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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. "Sure. Do you want to lead the way?" The omnipresent foggy weather, although not too dense and doesn't affect his vision at the moment, worries the man in black. (If the weather gets ugly, this wave of fog will surely impair everyone's visibility. It could aggravate the situation if someone raided this place during that time and you don't know where to go. Even though the security here is almost perfect, I should still find some shortcuts just in case...) The castles around him were too tall to be reached, so jumping over walls isn't possible. Finding a shortcut proved to be challenging for Kirimuri. Luckily, he noticed a sewer in the middle of the street. The black assassin proceeds to approach it and remove the cap. He gazes into the sewer and declares: "If you can't go up... then why not go down instead?"
  2. The number of people who got transported here confuses Kirimuri. He thought to himself that he should leave the group for a moment to scout the city. "Everybody... I'm going to leave you guys for while to look around. Don't worry, we'll see each other soon. That back massage can wait." He proceeds to go into the backstreets, looking for possible shortcuts and escape routes in case if anything happens.
  3. "Trying to go sneaky-beaky, eh? Kirimuri halts his ranged attack, then proceeds to channel smoke into the end of the staff again. This time, the edge conducts the heat from the smoke and turns bright orange-yellow. He swings his staff around him in attempt to hit the charging creature.
  4. "I know that's going to happen either, I only said that to feel less... bad when I end its life." "Nice! You are very straightforward!" He quickly retaliates by using fire to fight fire; he blows smoke from the other end of his staff at the fire coming out from the lantern, giving the image of a pest control expert exterminating invasive species with chemical weapons. The white phosphorus in the smoke can reach up to 5000°C. The lantern is instantly extinguished then destroyed at the moment of the contact. However, the range of this skill is too short to reach the attacking creature.
  5. "Mother of atheism, I still need that back massage! I'll lend you my assist, my extraterrestial friend" Instinctively, Kirimuri grabs his staff and starts channelling smoke into his weapon. A few seconds later his staff starts emitting smoke from both ends. "Since I don't feel like demonstrating my skills today, I'll just give you 2 options... Either you fuck back to your place and I'll let this pass, or I'll resort to extreme measures..."
  6. "...Based on my personal experience, I think I'll have to politely refuse your kind offer. No offense though. Just a precaution."
  7. "...Nah. Thanks for the offer anyways. That android maid said she will demonstrate her massaging skills." "Well, shall we head to Candor?"
  8. "My condolences. My species is also at the brink of extinction, at least in the epoch where I live in. I'll give more details when we get back to Candor. Right now we should probably move back. I still need that back massage."
  9. Kirimuri approaches Tommy and puts his hand on the latter's shoulder. "Not everybody thinks straight all the time. Just remember this... being weird is completely normal. Being normal IS weird. We humans have this tendency to commit stupid things...It is thanks to our stupidities that mankind has progressed...Wait a second. You don't seem like you come from Earth."
  10. "An android dressed as a cute maid came all the way here to accompany us? Nice... Can you give me a nice back massage when we get to your place? I'd love to get one. The left part of my shoulder and back kinda hurts... I want to know how a mecha's hands feels like. In fact, I'll give you the honor to be the first one to massage my back. Hehe..." @Darkflare @Infinite Kyo
  11. @Infinite Kyo "It's a little habit of mine. I can't stand not being prepared in certain situations. It all started when I forgot to bring toilet paper into the restroom when I was a toddler..." The man in black hesitates for a moment and starts having flashbacks of that experience. Though he still looks calm, it sent chills down his spine. "...and that's why I always bring a bit of everything when traveling. Well, sometimes this heavy load does give me back pain. I usually take it off in combat. But it's better to have too much than to not have enough right?"
  12. Anime means animation in Japan. And when they say anime they usually count ALL kinds of cartoon. Toy Story is a 3D-animated cartoon. BY THAT LOGIC IT'S STILL AN ANIME
  13. @Infinite Kyo "Sure thing. Let me check my stuffs" Kirimuri starts to pull out everything he could find in his bag. Extra masks, a box of e-liquids, +̶1̶8̶ ̶h̶e̶n̶t̶a̶i̶ ̶m̶a̶g̶a̶z̶i̶n̶e̶s̶ and a few more stuffs are scattered everywhere on the ground. Finally he pulls out a small, water-filled canteen and gives it to Morrigan. "...here ya go. I had sportsdrinks earlier but I drank them all."
  14. Welp, took me quite a while


    1. Infinite Kyo

      Infinite Kyo

      looks cool dude you gonna get rid of the white around it tho?

  15. @Infinite Kyo *checking his compass* "Great, let's head north-east then. There should be some local people who can help us." Kirimuri open his bags and pull out a box of tuna & mayo sandwiches. He picks a sandwich and takes a large bite. "Hahngreee? I'fe plaenty."
  16. "Seems like the portal is pretty considerate enough to wait for you to finish taking a bath...(hurts internally over the fact that he cannot see a naked Morrigan). Well, under these circumstances, it would be nice if we tagged along. Since we don't know where we are and what's waiting for us. Got any plans? I think we should climb on top of a tree and look for directions. My compass alone won't suffice." @Infinite Kyo
  17. Sharp like the edge of a samurai sword

  18. "Just a while ago I was still exploring a dungeon. Then suddenly some portal automagically threw me down here. Seems like we're on the same boat. Oh, forgot to introduce myself. Call me Kirimuri. It's not my real name in case if you are wondering, I just kinda prefer going with this nickname."
  19. The man is seen hiding behind a tree trunk, apparently observing Morrigan and Kiryu. "An 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚 bat-winged chick and a heavy smoker? I don't think they're hostile at least. Looks like they're lost like me too..." After a moment of hesitation, he decides to approach the couple. "Hello there. Are you guys hurt anywhere? I can help."
  20. The intensity of the battle between Saber and the Shovel Knight seemed to agitate the air currents by creating winds which moved the looped smokes. The man takes out his compass to look for directions. "They are getting pushed this way... Which means something is happening at the opposite direction. This time it all goes south..." He moves towards where the battle is taking place, and not long later he can see 2 blue figures fighting against each other. "I don't want to involve myself into any unnecessary trouble...at least I found more people. Guess I'll stay alert just in case..." He pulls out his iron staff and begins to charge its insides with smoke emitting from his palms. This technique is called Compression: The man charges white phosphorus-filled smoke into his staff. He can either smash the target to break their armor by overheating it and cause severe burns, or blast it at the end of the staff as a ranged alternative. The smoke lasts up to 15 seconds before vanishing away. "Pssst. Now I'll just stand here and spectate."
  21. "His hands are steady, palms sweaty, mom's spaghetti..." He listens to music from his MP3 player as he explored the forest which seemed to be endless. Everything that surrounds him are trees. A few birds chirp and fly between the branches The sun begins to go down, and the clouds are starting to gather up and cover the sky. Judging at the weather, there will be little to no light in the nighttime. "I don't know what's going to lurk around me during the night... guess I'll need to take chances and make a signal." The man pulls out his badass e-cigarette. He inserts a small capsule that contains a liquid of milk coffee flavour then proceeds to vape. He blows a few circle-shaped smoke into the sky to inform his surroundings of his presence. "Fly like the arrow and find the tomorrow. Be truly hollow but do not expect the sorrow... Oh shit. I accidentally formed a fine ass sentence that rhymed."
  22. Meanwhile, a portal suddenly appeared somewhere else in the forest. It throws a man, dressed in black, on the ground before mysteriously vanishing away. The man lands on his back. "Ow... of all possible ways to land on the ground, I somehow landed on my back instead..." He stands up and stretches his back for a bit, but suddenly he feels that something isn't right. "...Wait. This place isn't cold at all!" He proceeds to rapidly change his outfit, but that wasn't the thing that bugged him. "There you go... no wait, where the fuck is this?" Only a while ago, he was doing a solo exploration in a dungeon to look for treasures and improve his combat skills. He checks his belongings to see if he had lost something or not. "Backpack? Check. Food and water? Check. Medical supplies? Check. My MP3 player? Check. My precious multi-purpose iron staff? Check. Revolver? Check. Toilet paper? Check. Everything is still intact..." After a moment of situational awareness, the man decides to look around for clues. He emits smoke to verify if he can still use his power normally. "Hffffphhhh. Looks like I didn't lose anything. Except my location."
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