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Status Replies posted by Flowrellik

  1. Snail speed internet -_-

    1. Flowrellik


      I know the feels bud.

      it sucks, had that a couple years back. now not so much. I hope it gets better for ya.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Actually: The Virtual Boy is the worst console, and Water World is the worst Virtual Boy game. So yeah, it's actually Water World that is the worst game ever.

  3. Monkey D. Luffy has finally gone into a Gorilla http://i.imgur.com/q9BIfiK.jpg

  4. NEW TOUHOU GAME!! YEEESSS!!!! http://kourindou.exblog.jp/22976576/ #TH15 #LegacyofLunaticKingdom #Touhouflow

  5. Some people just want Sonic to be in Project x Zone 2, while I'm just happy/surprised that Hotsuma (Ps2 Shinobi) made a comeback appearance.

  6. Changed my screenpack to WarZone and i have one question: How doyou get the big portraits on the character select screen?

  7. Aww yee. I get a 16GB SD card and two PS3 controllers next Friday for MUGEN.

  8. Is it true? SOPA is back? ...YET... AGAIN!? Ugh, they just never stop!

  9. Time to try out 1.1.....

  10. Remember: Squidward's Toenail

  11. I can't believe someone took Coolroms down... damnit...

    1. Flowrellik


      freakin Nintendo. Why can't people just be civil and leave the roms be.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. I can't believe someone took Coolroms down... damnit...

    1. Flowrellik


      ouch...welp theres still Emuparadise. I hope.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Thanks MFFA for the love! 200 videos of my channel! /o/

  14. http://www.wired.com/2014/12/pirate-bay-raided-taken-down/ Soo thats what happen to old PirateBay.......R.I.P :-P
  15. If Kim Kaphwan says that evil doers are unforgivable, how come he forgives them by making them a part of his little justice brigade?

    1. Flowrellik


      Now if only he can do it to Juri Han in CVS3 XD

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. If Kim Kaphwan says that evil doers are unforgivable, how come he forgives them by making them a part of his little justice brigade?

    1. Flowrellik


      Kim is making them a justice brigade as means of a cleansing for the evildoers; a sort of penance if you will. Chang and choi were the first partitioners for this and the end result SURPRISINGLY was very successful.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. I want a Mexican girlfriend :/

  18. I pray... please, when the Comiket comes, tell me that ZUN won't say "I'm going to do another Phantasmagoria game"...

  19. I really wish the SNK wiki would cite their sources

  20. WHOA! did u guys see FreezaZ2 new intro?! WTF! its amazing!
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