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Everything posted by DuckMannnn

  1. Kirimuri went farther into the offense base, then noticed Byakuya isn't following him. Kirimuri: (Is he gone? Maybe he decided to actually follow his team's objective instead. I need to fix up this injury real quick...) He left his invisible form again. He snaps his fingers, then his body proceeds to emit black-ish smoke. By using Smoldering, he can passively regenerate his health. Kirimuri: (I'll shoot that annoying Pod of 5T, it ain't fair when they have an extra semi-sentient being that can assist their team...) He pulled out his revolver, and loaded his smoke bullets inside. They can jam the Pod or force a living being to sleep. Kirimuri proceeds to leave the offense base from the west, now with his health almost fully regenerated, although his defense is still lower than before the explosion.
  2. The gravity sphere slowly fades away. Kirimuri struggles to get up due to his hard contact with the wall behind him. He slowly reaches for his staff in order to stand up. Kirimuri: (Damned wall and lowered defense! If they were never there, I would have safely gotten myself out of this or could get up without breaking a sweat. My back freaking hurts and I can't even stand straight without shaking.) Although the haze that remained after the explosion is still lingering around, Kirimuri could see Byakuya's shadow slowly approaching him. He is clearly annoyed that his attempt did not eliminate any of the targets, even if 5T is weakened from it. Kirimuri: (Damn you! I'm getting my beat-up arse out of here.) Kirimuri quickly enters his invisible form then tries to flee from the area, whilst struggling with the shock from the impact between him and the wall.
  3. Kirimuri finds himself in a huge disadvantage. With his body being dragged back by the gravity and Hinamori & 5T shooting at him, he knew he needed to think of something quick. He thought of trying something. He had never tried this before, so this could end up being risky and could fail. Out of sudden, he conducts the lingering white smoke into his staff and yells: Kirimuri: WHERE THERE IS SMOKE, THERE IS FIRE! Using all of his strength, combined with the gravity sphere which is dragging him back and down, he smashes on the ground in front of him with the staff. The white smoke triggers then creates a huge explosion that travels like a blast cone in front of him, which could cancel any projectile flying towards him and engulf Yui, Hinamori, Byakuya and 5T. The explosion pushes the man in black back who is slammed hard on the wall. His body is dragged back to the still-active gravity sphere's radius. Although the damage caused by the explosion isn't too much due to its nature, his smoke power and the fact that the explosion happened in front of him without touching him that much, the force caused from it that pushed him on the wall could incapacitate him because of his substantially lowered defense.



    1. Gaulbetti


      I heard of a Stinkfinger in a video somewhere, is he related?

  5. (Red: Area of impact, smoke cloud) The baton Hinamori repelled flies away but explodes just 5 steps away from her, then slightly pushed the people near the explosion. It leaves a cloud of smoke behind. Kirimuri: (Great. Now we're even more outnumbered...) Kirimuri: (Luckily I still have something...) Kirimuri retreats back to the rooms. This time, he leaves his invisible form. He pulls out his e-cig, vapes then proceeds to blow the smoke on his own body. The smoke appears unusually white and lingers around him. He pulls out a smoke bomb then throws it over the wall. It should land near the 4 of the attacking team then create a smokescreen, impairing their vision. Kirimuri: (If this fails, I must try to get close as possible to one of them then trigger this smoke...) He readies his staff charged with smoke and proceeds to leave the room, approaching Yui, Hinamori, 5T and Byakuya. (Red: Smoke cloud from the baton ; Light brown: Smokescreen)
  6. I liked Kenshi on MKX and decided to make him my main fighter. Tried a few nice combos during the training sessions.
    Got fucked up by a friend who only played Scorpion.
    Came back with Sub-Zero and Johnny Cage then raped him.

    1. Gaulbetti


      All he did was use Scorpion, why did...



  7. Kirimuri: (Already? We're in a huge disadvantage if this keeps going on. I need to react fast...) Kirimuri leaves his hideout and proceeds to take a quick peek the battlefield, with his invisibility still on. It seems that everybody is too occupied with the fight. He could see a paralyzed Ludger lying nearby, while LightFlare is turning his attention at Joyce and Ryuko. Etomo and Rokurou are facing 4 people on the other team. Kirimuri: (Unless Lady Luck smiles at the redhead and the samurai, or the 4 opponents are simply unskilled, they will certainly lose due to the fact that they're weaker in number. I need to assist them quickly...) Kirimuri: (Laying an ambush behind the opponents seems to be the best option. With their minds occupied, I doubt they'll be prepared for what I have up my sleeves...) The man in black quickly retreats back to the rooms and proceeds to exit from the other side. Kirimuri: (Their back is defenseless... especially Hinamori who is still busy with the defense. If the commander is wiped out, their team formation will shatter!) The man in black rolls his remaining baton, infused with smoke, at the center of the enemy group. The baton starts agitating uncontrollably and violently, and could explode at any time. (Red: Potential area of impact)
  8. Kirimuri: (There's still a bit of time left. Better position myself in a less open area, otherwise I might get hit with a stray spell or something...) Kirimuri: (...Can I sneak behind the opponents' back then backstab them? Attacking is a way to defend, I guess. ) Kirimuri quietly sneaks into the two-storeyed place in the eastern area of the map. He cancels his invisibility in order to take a break then continues thinking about his plan. Kirimuri: (I still have another baton in case they manage to get past the first one. Hopefully a loud bang won't kill them.) Then, he goes back to his invisible form. He readies himself with one of the remaining baton on his left hand and his right hand on the staff behind his back.
  9. Kirimuri: (The eastern/south-eastern is pretty narrow. I should try to seal it... I'm going to use my staff to fight. The batons will serve me for other purposes.) With one hand on one of the batons, Kirimuri begins to infuse hypnotic smoke into the weapon. Kirimuri: Hopefully they won't notice a random metal stick lying innocently on the ground in a confined area... He proceeds to throw one baton, which lands near the entrance of the south-eastern section.. The staff begins to emit white-ish smoke which causes the inhaler to experience drowsiness and make them fall asleep. Anybody who inhales the smoke will start losing concentration and consciousness between 5 and 15 seconds, then fall asleep after 30 seconds. This can be avoided by covering the nose, mouth and ears. Kirimuri is invulnerable to this due to the fact that he's a smoke wielder. He then proceeds to position himself outside the section and starts becoming invisible. Kirimuri: (Now I wait. Would be nice if I can get one person...)
  10. Kirimuri: So- ...Alright. No plans then. Kirimuri: Pure improvisions I suppose? In that case? I might detach myself from the team during the round SHOULD I find an opening in their team, in order to exploit it. In the meantime, I'll be hiding in a corner while invisible and probably put a nice smack on an attacker's head if they pass by. Then flee real quick.
  11. While the teams are still forming, Kirimuri is busy coming up with a strategy. Kirimuri: (What if... while the attackers are approaching our area, we sneak in one or two people from the flanks to their own area and then proceed to backstab them? Maybe we can even transport the Mech-Hisui to their own place without them noticing, so that they will waste a few dozens of seconds in order to find the hostage...? Some say that the safest place to store your treasures is in the depths of the enemy's territory. But the plan remains risky, since we'll lack personnel in the defense.) Kirimuri: Hmm... We need to discuss our plans ASAP.
  12. Kirimuri: Alright... Some of you have already known this, but I control smoke. I can use it for many situations, including disappearing into thin air, forcing people to sleep by making them inhale it or just burn and explode the hell out of them. I wield a staff and 2 batons, which is designed to conduct smoke. And, I also have a revolver in my pocket, just in case. Whenever you need someone to bait the enemies or just sneak behind them and make a nice swing at their heads, call me.
  13. Kirimuri: Hmm... we'll have to send either Emilia or Penelope to the other team. I reckon Penelope will perform well in the other team, but it's up to you guys.
  14. Kirimuri: Fair enough. I don't really care to be honest. It's not like I'm that close with anybody here. Yet. Kirimuri: Does your console has some software that seperates and randomly assigns people to 2 different groups? Or do we go with the usual name-in-a-piece-of-folded-paper and a box?
  15. Kirimuri: No complaints. Maybe this will be better than cooperating with a mentally unstable teenage girl with flying knives, I guess. Kirimuri: Nice to meet both of you. Call me Kirimuri.
  16. Kirimuri: Anyways, let's go... Kirimuri said as he readjusted his hat.
  17. Kirimuri: That's weird. Are you referring to yourself? By the time LightFlare finished his sentence, Kiri's hat is now mysteriously on the brawler's head. Kirimuri: Hehe.
  18. Just realized it's been 10 years and 4 days since Reuben Kee passed away.


    Never knew the dude in real life but he seemed to be a nice person... RIP.

    1. Cook4251


      It sure has... man he had alotta potential too. But it's good that he had left some legacy characters too so that he will never be forgotten. :)

  19. Kirimuri: No idea. Probably just wandered off alone in the city.
  20. A large number of people is regrouped in the Warriors' Hangout. Concerned, Kirimuri thought about it for a moment. Kirimuri: (There sure is a lot of people. Sooner or later, somebody will spark a conflict between the members due to the diversity of thoughts and opinions, which might alter the teamwork, positively, and/or negatively. In fact, it has already happened between the Angels and Melina...) When he thought about the former Bariuran princess, he slowly looked around and noticed her absence. Kirimuri: Hmm... this only crossed my mind just now, but has anybody seen Melina?
  21. Kirimuri: Nah, I'm just... an acquaintance of the "big guy". I'll go fetch him. Kirimuri: (You were correct about the adjective though. He's literally the "big guy". Literally.) He walked back inside and looked for Darkflare. Kirimuri: Oi, musclehead! There are 3 chicks outside who are looking for ya.
  22. Kirimuri: What's happening outside? I'm gonna take a quick look. A mere few seconds later, Kirimuri emerges from behind the Mech-Hisui who was talking to the trio. Kirimuri: Can I... help you with something?
  23. Kirimuri: Mohral offh duh schtoohry, schtick thoogether orr we'll geht kill'd. Shimple. Kirimuri says as he was chewing his grilled cheese. He swallows it then finishes his breakfast with a last bite of oatmeal before leaving. Kirimuri: I'm done with the breakfast. I don't like to sit around after eating a meal. I'll be waiting in the lobby... He then leaves the scene, heading to the lobby while waiting for the others to finish.
  24. Moments later, another Mech-Hisui arrives at the cafetera, bringing Kirimuri's breakfast. Kirimuri says thanks to her as she left. Kirimuri: Time to eat... He immediately takes a few large bites from his grilled cheese, while adding an extra olive inside his mouth after every single bite. Kirimuri: Hmn... I could still stuff some more scrambled eggs and apple juice. Oh well, I'll just come back here and eat in case if I get hungry.
  25. Kirimuri: What do you mean by completely full, this is barely a snack for me? Kirimuri: ...Just kidding. I won't be taking the scrambled eggs and the apple juice then. I'm keeping the oatmeal, grilled cheese and olives.
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