Well im going to take a break from MFFA for awhile I may be back around next weekend or the middle of next month got to take care some things.



    I havn't forgotten about the donation so expect one end of this month boss.



    Make sure take some breaks and stay well my friend. :-)


    Alrighty see yall :bye:


  3. so i was playing KOFXI today it was fun i liked how they gave terry his mow clothes anyway i went and faced Magaki and holy shit he was so fucking cheap lmao i might have a go at beating him tomorrow he is so broken 

  4. I heard Japan had another earthquake! I hope and pray alot people is alright over their. :-(

    I also wonder if Mt. Fuji is starting to become more active could be why they getting alot of bad quakes.

    1. Flowrellik


      Well think about it: the Earth is constantly moving and shifting, and the fact that we as a species are no more than termites living on a constant orbiting dirtball alongside other dirtballs around a burning fireball with intense power to kill us all with a solar flare in a constantly moving solar system in a galaxy that has a great chance of colliding with another galaxy is just one of billions of other things to happen. In the end safety is just another word for insanity for we're in constant danger. Best to stay calm and be ready for most of it to happen.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I heard Japan had another earthquake! I hope and pray alot people is alright over their. :-(

    I also wonder if Mt. Fuji is starting to become more active could be why they getting alot of bad quakes.

    1. Flowrellik


      Fuji has been dormant for centuries. I doubt it will erupt anytime soon. This is probably just a tectonic shift is all. Course I hope it's not due to them underwater mining.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. *Fuck you, YouTube.

    You STILL managed to close one best account EVEN if he was ‘not trying to infringe’

    1. Flowrellik


      you've got to be shitting me...Youtube is STILL doing this crap? WTF is wrong with them?

      This SERIOUSLY needs to stop.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. So far NicoNico can either only be accessed by Japanese IPs, or you have to use their mobile site. The official statement of course, is that it's "downtime".

  8. So far NicoNico can either only be accessed by Japanese IPs, or you have to use their mobile site. The official statement of course, is that it's "downtime".

  9. All this complaining about characters being private is kind of pathetic. People don't realize how lucky they are and take public releases for granted. Everyone who shares their content with the community does so optionally. Nobody is committed to releasing the content they make in the slightest.


    These people need to understand this.

    1. Flowrellik


      And here I thought Windom XP with private mods were bad. Don't get me wrong, as a beta tester for alot of private mods I too find it sad that certain things in gaming were left secret or between friends but even I know for a fact that it's because it's the creator's choice. Example in a MUGEN sense: Say someone out there made a Ryu I like that has SVC Chaos spriting(I love it personally) with Color separation, KOF 2k2um gameplay, Both Tatsumakis(SF and SFEX), a good set of attacks with Metsu Hadouken as his Lvl 2 super and  Shinshoryuken as his HDSM, and it's private. Would I be sad as hell? YEAH! Would that stop me from my goals in life in mugen and whatnot? No. at best I would be lucky if said person was my friend and gave me the chance personally to test him out for keeps, but sadly that might be impossible...That and I'm not Mr. you know who with epic lifebars that make your head spin (and I know some parts in Baidu no less).

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. Sucks, back to work tomorrow...A week of vacations and feels like was just any other two days weekend.

  11. What has two wings, three legs, and is dumb as hell?

    1. Flowrellik


      Okuu the Crow that went Nuclear thanks to a certain totem loving snake "God" that lives with a frog "Real God", whom she beat the crap out of in the name of taking leader of her house by child abuse and a Goddess miko rival whose armpits are inferior to a donation box?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. I have Cold Pipe theme. Now I need to make it louder somehow...

  13. A certain sadist got updated

  14. Will our fine Earth ever see world peace?, as everyone has different motives, if everyone had a kind and caring personality, someone who was always willing to help others, someone who gives nice feedback, no matter how bad something looked or seemed , someone who ignored immature comments. There are many people like that. I am one of them, but there are some human beings who want nothing but war, but there is a way, if everyone could band together, they'd realize that Earth is for everyone, we must all share the world as it is, and take care of it for as long as we can, as no one can take it from us and no one can be the most powerful, MFFA is like Earth in a way. Even you're a member, creator, moderator, or administrator, we are still one big planet, a welcoming community who loves everyone, even if they make mistakes. That's just a little comparison I thought up. What do you think? 

  15. Will our fine Earth ever see world peace?, as everyone has different motives, if everyone had a kind and caring personality, someone who was always willing to help others, someone who gives nice feedback, no matter how bad something looked or seemed , someone who ignored immature comments. There are many people like that. I am one of them, but there are some human beings who want nothing but war, but there is a way, if everyone could band together, they'd realize that Earth is for everyone, we must all share the world as it is, and take care of it for as long as we can, as no one can take it from us and no one can be the most powerful, MFFA is like Earth in a way. Even you're a member, creator, moderator, or administrator, we are still one big planet, a welcoming community who loves everyone, even if they make mistakes. That's just a little comparison I thought up. What do you think? 

    1. Flowrellik


      No shit. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple governments that are good with good intent, but the majority cares nothing more than to rob you blind of your money, your children, your rights, etc, take over your lives and treat you like scum and slaves, hiding the truth and lying to the masses while poisoning their food, making them nothing more than blind sheep to the slaughter, always afraid to bite the hand that feeds it.

      I am not sure if peace on Earth can truly happen, especially with the amount of chaos and self-destruction we as a species create every day.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Ryu is good and cannot shoot a hadoken in midair. Akuma is evil and can shoot a hadoken in midair. Ryo Sakazaki can shoot a fireball in midair. This proves that Ryo Sakazaki must be evil.

    1. Flowrellik


      Nah. Ryo isn't evil he's just a good martial artist.

      Ryu doesn't do air fireballs in canon cause he dun feel like it, just like Ken don't do Shakunetsu Hadoukens.....until SFV WTH MAN!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. RIP standcrash

  18. The Internet is pretty much the TV of today, with You Tube of course. Who needs cable when you have YouTube. You can watch all your favorite shows there. Not saying cable's bad though. And yes, I'm saying this because I don't have cable.

    1. Flowrellik


      Meh my parents and I thought about just getting rid of cable and just use the internet altogether anyways. Saves on cash, no bullshitty bills and we can have the TV for just games, PC, W/e stuff too, therefore it is not a real bad of a loss. Cable served it's purpose but now not so much. Only other country I can see that can benefit having this is well,...Japan just for the awesome stuff there.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. STAHP! you violated the law!

    1. Flowrellik


      But your Mother is your DAAAAAD! D: *Thriller shocker Twist*

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. When people tell me Ghost In The Shell isn't a good anime. BOY IF YOU DON'T GET...

  21. why do most English songs sound better in another language?

    1. Flowrellik


      everything is better in Japan nowadays. Seems like the good old days of USA is over.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. That moment when you can only play with people of your country on fightcade...

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