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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. movie was great however i wish they had more action felt kind of short

  2. watching doctor strange

  3. all the link are dead anyone have a link
  4. finally someone made myotismon iam not a fan of digimon but i have always like this character

  5. i notice some of the photos are down in certain collections on here is it just me or other people have the same issue also

    1. Алексей


      Some data was lost in the restore, it's very possible that images were lost with it (or at least paths).

    2. Darklight


      thanks for letting me know bud

  6. what there saying is he is no different from a few creators who does get great feedback but never seem to apply it rather then saying thank you to each one he bans them or at least they use to
  7. no iam not however there been a few times i have personally questioning the website's motives. there also been a few times i should have gotten ban and still am not why your guess is as good as my. i dont really go there as often as i did due to getting countless messages from other users either on there or the ones who got ban on here but i dont see any of the adfly ads unless its for non registered users?
  8. i never had a problem downloading anything there
  9. this is so stupid it isnt even a different character its a waste of time talk about being lazy this is a fine example
  10. already pre order m copy iam sure if they chose to add more characters it would be setup for dlc content as they did with the first xenoverse.
  11. do not message me telling me about you're issues you are having on another mugen website that i have no control over last time i check iam not a admin and have no kind of control what go on with you're account its really annoying and i have enough problem with what is going on in my life then to take a few minutes to really care about your problems that you are having on a mugen site if you are that upset then maybe you shouldn't be on th computer anyways

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    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      One was at me. And the aggression is misplaced. I saw you had the same picture on there, and wondered were you the same guy. So I asked. Thats it. You said yes, and I said oh hey youre a great guy. And thats was it. I dont know whats going on with MA or here. I dont get into that petty bullshit.

    3. Darklight


      It wasn't directed to you dude so chill

    4. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ
  12. well he have a transformation by chance to give him that spider look?
  13. they almost do look the same but you can barely see they are slightly different but not by much
  14. what was the point of this? has nothing to do with mugen
  15. wouldnt really say its a rare ideal simple because its a female version now i your talking about what you have plan for moves then that would be diffrent you cant really tell its a female
  16. some time ago someone was working on a ghostbuster character for mugen does anyone know if they ever finished it or maybe released it as a beta
  17. wouldnt mind having that either
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