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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. Elias was relieved to know that Fiona survived the attack. "I am fine. Thank you for you help. As for the others....." Yamazaki had been busy preventing Tommy from drowning when the celsius explosion attempted to engulf everyone. Ryuji pulled a fast one and stood in front of his ally, taking the full blow from the flames. When the smoke cleared, Yamazaki was barely standing, being injured by the celsius flames...... "You think....that will stop me?....." "Ha ha ha ha ha.........HA HA HA HA HA.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!"
  2. OOC: It's not. You're good. :) Elias had no idea as to what had just happened as a result of the fire exploding. After the flames passed by, he looked over to see that Fiona was injured as a result of her protecting Elias...... "Fiona! Can you hear me!"
  3. Elias overheard this and looked at Fiona...... "Ms. Mayfield......are you ready to assist them?" @A person, your move!
  4. Yamazaki looked on ahead as his attack failed to even connect, and as soon as the Cold Flare activated, he had to move fast. Unfortunately, one of the fireballs struck him in the leg, causing the Southtown maniac to slow down signifucantly.......even if it didn't look like it did much...... "Come on.....is that.....all ya got?! E.T.! Whaddya say we......kill them?"
  5. OOC: My bad...... Yamazaki made various attempts to avoid being attacked by Rudra and Agni while Tommy and E.T. fought. He was started to get very irritated....... "Shut up and die!" With all his might, Yamazaki tossed two of his knives and lodged them into Agni's eyes.....
  6. Yamazaki staggered at the bite he received and threw knives aiming for Rudra's eyes..... "Try to kill me, why don't ya?! Hope you enjoy being blind!"
  7. Elias appeared to cringe slightly at Tommy's pun, but at the same time, was happy that he was able to keep him alive...... "Welcome back, Tommy. I just need you to do us a favor: never make that joke again. I saw E.T.'s reaction and he wouldn't want that repeated."
  8. Yamazaki leapt past the flaming arm of Agni and began taunting the behemoths......... "Fire?! Pah! You ain't seen nothing yet!" .............. Yamazaki aimed straight for the dragon and proceeded to beat the living hell out of it.
  9. Elias realized that he said Fiona's last name wrong and quickly rebounded from his minor slip...... "I apologize, Fiona. It would seem that I got your last name incorrectly. Would you mind repeating it again so I won't forget next time?" OOC: *facepalms at the obvious last name slip-up*
  10. "Thank you, Ms. Wakefield." Elias proceeded to apply pressure to the bite wounds on Tommy's neck, making sure no blood spilled. Luckily, once the blood stopped, Elias wrapped the ribbon around Toomy's neck to prevent further bleeding and he checked the pulse of his comrade to make sure nothing was wrong....... "He still has a pulse. He'll make it."
  11. "Hmm...It appears that he's been bitten in the neck. Fiona, do you have anything I can use to put pressure on the wound? The bleeding needs to be stopped if I intend on helping Tommy."
  12. OOC: I think I have an idea......don't know if it'll work though....... As the bout intensified, the additions of Agni and Rudra only made things worse. Yamazaki and Elias both left to assist Tommy, E.T, Kogorou, and Nero in dealing with the two monsters; Malin stayed with the remainder of the crew for three reasons. 1. She wanted to get rid of Nessiah so he wouldn't be a nuisance to Giovanni, 2. Ralf, Ichigo, Magio, Alice, Giovanni and Mauriet would need as much help as possible, and 3. She wasn't going to kill No. 367, that would be up to Ralf and Ichigo, though she suspected that she was being used........... "Hey guys, hold on a sec! Lemme talk to this chick!" Malin ran up towards the reject and had a few words with her........ "Okay, I may not get the chance to say this again, but before you do anything and accept your fate. Just look at yourself.........you got your own sorry ass in this mess for acting like you were some sort of immortal being, and the only way you can stop yourself from biting the dust is by helping us get rid of Medusa. If you can't do that, then I really should tell you that Medusa's just toying with you. She'll kill you even if you get yourself out of this mess for failing......so......yeah. Better choose quickly, otherwise........*looks at Ralf and Ichigo, who are ready to kill her*....it was nice knowing ya. Nessy, I'd tell you the same......but you're not worth it. Bye!" Malin stood back, waiting for No. 367's response....... @Agni Blackheart, the choice is yours! Yamazaki's decision to help Nero, Kogorou, and the fallen Tommy was a fairy easy one for the bloodthirsty Southtown maniac. He dodged the icicles with ease as they got closer to the group...... "Come on, you freaks.........you think a little ice will stop me? HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!" Yamazaki then lunged at the evil duo, with the intent on repeating his beatdown of Gommorah on them both..... Elias, on the other hand, came over to assist anyone who had fallen in battle...... "It will be okay, Fiona. Just give me a bit to tend to his injuries........" @A person, your move!
  13. OOC: I'm confused.....is No. 367 a bad guy, or are Magio and Necrox trying to stop her? Can someone clear that up for me?
  14. "That's very reassuring......." "Of course it is! We've got a potential new ally with us!"
  15. With Iblis' forces immobilized by Anna from out of nowhere, the group had to act fast if they wanted to get to the Flame Core......... *From atop the chariot* "If anyone wants to come back on the chariot, come on by!" "Hey, Mary, you don't have to yell. We're right here ya know." *Enters the chariot* "I might as well......Lapis, you coming?" ".......I'll pass again, thank you." Lapis flew open her water wings and took to the skies, only this time willing to stay with the group instead of going ahead. "I'll join up with you guys. Just gimme a sec........" Erza changed back to her Heart Kreuz armor and stepped into the chariot, awaiting anyone else to come with them........... @OxyontheWolf, @LightFlare_Da_Realest, @DuckMannnn, @Agni Blackheart, @Mister Fael, and @Captain Papyrus, your moves! Everyone was relieved to see Necrox demolish Nessiah and the three demon brothers keeping him from becoming an obstacle....... "I'm impressed.......I didn't think that little runt would last long..... "Now we just have to wait for Magio's instructions." "Ummmm......father *points at Malin, who had snuck away from the action, conversing with the Tommy clones, and a new addition* The group then took notice of the surprise addition......... "Excuse me, Malin but........may we ask who your new friend is?" "Yeah.........but more importantly....is she a threat......or an ally?" "Oh, hey guys! This is Fiona Mayfield! Fiona, these are the rest of the group I'm working with: Ryuji Yamazaki, Alice Caroll, Elias Patrick, Trap-Jaw, Wizrock, Magio Toadstool, Maribel Hearn, and Renko Usami!" @NijikakuFan61 and @A person, your moves!
  16. "Medusa's trying to take over the universe.........plain and simple."
  17. With more enemies trying to stop the group, it was up to LightFlare, Lapis, Erza, and Zero to take care of the creatures as they rallied up together....... "Okay, out of all of us, besides Argento, we're the strongest out of our group. Are guys ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be. LightFlare.....Zero......Erza......let's finish this!" Erza was intent on destroying the golems with with Ultraman Zero's assistance. Lapis used the water clones of Iblis' minion to eliminate most of the oncoming threat, mixing in clones of her comrades to further help in the numbers game, providing help for LightFlare in the process as a thanks for his actions .... "LightFlare, thanks for saving me earlier! I owe you my gratitude......" @LightFlare_Da_Realest and @OxyontheWolf, your moves! "The name's Malin. These guys are part of our group. How did you end up in this place? Were you lost or something?" @A person, your move!
  18. Lapis became surprised by how LightFlare was easygoing about her great control over water was. The fact that he was honored to fight alongside her also shocked her....... "Really? I......I don't know how to thank you......*shakes LightFlare's hand*" Lapis felt a familiar sense of friendship from Alice when she freed her from the mirror, though there's the strange sensation that there might have been another..........
  19. Meanwhile, in the Scarlet Border....... A battle between the angel No. 367 and the demon Nessiah was taking place and the group watched intensely as the battle ensued.........except for Malin who slipped by to see what the four Tommy clones were up to.......... "So.......care to tell me who your new friend is? She looks like she's having trouble lifting up that huge sword?" @A person, you're up! Once Lapis took notice of LightFlare, she looked back at him with slight uncertainty........ "Why is looking at me? Did I anger him?.......I'll need to speak with him once Iblis is taken care of....but now, I need to put my focus on the enemies......."
  20. Just as Lapis was waiting for Frost to Frost to help Frost to help her out, the orange clad ninja Naruto summoned a toad which fired water in Lapis' direction. The amount of water was enough for the water gem to use on the Iblis creatures........... "Thank you. Now I can aid everyone." Lapis had created water clones of the Iblis creatures to fight them off and she even wound up making another hand of water with the resources of H2O she had at her disposal to take on the towering Golems. "................." Lapis said nothing as the giant hand of water destroyed nearly every Iblis Golem, leaving only a few for Erza to finish off........... "Yeah! That's the stuff! Get 'em, Lazuli!" "Holy crap........." "Damn it! Lapis is stealing all our thunder! F**king show-off!" "Quit acting like a baby, Fuyuhiko. At least she's helping us!" Erza charged at the golem LightFlare was fighting with her energy-charged swords and fired torrents of green energy at it, weakening it severely...... "LightFlare......he's all yours." For the last remaining golem, Erza awaited Zero's assistance........ @LightFlare_Da_Realest and @OxyontheWolf, your moves!
  21. "Good idea. Just need to make a quick outfit change........." Erza once again used her Sword Magic to change armors, this time into one of her more stronger outfits, the Armadura Fairy Armor....... "Okay, let's do this!"
  22. The invasion of the Iblis Golems only added to the problems the group was facing, though with the arrival of Tokio, Naruto, Lyna, and Frost, things got a bit less stressful....... "Good call. Frost, help me out here! There's no water here and I need to be able to use my water manipulation to take down the Takers with Mary!" "Trust me, it's probably for the better!" While that was going on, Fuyuhiko and Peko were struggling to fight the endless barrage of Biters......... "There's a lot of these things! We could use some help!" .......and Erza was killing worms left and right in the sky with Zero's help....... "Zero! You're doing great!" Erza heard Peko's cry for help and took out a number of the Iblis Biters....... "Hey, Zero! Would you mind helping these two out? I can handle the worms." @OxyontheWolf, your move!
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