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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. Thank you however I got the first link already as for the second link iam not sure if it's the same I was wondering of this character was a name change or if he was new I have pretty much every single broly that was release including a few that are only in beta stage All the same thank you for helping
  2. I guess DRACUL is out of retirement

  3. Iam not sure if this is a edit a new character or just a name change. Does anyone know anything about this broly in the video
  4. Would love to know more about this character also This one to
  5. Wasn't this already posted before?
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=silent+hill+mugen+stage&client=ms-android-cricket&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=pFOyVOKgCNb8oQSLuIGABw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=360&bih=592#imgrc=Jqg3pdRNI5rn2M%253A%3BgruEoE8JzBaEBM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimg710.imageshack.us%252Fimg710%252F7744%252Fsilentst1.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fmugenguild.com%252Fforum%252Ftopics%252Fsilent-hill-room-134967.0.html%3B800%3B600 The original download link is completely down
  7. i think he means he can't get mega to work for him and is requesting a mirror link
  8. You could make booster gold as a striker Or intro since both of them are friends As for actual feedback I'm completely useless because my computer is down so I have no way to test him
  9. The stage looks more interesting then the character does
  10. Snagit sucks it doesn't just capture what you want it to as far as audio so when you do record and there background noise you get that as well
  11. as far as i know blaze ws only in street of rage but i never really play much of double dragon other then the double dragon 5 and the old school nes double dragon games
  12. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/download/9qv0lcwqwv8lqc5 by claz
  13. this would be awesome for chuck rock considering if you press start and select it makes him kill him self. wouldn't mind knowing this cold my self
  14. i have reported this to ryon and i dont care whats the worst that can happen ban me go for it there plenty of other places to go to
  15. well since its not a official rule i dont see why i would have to as far as you being nice considering i have not been on for some time and only come on once in a while the only person who seem to have a issue with it is you and this isnt the first time me and you have had it out
  16. i rather just wait until you update it more then to try and download it again it still wouldnt work with my Xbox 360 controller
  17. does he have at least some moves of his own or did he copy someone elses moves
  18. yes iam and ty couldnt remember his name
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