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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. The fight between the heroes and the guards erupts, but Kirimuri was nowhere to be found. He fled as soon as the guards came. (Nobody saw me... Nobody noticed me... Nobody spotted me...) He opens the lid of a sewer in a small alley and goes inside. A moment later, he pops up from the sewer near where Hinamori and Yui is. "Pssst. Yo. Are you busy? I need your help. Come down here and come with me to the church. There's Melina and Darkflare there." He throws a smokescreen in front of where the two girls are fighting in attempt to block the guards' vision. @Mister Fael
  2. Kirimuri suddenly felt goose bumps and chills down his spine, coincidentally and ironically at the same time when Melina made negative remarks about him. (Brr... Why do I feel like I'm gonna get my throat slit tonight during my sleep? Oh well, I don't give a flying fuck to be honest.) He switches to another song in his MP3:
  3. After another moment looking for Hinamori in order to request her to free the evil spirit possessing Emilia, Kirimuri finally arrives and find Agni's group spectating the fight between the spirit whisperer and the unknown assailant. "Yo, I need your he-...Nevermind. You're busy fighting. I'll come back when you knock that edgy emo dude out cold." He pulls out his MP3 and his e-cig, then listens to a song while vaping, waiting for the battle to finish:
  4. As he was looking around the area, Kirimuri noticed something that seemed like a small crack on the ground which was left behind by Tommy not long ago. "...What the fuck? ...I reckon they're near. I think."
  5. He approaches the guard, pretending to be a tourist just to assure his cover. "Scuse me my friend, I am tourist from anotzerr countree. Can you show me wherr is tza clozest bank? I need to exchanje my money voor tza bling-bling tzat you peopel of dis magniiiiiiiifizent kingdum use."
  6. Kirimuri doesn't budge and retains his composure after nearly getting his right eye slashed by the knives. "...Why am I not surprised? ...Buying that cup of tea for you was a mistake..." *grumbles incomprehensibly* "In any case, my job here is done now that I've lead my fella Flare here. I'll just go to the slums to look for the spirit whisperer..." He proceeds to leave the church and head to the area; but not before checking on the sleeping nun again. *pokes* *pokes* *still remains immobile* "...She's still breathing. I reckon...That's a good sign right?" He travels to the slums in the northwest by foot in order to look for the others. As soon as he approached the area, he feels that he need to blend into the place without acting too suspiciously. (Wearing all these shady clothes will turn all eyes on me. I gotta undress a little bit...) The duelist puts his jacket, his mask and his hat away. At this point, nobody could recognize him apart Darkflare who saw his face earlier in the infirmary of the hangout. (This should do... Now, where to find the girl with thigh highs?)
  7. *Carefully reads the notes* "Hmm... I reckon there's this one girl with thigh highs who can deal with spirits in the group that went to the slu-" He turns at Melina after hearing her remarks about killing the nun and the size of her bust. The man secretly peeks at Melina's bosom and declares, unknown if he's referring to the choices available to banish the spirit that possessed the nun or to the size of Melina's chest: "There's always an alternative for everything." "I'm not too interested in having a romantic relationship with someone else. If someone asked me straight up that they want to go intimate with me, maybe. But I'm certain that the innocent nun won't go for anything like that. In fact, I don't think anyone would do that..." "...Wait, why am I even discussing about this?"
  8. "I believe I did tell you that I had to lead the owner of the hangout here. He wanted to check on what's happening here. Anyways, have you found any clue concerning the spiritual state of our possessed nun here?"
  9. @Agni Blackheart Kirimuri goes deeper in the church to look for Melina, but he needed to inform her of his presence. (I need to gently walk inside and call my name just in case if she gets startled and tries to slit my throat out of surprise) "Pssst. 'Ey. It's Kirimuri. The guy dressed in black. The guy who was spiritually abused by a nun on drugs. The guy who was hit by a fookin' thunder of light and was left paralyzed for a moment. The guy who was brought back to the hangout by a yakuza who homosensually abused a thug. The guy who was brought to the infirmary by a nice mecha maid who wouldn't allow him to eat pasta and have a nice massage. The guy who had to lead a tanned bloke whose arm is bigger than his own head."
  10. The man in black approaches the unconscious nun and proceeds to poke her with his long, hard staff. *pokes* *pokes* *stays immobile* "..." "...She's still high on smoke. Let's go inside and look for the loli." @Agni Blackheart
  11. Kirimuri: "I'll try to not be distracted by something like a huge fookin' thunder of light..." He quickly leads Darkflare to the church, where Melina and the unconscious Emilia are found.
  12. Kirimuri: "Fine..." He quickly wears his clothes and picks up his bag. Kirimuri: "Let's go, shall we?"
  13. Kirimuri: "I'll stay here and chill... You might need to have a look at the thug who was homosensually abused by the yakuza who brought me here earlier..."
  14. Kirimuri: "Oh, my mistake. Again." He quickly puts his nunchucks away and starts explaining the situation. Kirimuri: "Where do I start... I didn't go with any of the 2 groups and went to an abandoned church instead. I wanted to check certain things just for precaution. Met a young nun who was possessed by some thot-of-a-spirit who kills under the name of her magical sky wizard. Tried to kill me by summoning a huge ass thunder of light. It surprisingly doesn't do much physical damage, it just basically saps the energy out of my legs and made me feel lethargic as fuck. Then I subdued her and currently she's sleeping quietly while being tied up back there. There's also the shady loli in purple who's inspecting the place..."
  15. After a moment of sleeping like a log on the infirmary's bed, Kirimuri suddenly wakes up, feeling refreshed and full of energy. Kirimuri: *incomprehensible mumbling* "zzz... Whoa! I'm still alive. And great as well. Seems like the debuffs wore off." He proceeds to get out of his bed and stretches his limbs. Then, he takes off his jacket, his mask and his cap, then picks up a pair of training nunchucks from his bag and proceeds to swing it to get his muscles working normally.
  16. Kirimuri: *grumbles faintly* "Fine, I'll just rest here and then pass out..." Ironically, he did become unconscious and then fell asleep again due to physical overexertion.
  17. As the injured assassin is being laid down on the bed in the infirmary, he gently pulls the Mech-Hisui's sleeves and asks her again: Kirimuri: "Please... Can I get a nice bowl of pasta with white cream sauce, mushrooms and chicken and then a massage after this?"
  18. After a long moment of slow-walking on three legs, Kirimuri finally arrives at the Warriors' Hangout thanks to Kiryu's help. He falls down once more due to fatigue right when he entered the place. Kirimuri: "Fucking... DEBUFFS!" He barely crawls at a Mech-Hisui standing near both of them, gently pulls her dress and asks: Kirimuri: "Excuse me... where can I get a place to rest and have a nice massage?" @Darkflare
  19. Kirimuri: "Fine..." (Universal differences...) Kirimuri barely stands up by holding on his staff. Kirimuri: (These wounds aren't physical, but they make me feel lethargic as fuck. I guess a nice massage and a good night sleep from a chick would do... but I doubt any of the girls in the group would offer to massage me... Perhaps I should ask the mecha ma-) Emilia: "...Urghhh... re...lease...me..." The possessed nun suddenly wakes up and struggles to break free from the rope. Emilia: "...Or you'll regret thi-" Kirimuri: "Pss. Piss off." Kirimuri points his staff at Emilia and blows a heavier dose of anesthetic smoke which knocks the nun out cold again. He loses his balance after using his power again and falls down. After another frustrating moment of trying to stand up, he finally succeeds. Kirimuri: "...You might want to check this nun every once a while..." He slowly walks out of the abandoned, and now ravaged church. He turns his head back right before he leaves. Kirimuri: "...There wasn't anything but darkness the last time I peeked and poked inside that hole, but maybe you might find something if you destroy that wall..."
  20. You can edit your location manually, no? Go to your profile -> Edit profile (on the top right of the cover photo) -> Locations
  21. Kirimuri: "Pss. Thanks for your concern, but try capturing someone without killing them or getting yourself killed especially when you're fighting against a psychotic nun who somehow can stun you on every hit and summon a huge ass thunder of light from the sky..."
  22. Kirimuri takes a sip from the water bottle then answers: Kirimuri: "Where do I start... some corrupted thot-of-a-soul possessed this poor nun's body and tried to kill me because I refused to become her servant."
  23. Kirimuri wakes up after a brief moment of unconsciousness. Kirimuri: "...Urrghh... Whoa! Putain, la sale PUTE! Địt mẹ con đĩ...Wait, wrong language..." Kirimuri: "My body still fucking hurts... but I can move my limbs for a bit now. I'm gonna need a nice, long massage from a cute girl..."
  24. Arriving at the door of the abandoned church, the door is still unlocked as the chains Kirimuri broke earlier is still lying on the ground. Kirimuri: (Now, if my intuitions are correct...) He kicks the door and makes it burst open, and he finds Emilia sitting on the altar of the abandoned church. Emilia: "Aaaaah... my beloved friend is here. My Kami-sama must have answered to my prayers!" Kirimuri: "Hello again, Emi- wait, those aren't the eyes of the shy, innocent nun that I saw before. I assume you took control of her body from that hole in the wall?" Emilia: "You figured it out already? I have to commend you for your thinking. Ohoho..." Emilia: "I would have killed you right now, but there's something in you that piqued my interest. Join me in my conquest and I'll offer you power, fame, money and... my body." Kirimuri: "Refuse. And fuck you. Ho. Fuck. You." Emilia: "Why, you..." Seeing that the possessed nun is prepared to kill, Kirimuri turns to Kiryu and asks him: Kirimuri: "My friend, I'm going to need you to clear this area and avoid letting a civilian enter this place. I'll signal you to call for help from the others when needed..." @Infinite Kyo Kirimuri: "...I'll handle this bitch alone." Emilia: "You think you can defeat me? Ohoho..."
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