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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. Kirimuri sees 5T outside with Agni and Rokurou. He decides to accompany them. "Greetings, my android fellow. I take it that you investigate and fight instead of massage?"
  2. "I'll come with you guys then. It's not like I have anything else to do..."
  3. "I probably still have a lot of silver coins left..." Kirimuri checks his bag and pulls out a fairly large pouch of coins. He takes out 20 silver coins and hands it to Rokurou. "I reckon 20 of these coins will give you 50 Pompadillions. 40 for the registration fee plus a month of membership, and 10 for... I don't know, a nice bowl of noodle or something. You can pay me back later..." "...Well, if you don't suddenly get accidentally killed or something."
  4. "Aw, I only wanted to sound cool for once..." "Well, it was indeed a close match. She almost skewered me multiple times with her waves of knives, while I tried to explode her multiple times and collapse a whole building on her."
  5. "I went to this abandoned church to check things out because something seemed unusual, then I met this possessed nun who tried to kill me under the name of her magical sky wizard. Then I subdued her and asked Hinamori to banish the evil spirit." "On my way home, Melina challenged me for a battle at the Hangout after grazing my face multiple times with her knives because she couldn't control her emotions..." "...Then I destroyed her."
  6. "I see. Well, if we needed to go back to the slums, we can use the sewers to avoid being seen. Except that it's pretty dark and it smells bad though. I reckon the owner of this place went there to check things out."
  7. "Nice to meet you, I guess." "People tell me that all the time. I just like to wear much clothing outside. Anyways, where is everybody? I thought they went to the slums with you."
  8. "Oh Melina... Don't call everything bad just because a minority of them are mentally challenged." "Anyways Agni, who's this shady looking dude over here?"
  9. "What the hell is happening here..." Kirimuri appears and finds Agni and Melina arguing after getting a back massage in the relaxation lounge. "I thought we already got over this. Can both of you just stop?"
  10. "I know... I have this bad habit of bringing almost everything..." Kirimuri approaches the bed and lies down in a prone position. He pulls out his MP3 and listens to music.
  11. "Not really. But recently I've been getting recurrent pain in the lower-left part of my back... Sometimes my shoulders hurt too due to the fact that I have to constantly wear a heavy backpack. It would be nice if you could concentrate on these parts."
  12. "Flare? The last time I saw him, he was at an abandoned church. I think he left to the slums afterwards with a spirit whisperer."
  13. "Thanks." Kirimuri goes to the top floor and enters the relaxation lounge. "Excuse me... Is this where I can get a back massage?"
  14. @Darkflare Kirimuri leaves the arena and asks another Mech-Hisui. "Excuse me... Where can I get a back massage?"
  15. Kirimuri snaps out of his rage and becomes calm again. "Oh." He sits down on a pile of debris nearby and lets out a sigh. "Listen... When people calls me worthless, they aren't completely wrong. Since I was a kid, I was extremely dependant on my parents... I never really excelled nor failed at anything. When my family was killed, I just simply ran away without looking back." "Sometimes I thought to myself... What would have happened if I never got this power? What would I have become today? If luck never smiled at me, I would have never become what I am right now. Maybe I wouldn't be alive at this point." "The only way I coped with the past is to ignore it. I didn't forget it and I never will. I just simply ignore it and move on. What's happened has happened. Time is indifferent but it can be ultimately generous as well." "When you told me of your past, I didn't give two damns or a fuck. I prefer judging people by their present actions rather than judging them by what they did in the past." Kirimuri stands up and stretches his back for a bit. "Anyways, we should be heading back now. I'd love to have a nice back massage after this."
  16. Kirimuri panics as soon as Melina appears on top of him, but that word echoed in his ear. It reminded of his tragic past... ???: "You worthless piece of shit! You can't even protect your family. Now they're all dead... Hahaha!" ???: "Worthless animal. You have no right to stay on the same land like us! If you're willing to lick my shoes then smash your head with this rock, I might be considerate enough to give you a few pennies..." ???: "I might find some use for you worthless trash. Perhaps your fine physique and your decent face can be valuable... in the brothel." Those harsh sentences were a part of his emotional scars... "Say that again." Being already tired and dizzy, that single word completely enraged him. Kirimuri took off his coat, mask and hat and prepares for his ultimate attack... "This is the final straw..." The assassin is prepared to bring Melina down with him; he didn't care whether she had 15 knives or a million knives flying straight at him. The only thing in his mind right now is to bring her down. "SAY. THAT. AGAIN. I DARE YOU." His rational, reasonable and logical self is still there... But the anger has pushed him off his limits, and he's going to take risks...
  17. "Did I got her? ...Nice. Hehehe." Kirimuri approaches the debris where Melina is sent flying to and pulls her out from the carcasses of the collapsed house. He holds her back-to-belly, lifts her carefully... then does a back-crushing suplex on her. "Take that, you spoiled brat. That's for gazing knives past my face multiple times and poking my cheek with a sharp knife while I was asleep. Pss."
  18. "...You fell into my trap." Kirimuri throws a Smokescreen at Melina which completely covers the princess and her knives, then uses Sublimation to transform into a cloud of smoke right before the shielding knives hit him, which allows the duelist to go through the cloud of smoke covering Melina without getting any physical contact. He reappears behind her and prepares his smoke-infused twin batons... "Two smoked wieners coming at ya..." Next, he throws his twin batons, infused with smoke and ready to explode, at the cloud of smoke. Without a clear vision, the ex-Bariuran assassin will not be able to know where the attack is coming from. Kirimuri takes his snubbed revolver out, aims it at the princess and shoots 6 rounds of stun-ammos in 6 different directions, all heading at the cloud of Smokescreen. "...Accompanied with 6 exquisite olives. And that's all for the main dish." Suddenly, the assassin in black becomes a bit dizzy and loses his balance. He sits down and tries to rest. (Dammit, I'm starting to become a bit dehydrated...)
  19. "Whoa, that was louder than I thought." Kirimuri appears on the debris, with his e-cig on his hand. "Looks like the building didn't fall on you... What a shame. This was nicely planned..." "...I'll fight you directly." He charges smoke into his twin batons and starts charging at Melina. However, this isn't attack he is planning to use. This is merely a feint...
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